A grand event fixing the pattern

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Michael James Watson

As the night sky lights up with stars Arloxedra comes over and finds a place near the new pattern but not sitting with Vek, Realmer, and Alvah. Dressed in a simple attire of pants and shirt, looking suspiciously like scrubs in a Amber green and white, he wears the jewel of judgment on its chain. He assumes a crossed leg position common for meditation. Those nearby feel him draw greatly on his psyche, laying his thoughts softly on the Wild Pattern. Time passes. After an hour Random and Bleys come up and 30 yards from the pattern set up folding chairs and sit. Bleys smokes a cigar similar to Realmer's and Random wears the crown of Amber in its smallest, thinnest form and offhandedly shuffles a deck of cards unthinkingly Moments latter Dame Margot comes out looking nothing like the busy kitchen chief she usually looks like. Her simple silver circlet looking more like a coronet somehow without changing shape. Finndo arrives on Random's trump. Wearing a suit and tie in black with green stripes. He wears a green glowing shadow of the jewel of judgment on his chest. With him comes Osric in a suit of mithril chain-mail. They settle into folding chairs. A few minutes latter Random opens a trump and pulls a man through wearing a Nehru jacket of brocaded blue and gold. A purple shadow of the Jewel of Judgment on his chest suspended by a fine chain of braided mithril. He settles into a similar pose to Arloxedra but next to Random. Realmer recognizes him as Tolknor. Random wears a long thin rapier, unseen till now, a new pattern blade. Bleys wears Werewindle. Margot has a shortsword on her hip. Tolknor an elephant headed cane. Vek whispers, “Well damn.....” Many of the elites come to stand far back and most the villagers have gathered . As tension rises Random opens a trump and Vance and Xozla step through. Vance wears his warblade and Xozla a long obsidian edged blade. Both look as if they just magically cleaned but did not yet repair their clothes from battle. They speak to Random and Bleys softly then move to sit behind Random a dozen yards. Vek whispers, “They must be expecting a show.”

Amber Bronkhorst

Only recognizing a few people Alvah frowns seeing the gathering of the crowd. Seeing then Vance returning she jumps up seeing he had clealry been in battle. With big eyes she looks at Vek. "What the hell is going on? Vek? Do you know what this is? Who are those people?" Her body is immediately tense ready to run away or to protect the pattern. For now she stands next to Vek. Her hands clenched into fists. Her eyes darting over this whole developing scene. With a look she lets her elementals hover more above her head.

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "Well, that's Random....and with him is Bleys. That's Dame Margot looking royal...... That's Arlo with the Jewel"" "Oh! And thats Vance and Xozla!!!"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at him and sighs rolling her eyes... "You know what i mean... them i know. Who is that.. or them?" She points to Tolknor then Osric and Finndo. "And what kind of show do you think they expect? Have they said anything to you?"

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "The man in the black and purple suit with the green stone is Finndo, Past King of Amber and rumored to be something of a power broker behind the scenes. With him is Prince Osric in chainmail. Rumors are that they are engaged in monitoring the First Brood. They showed up at Oberon's command during Patternfall and stayed throughout the Repair. I never met them. The man in the Nehru jacket must be Tolknor, a pattern forger in a Shade realm-King of York. He is also one of the Tosain people. The word in Chaos is that he has some reason for not rising to the Amber levels of shadow but there he is. Oh...." Vek points to the cliff edge. Alvah looks and sees Nur with a man in colorful long robes and a white beard with a decidedly evil look about him"

Amber Bronkhorst

"Right i heard those names... the pirate kings deck i am in was made by Finndo for Osric..so they are one of the oldest." She then looks at Tolknor and looks him over with respect. "A pattern forger oh right heard of him in talks with Nur." When Vek points to the cliff Alvah would almost wave to Nur till she sees the evil looking white bearded man... "Who is that man with the beard?" She asks that almost whispering. Her anxiety only growing as she feels the tension and her mind is reeling with ideas what this might all mean.

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "Im not sure. I am afraid it might be a Tosian named Jeremy. An archmage of Tosa. Nur is somehow associated with him. Adventured with him in the Tosa shadows. What i know is mostly from rumor and reading. A few conversations with Fortunadus. Nur waves to Alvah, motions her, Vek, and realmer to come join them as the gathering of powers assembles. Nur conjures chairs a foot from the cliff edge for everyone. The wizard looks at Nur with a dark scowl, crosses his legs and floats, watching Arlo.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer shows great interest in what Arlo is doing, even bringing up the Pattern Lens to see it better... but as the Notables begin arriving, Realmer drops his Sigil and takes note of each upon their arrival... how can he not since everyone is staring and talking in low voices. He recognizes most of them, having met most of them, and knowing the others from their Trumps in the Family Deck. He notices Alvah's apprehension even before she speaks or stands; he knows from his time being 'new to the Family', which was really not that long ago relatively speaking, just how uncomfortable a gathering like this can be. However, before he can speak and answer her questions, Vek takes a comical approach to the situation. When Nur al Din's identity is revealed by Vek, Realmer takes time to study the man's features. When they are summoned over by Nur's gesture, Realmer smiles and nods his head to Nur as they make brief eye contact. "Vek, you are correct; the man with the purple Jewel is Tolknor, I had the pleasure of meeting him not that long ago. And the man with Nur is Jeremy Fairhand; a powerful Tosian Archmage and Sorcerer, a member of CHAD, Veteran of Paradox Fallen, associate of Fortunadus... I have met him twice before... at least. Comparatively speaking, his Mastery of Magical Powers makes me look like a Neophyte out on his first adventure." Realmer chuckles and stands from his floating Lotus position. "I guess we should politely accept the invitation of your 'uncle', Alvah. This is a momentous event; it's not every day that a new Pattern is birthed, and then transported across Shadow to a new home. Everyone here has an interest in seeing this new Pattern and seeing how a Wild Pattern reacts to New Walkers and the Jewel.... plus, since this Pattern is more communicative than others, they may also be curious about that aspect and want to learn more. And, there are a lot of Magical and Inscriptional Powerhouses here... all with some powerful Artifacts at hand... I'm sure it is as insurance in case something goes awry." Realmer begins moving around the Pattern in the direction of Nur and Jeremy, moving slowly at first, making sure Alvah and Vek are with him.

Amber Bronkhorst

When Nur waves Alvah tries to break her panicked and cautious look and waves back to Nur. A slight smile on her face. She finally unclenches her hands little dark red crescent moon shapes visible in the palms of her hands. She then holds out her hand to Vek, not that he needs help getting up. But she likes to keep him close now. Leaning in she speaks soft. "I don't know what Arlo is planning and why all these people are here for it. But i don't know if it feels right... what do you think?" Hearing then Realmer she looks about again "Yeah well usually people with so much power together have their own agendas theylike to push and i would hate the pattern to be victim to that. NOt always are best intentions kept. " Looking at Jeremy Fairhand she nods slowly "So that is him, heard about him several times. Never met him. But yes lets go to that side, would be inpolite to not at least say hi. " While they move she softly mutters "Still hve a bad feeling about it though "

Michael James Watson

Nur sees the group approach. "Alvah...you've made quite a stir in certain quarters. Its good to see you. Would a hug be out of line?"

Amber Bronkhorst

When they arrive Alvah grins wide to her uncle Nur and just hugs him without giving an answer. "Since when do i care if something is out of place or not. " She then looks up at him and grins wide "Seriously why are people still surprised at things i do... i have been told to kick some things over.. and i bloody well do.. " Her grin changing in a sarcastic one "And you know best that i can do unexpected things right? Dad told me about the dufiro of Change and the assassination attempt when i was six."

Michael James Watson

Nur says, "Ya, that was a series of family problems between Delwin and Cihalas. " The wizard laughs softly a sound like breaking glass and nails on a chalk board. "Always family problems.. So below as above. Has the guest of honor arrived yet, Nur? I can't tell with all those bobolynes over there. This is the Alvah? With the Chaos piano p[layer i see. And..the wizard of the dungeons.... Come for the show?" Nur says, "No, i don't see them. You are Relmopator? Yes? Nur al din El Musifiar. I can't say i am at your service because that has implications among the Dufiro. Fortunaduas speaks highly of you. This is Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand, of Tosa. Lord Relmopator, Lord Vek Hendrake, Lady Alvah.. " Jeremy nods with a look of a cannibal. Vek asks, "Lockpick?" Jeremy smiles, "We all start someplace. I was a thief, Alex was a blacksmith, Tolknor was an Oxford don, Nur was a cantripist stealing apples. Where did you start?" Vek says, "As a vivisectionist in the kitchens of House Hendrake." Jeremey smiles.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer turns to Nur and bows respectfully. "Nur al Din el Musifiar; Well Met by Magic and Steel; I am Lord Relmopator of Amber, Lord of the South Wind & Master of Fire of Adagalasck and Clan Lord of the Kalota of the Odaraxta Adask of Adagalasck. And I will not say I am at your service either, for I have no time for social, or other, contracts at this time. But it truly is a pleasure to meet you; your name as come up in more than one conversation regarding Dufiro and I would be happy to talk to you the matter should time allow. I have had a few not so pleasant encounter with Dufiro and one of them most recently." Realmer smiles and chuckles slightly as he turns to look at Jeremy floating before him. "And I am already familiar with Jeremy, we have met before... a couple of times. Good to see you again, Jeremy. And it seems I have beat you here this time, for whereas you have come here FOR 'the show', I have been here since nearly the beginning and might just be a part OF 'the show'. But while things unfold, I hope you will allow me to pick your brain over matters such as Ravers, Stone Trolls and Ur-viles."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah releases Nur from the hug and cringes hearing the laugh of the wizard she looks sideways along Nur to look at the Wizard raising an eyebrow. Turning back to Nur she says with a slight scowl “You and I are going to talk about it, Dad did not tell everything about it and he said there had been issues with the dufiro of Change that fixed me and held me together after that whole mage burn thingymajig..“ To her elementals she gestures to come near “at least say hello to Nur.” Looking around she then adds “so who is the guest of honor we are waiting for? And what is this show everybody is gathering for? And why the hell is Arlo wearing scrubs. If he is going to hurt ourhm… the pattern…. Well it can defend itself it is just that the smell of burning flesh is not really good for a stomach purely running on coffee and tequila.” When Vek speaks about his start Alvah looks at him for a moment not with pity just recognition, as she had heard his story. She offers him a soft smile and then turns back to Nur and Jeremy “And pleasure to meet you Jeremy Fairhand. Heard some things about you here and there. “

Michael James Watson

Jeremy says, "Yes,, Fort tells me the Ravers, at least two, are in your realm. Pity. I hear its a nice realm full of bloodshed and warfare. oh to be young..."

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

"You are welcome to join my War Efforts anytime, Jeremy; your skills and knowledge would be quite welcome." Realmer is being serious, not sarcastic at all.

Michael James Watson

Jeremy smiles, "If the universe stays together over the next hour, maybe i will. ah....they come."

Michael James Watson

From the forest walk walk two people. regal looking. One is an extraordinarily beautiful woman, sparrows flitting around her. The other is Dworkin, but tall, broad shouldered, clear eyed, a king. Vek say, "I'd say by the teats of the unicorn but thats not something you say to her face...."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah her jaw would almost drop if she didn't was so tense in this whole situation. She just takes a step back not standing in front of anyone. A soft chuckle to Vek "No, no that would not be appropriate now. Soooo... that is going to be a show yes..."

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer is also slack jawed and silent, but does bow his head respectfully to the Unicorn and his Grandfather as they enter the scene.

Michael James Watson

People sitting in folding chairs rise and watch as she approaches Random. She bows briefly, allowing Random to grasp her finger tips and kiss them before she backs away. Bleys Finndo, and Osric are wide eyed and silent. Vek says, "Ah...this is my shadow... Should I go over there or jump off the cliff?" Jeremey says, "Might as well go. No matter how far you fell you would heal and then you are just a bad host" Dworkin and the Unicorn walk over to sit beside Arlo. Alvah feel a powerful pull scented with fire and spice, almost a pleading to draw near"

Amber Bronkhorst

She looks at Vek, then at Realmer, Then Nur and Jeremy and she inclines her head "The pattern calls. "She plainly states Then a smile to Vek and gestures to walk together to the pattern. "You can be the good host i'll be the awkward silent one comforting the pattern."

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer nods to them both at they reluctantly leave the safety of the folding chairs near the cliff and move towards the Pattern and the Dignitaries and Notables. "Good Luck; to you both." Realmer, since he was not invited, remains with Nur and Jeremy for the time being, also choosing to float in Lotus rather than sit in a chair.

Michael James Watson

Vek starts to walk but feels his feet freeze him in place. "Guess i'm not going either. "

Amber Bronkhorst . With big eyes she turns around and stands near Vek. She mutters "i am not going alone. i am as socially skilled as the front of a nearing locomotive." She stands still for a moment hoping her feet will freeze in place as well.

Michael James Watson

Vek says "What? and you want me to be your cow catcher? no thanks. You clean up after your own pet. Besides, i don't seem to have a choice. I would if i could."

Amber Bronkhorst

She clicks ehr tongue and scowls a moment a deep breath and she turns again towards the pattern. A moment she plans her route. Straight as possible to the pattern and not to close to Arlo Dworkin or the Unicorn... Her mind reels... about the presence of the last one... With as calm as possible steps she walks towarsd the pattern Trying to reasure it that she is there.

Michael James Watson

Dworkin says, "You found this in Azcala? Ravaged by Xotolt. WHen you walked it it followed you here. DOes that cover it?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Happy it was just a simple yes or no answer she nods "Yes, sir."

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer brings up the Sigil of the Pattern so as to observe the coming event through its Lens.

Michael James Watson

The Unicorn smiles at her, "Thank you. Please sit with us. The son of Eric, Son of Oberon, Son of mine, will be walking it in a moment, welcoming it to Amber."

Amber Bronkhorst . SHe looks for a moment back to Vek a soft smile and the anxious look in her eyes he might very well recognize. She then slides her legs under her as a ballerina would folding them in a lotus sit. "Thank you, uhm, how do i adress you properly?" she looks at Arlo and then turns to the pattern trying to silently, mentally comfort it, that this is okey. That she will be here for it and Arlo is a good guy.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer, while watching People, the Pattern and the goings on via his Pattern Lens, he also takes the time to Hyper-Tune his senses via his Shape Shifting Powers; increasing his Hearing Levels allowing his ears to hear more at farther distances, and his sense of smell, taste and touch as well, all so he can sense all that is going on and perhaps pickup on any warning signs of bad things to come. He does not, however, alter his vision, as it is already quite good and because the Pattern Lens will cover any visual needs or desires he might have. When Alvah asks Dworkin how to properly address him, he represses a snicker, realizing it was a serious question, remembering that not everyone 'grew up' with Dworkin as an actual Grandfather, Mentor and Instructor.

Michael James Watson

The Unicorn ignores the question about names but Dworkin says, "Dworkin will do. There are few people in the universe for who titles are poor descriptors. Alroxedra, you may begin. " Arlo stands, bows to the pattern and steps upon it.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah watches intently at Arlo and his steps she does not raise her pattern. It seems so out of place to do. She watches his moevements. The way Arlo had told her to watch her father walk the pattern. Her fingers nervously twisting the fabric of her skirt. She just watches.

Michael James Watson

As Arlo walks the pattern raises sparks. It seems to Alvah that the Unicorn and Dworkin are whispering to it. It seems soothed by their presence. The jewel glows red on his chest. She notices other with their Sign's up. Every few paces a section of the pattern hisses and crinkles and looks like it is flaking. The unicorn abruptly stands taking the unicorn shape and bolts away into the forest. Dworkin remains sitting. As she leaves a feeling of relief passes among the crowd as if some danger had passed. By the time Arlo reaches the end it appears like a normal pattern. Alvah senses a feeling of extreme gratitude in the pattern as if it finally can rest. Tolknor disappears and Jeremey turns and walks out off the cliff taking flight. Finndo and Osric leave immediately by trump. Bleys leaves soon after. Other spectators leave as well leaving Random, Dworkin, Realmer, Nur, Alvah, Vek as the last spectators in Veksvale.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer looks to Vek then Nur and says: "I think it's safe and appropriate to approach now and join the conversation." He nods his head to both in a follow me gesture then moves to join Random, Dworkin and Alvah.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah watches it all. Seeing everyone leave quickly she chuckles. Then turning back to the pattern she whispers to it. After a few soothing words she looks up to see who is still around and where they are. And if Vek his feet are already unstuck.

Michael James Watson

Vek seems a little annoyed to have had his feet frozen in his own shadow but considering the visitors its hard to affix blame. The group that gathers after Arlo trumps away is Random , Vek, Alvah, Nur, and Realmer. Dworkin begs off saying his work here is done and he is of a mood to run naked in nature like his wife. He shifts to stallion shape and bolts away. Random watches him go and says, "Well, that at least explains Julian's fondness for horses.. So, Vek, does this place have a tavern beyond that room i was playing poker for rocks?" Vek nods, "We have a community house but i have a feeling i will have a lot of community around here between the natives and the Elites. I may have to build one. If you all would like to join me in my homes we can break open some of the local mead barrels. Can you explain what just happened and why I had such a cadre of rude guests?"

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

"Well, Vek, if you would prefer to spare your home and personal stock of mead, I have a spell ready that could create a cozy tavern with an attentive Unseen Servant as bartender. And another spell to cover the food; I conjure a fine feast... though not quite the caliber of Mandor, or so I hear."

Michael James Watson

"If its all the same to you, i have had quite enough immersive magic occurring in my realm for a few days. I've chairs, sofas, barrels of mead and a nearly endless supply of elk, boar, and bear kabobs. And currently we have a professional tortilla maker in house so we have that going for us...."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah waits for the rest to approach before she stands up. A slight raising of the eyebrows as she watches Dworkin run off as a horse she just mutters. "Please stick with running... " She then slowly rises to her feet she smiles fondly to the pattern knowing it is at rest and whole now. She turns to Vek Realmer and the rest. "Well that was something though the real show was the sheer amount of people popping up." She looks a bit uneasy to Vek "Are you okey? Do you know who stopped you?" She steps closer to Vek but not to close giving him his space. "Oooh that is why you want me around... the tortillas. Hmpf well they were the best in Zunala that for sure. " She then looks down at her clothing her expression flashes some darker emotions at a moment but when she looks up she smiles again.

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer nods to Vek and says: "As you desire, Lord of Veksdale. I gladly accept your hospitality." He turns and looks to Alvah and smiles. "Quite the crowd of Notables that gathered here, all due to your walking a Sigil..." he chuckles good naturedly. "How you holding up, Alvah?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Turning to Realmer she smiles "Fine now, less of a crowd, didn't need to speak. " She exhales slowly. "Put me on a stage with thousands to watch and ask me to perform a solo variation of ballet for an hour. No problem... ask me to speak in a crowd... yeah... that is an issue. But all went well. " Looking back at the pattern she nods slowly "Yeah all due to walking that sigil. Just had to be this way i suppose."

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

"Yes... HAD to be THIS way you SUPPOSE... but it really shouldn't." Realmer's tone is friendly, but he is certainly emphasizing his words. "What I mean is, something like this really shouldn't happen... what you did really should not have been possible... and you surviving unscathed, even more improbable. I hope you know just how lucky you are in this matter."

Amber Bronkhorst

She suddenly stops and turns again hearing Realmer his words. She swallows audibly as if pushing a rock down. "Apparently it WAS possible. And who says i came out unscathed." She looks him dead in the eye, with a mix of pain, sadness and a hint of anger. She quickly turns her gaze in front of herself again. "The pattern had healed me when we arrived here." She states plainly She wraps her arms around herself and continues her way to Vek his place. Being silent to push down the thoughts again.

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "I am a middle range wizard as far as Chaos is concerned but i neve even heard stories o a magor insciotion being hijacked like that. Xotolt managed something extraordinary. Entering Vek's hall the group sees Vance and Xozla sitting in the corner laughing, dinking mead

Daniel Eric Van Campen Sr.

Realmer realizes he has struck a nerve with Alvah, and that her ordeal was clearly more than he was told, even by her. "I am sorry to have upset you, Alvah. What you have undergone would have been an ordeal for any of the Family. And untrained as you did it; even more so. What happened here and what you were involved in and accomplished are all amazing, and something to be proud of and remember always. I guess I was just expressing my concern over your incredible yet untrained abilities and powers. And my hope that you will take the pushy advice of a new friend and take the time to learn more about what you are capable of and how to wield those powers safely... well, safely for you at the least." He chuckles.

Michael James Watson

Vance hears the last of Realmer's comment and laughs, slapping Xozla, drunkenly. "YA!! If I were a betting man, and I am...." Xozla laughs. Vance stands and walks over to hug Alvah, tossing her in the air if she allows, "ALVAH!!!! What a day we have had! ANd I thought our adventure was going to be the big news! "

Amber Bronkhorst

When they enter the hall and Alvah sees Vance and Xozla. She stops for a moment and when she turns to Realmer she has that same warm smile on her face as usual. "It is okey. I understand why you said it." She then adds while looking at Nur. "Well it isn't so much learning as what i am capable of... more... when they tell me." She says this with the same smile on her face. She then walks over to her brother and lays a hand on his shoulder "Vance are you okey? Other then drunk?" Alvah yelps as she is tossed up not expecting that. "What news? How did it go in Zunala?"

Michael James Watson

Xozla says, "Other then 3000 miles of a mountain ridges dropping 200' feet and 300,000 priests having coincidental heart attacks and explosive diarrhea at the same time, everything's great in Zunala. And the best, Xolotl's trump is not functioning. He's probably still alive but he put all his power into keeping that Sigil of his together. " Vance says, "And a million Jaguar and Serpent and Puma and eagle cutists fighting each other to control land the priests used to control. A jolly mess. Xoz and I went in and found ourselves in a mixture of a genocide of the priestly class and a month long Burning Man festival. So we killed some priest, drank raw spirits and burned temples. A great time was had by all!" Xozla say, "Except the priests...." Vance nods, "YA! The day sucked for them..Oh, ive got about 400 very confused people at Vulsar who might have a bone to pick with you. But when we left they were learning how to use the showers and the replicators.."

Michael James Watson

Random finds a mug and dips a tankard full. "Well at least you had fun. Did anyone from the other tiers interfere?" Xozla, "Not to my knowladge. Cihalas is in Zictla. Zic and Zent are with Tonacat. When we left I had given passage to Quetzal into Zunala. He had been banned. Xolotl's banns are not worth much today. I wasn't seen but i will be suspected. Quetzal said he will take the credit for anything people think they saw me doing. Hes a good friend,"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks confused at first as if the news just doesn't really sink in. A frown on her face deep thinking wrinkles on her forhead . She wants to speak but at first nothing else comes out then some vowels. Then she just states "Okey.. thank you for going there. And taking the survivors with you." Listening to the exchange between Random and Xozla she nod slowly. Then turns to Vek. ".... you still sure? Seems this is just a beginning of trouble." Her eyes are a bit sad and tired of the emotional rollercoaster that was today.

Michael James Watson

Random turns sharply and says " its been a cold war since jaguar and puma cults started killing shop girls in Amber. This wasn't the beginning of anything. You want to know why everyone was here? If the pattern crumbled it was thought it might become a portal for Xolotl at least and Tonacat at the worse. If either had shown up, we wanted to be ready."

Amber Bronkhorst

She turns to Random and gives a short nod. "I fully understand. Would have been not strange if it was a trap like such. That would explain the ease of it transporting." Alvah closes her eyes and takes a deep breath after a few seconds letting it go in a sigh. "Yes you are right this has been going on for long. I am not the start of it of course " She then turns to Vek. "But i meant more the beginning of my part of the trouble here. We had a talk about that earlier." She gives Vek a playful wink starting to feel a bit lighter. "But to not risk things lets start tomorrow morning with coffee." She then daintily walks over to grab a tankard fills it up with mead and allowing herself to drink and enjoy for a moment. "Well i guess i did something good with putting Xolotl out of play for a while." She takes a big drink from the tankard. Then looking at Realmer she smiles "I know i shouldn't be able to do these things... there is more of that around. Like killing a dufiro of death at 6 years old just by instinct." She looks at Nur while taking a slow long drink. "And the father figures in your life keeping it from you. Like alot more teeny tiny snippets of info." Alvah grins and then chuckles. "You know what, it makes life interesting."