Firefly: 2UW 3
Garrett Waymire :: Sniper
Character Quote

|| Forceful || Savvy
|| Charming

- Knack: Death From a Distance
- Knack: Skulking Around
- Knack: Don't Need to See You to Know You're There
- Knack: I Know How You Feel
Checked SFX are active.
Vanity Distinction - Sniper They won't see you coming, but you'll see them.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Sniper Spend 1 PP to enter a scene hidden and in a position to do some harm. Take or step up a Complication representing a tenuous or precarious position to create a Sniper Nest d8 Asset.
Vice Distinction - Reader You know things you shouldn't. You don't know why.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Two Heads Are Better Than One: Once per scene, you may spend 1 PP to use the Knack of a Crewmember in the scene instead of your own. After the roll, take or step up a Complication to reflect their memories getting mixed up with your own.
Virtue Distinction - Loyal They mess with your people, they mess with you.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Signature Assets 

Like most on the Independent Rim, Garrett Waymire grew up with a gun in his hand. Critters were always a problem, and when it wasn't critters it was bandits, and when it wasn't bandits it was Alliance.
He wasn't good at much else, so when the recruiter came calling he joined up. His parents weren't pleased - he was the best hunter in the family, with the patience for sitting around waiting and a knack for finding his targets. It wasn't enough of a reason to stay.
The army took those skills and honed them. Before long he was making a name for himself as a sniper. He found he was able to anticipate his targets, when they were approaching and where, and take them out when they were barely in range.
And then it went wrong, as these things always do. Garrett doesn't remember what happened, only terror and blinding pain. His spotter got him out, and later told him about a target that was barely visible, how Garrett had taken the shot then seemed to have a seizure before vomiting and passing out.
Things weren't right after that. Garrett found he couldn't tolerate crowds, would wake up from jumbled dreams that felt too real. Doctor Adelaide Thibault diagnosed stress, prescribed a change of scenery, and that's how he ended up on the Sword of Heaven even though there's not much call for a sniper in the black.
Although it's easier to focus with fewer people, the dreams haven't stopped. He even woke up once in the medbay, with no idea how he got there and a bottle of pills in his hand - the same pills Adelaide later gave him when he asked for something to help him sleep. Further investigation has led them to a new conclusion. Garrett's a Reader, and now that his powers are growing he has no idea what to do with them - or what to tell the rest of the crew.