Vek and Alvah playing Fennec

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Vek-Fennec is a stern task master. Keeping the shape longer and long, moving in and out of it quickly... His own fennec a purple being with green and blue dark eyes, running fast and showing ALvah-Fennec where the good juicy rats are. The plump beetles and lizards are in abundance. SHe wonders how important ample game for hunting was in Vek's shadow manipulation to find this shadow. She finds he teaches so many things about her chosen form and how to mix Fennec and human to make a dangerous Fennec.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah thoroughly enjoys the teachings how hard or tasking it is on her. Also the hunting she finds an exciting task. She is used to harsh and stern teachers and thrives best under their teachings. This of course being different as her relationship with Vek is more then just teacher. But Alvah being Alvah she still tries to challenge or surprise Vek. Having a personal goal of being able to sneak up on Vek. One day she will pounce him.

Michael James Watson

As the lesson goes to the third day, without conversation or shifting out of shape she finds Vek one night biting her behind the neck Alvah realizes he intends to teach her All of how Fennec Foxes do things.

Amber Bronkhorst

At first not realizing what he is going for, she tries to get lose thinking he might want her to defend herself. But then realizing the intent Alvah hesitates but well when in rome.. or when a fennec, You do as Fennecs do.

Michael James Watson

Three days in form, eating as Fennec, running, hiding hunting.. One morning they uncuddle and Vek shifts to his demonic form and seems to go through a series of martial moves, like some chaosian tai chi.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah feeling actually by now really comfortable as a Fennec Fox she just remains laying down and looking at Vek. Since training is always tiring and other activities best to just take all the moments rest you can. With her head on her paws she looks up lazily enjoying the view.

Michael James Watson

He shifts to human form, drawing two long rough iron knives and going through the chaos tai chai. When done he comes and sits near her. "Alright.. I need to return. 3days away is enough to make them either adjust or kill each other.. We should work on your combat form but not today

Amber Bronkhorst

Only when he speaks Alvah slowly stands up shakes herself free from dirt from the ground. Then she shifts back to human form as well. "So who do you think if they kill eachother will have won?" She asks this with a slight grin on her face. "Right. Combat form next. Well whenever you are ready. "

Michael James Watson

"Spatchi. I wouldn't bet against her. This is a hunting community. I have not had trump calls so she won't have morre then her 100. But Dowser can do amazing things with wate, even up here on high rocks. 4 to 1 against him. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Looking at Vek she nods "Oh yes Spatchi is fierce. To a point she is scary. But she is a good person so i doubt she would allow killing to happen or fighting for that matter." A sense of respect and admiration is heard in her voice. "Oh yes that the village has Dowser on their side helps great... but lets assume no fighting had happened. Or... i hope. " Alvah moves closer to Vek and stares in the distance. "The people in the village seem tough and strong willed enough to deal with the elites being there as well. "

Michael James Watson

"I am not to worried about bloodshed. I seriously doubt my people attacking Elites. But they are a fiercely private people. What I am worried about is that those of the hamlet and within a days ride, might have fled to more solitary forests"

Amber Bronkhorst

Nodding slowly she hten looks up "Is there anything we could do for them then? I understand they want privacy and an army of elites nearby is not what they signed up for so to say. " Crossing her arms in front of her stomach she thnks for a bit. "Is it more dangerous for them in the more solitary forests? or would they manage to survive there?"

Michael James Watson

"THey survive well there. y setting up my camp and then opening a general store is what made a few come and join vilage life. A blacksmith, a professional brewer, an herbalist, other trades that lend themselves to highland living but not so much solitary living. But the pattern and the elites is a lot fo them to handle. It screams Citylife and thats what they left"

Amber Bronkhorst

"I understand. It's a shaem if people would leave the village, but i can fully understand it if they do. If there is anything i can do to help them. Even if it is not fully my fault. It did happen and i did play a part. " Alvah now starting to stretch herself. It might not be Tai Chi, for her it is more dancing positions and movements. While holding in a grand battement her leg straight up she speaks soft. "I just hope that the elites will at a point just go... the pattern is safe and the shadow is veyr much protected. Random should trust the decision of the pattern that it chose you. "

Michael James Watson

Vek laughs, "Random is trusting me to defend the pattern by only sending 100 elites. At least there are not a 1000 of them. That's a usual detail for a pattern. The thing is that here they have no city. No kingdom. They can't blend into the population. Nothing to do off duty. They have the forest and the hamlet. There isn't even a respectable tavern. There will be. Soon enough Spatchi will have barracks built, a mess hall and kitchen. Training grounds, and tavern if not two. My people may be reclusive but many will find it hard to stay away from a watering hole. And some i can think of will have stuff to sell at them. goat meat. eggs. beer, mead. bread. Soon a small farmers market will appear over in the compound that the locals will have one or three of the more gregarious sell their wares. They will adapt. I will lose some people but in a year there will be a town here, with a castle, and not just a woodland hamlet"

Amber Bronkhorst

Listening to Vek she is still holding her leg up stretching with her hands. "Yeah those sound like really big changes for a normal quiet forest village. But like you said people will adapt. It will be sad those who will leave, but absolutely gone they won't be." Lowering her leg she curls it gently around Vek his leg. "The elites too will adapt. That is one of the things they are trained for. " She presses her leg harder against Vek pushing him closer to her. "And the people in the village have an unspoken advantage whicj will be kept in the back of minds. They were there first. " She smiles up to Vek with a warm smile.

Amber Bronkhorst

"So how do you want to ho back? Hiking or running? And what is your idea with a castle, are you fearing it will be built regardless of what the village wants? Or do you just reallu want to live in a castle?" Poking Vek teasingly

Michael James Watson

"The castle we mentality is strong in Amberites. My plan is to gave dufiro supply the rocks and build it myself. I've done it before. Dufiro of earth draw up native stone from below us. They produce it as stone and morter. A small wall around the pattern letting it see sky and water. A 2 story she'll of thick stone. The interior built of wood.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods smiling. "Eh don't have that castle mentality myself but i get it, i think. Well if you need help, i am not the best builder but for my own shadow i studied a few things on construction at Vulsara." After some more controlled movements and stretching she plants her feet on the ground again. "Or i can help set up the gardens near the pattern or castle. I like to keep busy. " Inhaling deep and then letting out a long breath Alvah looks up. "When we are back at the village i need to talk to Spatchi though, she is really angry with me. Which i understand. But i need to talk to her and at least apologize. The tension now is not healthy for the cooperation either. Although Spatchi is very professional."

Michael James Watson

"You handle Spatchi first. If you want to garden there is plenty of room. I have a small community to build that will be organic with the one I already have. If I don't do it she will. I am glad we took a few days to run in the forest. Gives them a chance to get settled in. I got a tome from Nur for a Masoja of Earth and Guard to help building the keep I have in mind and the roads around the area. I need to do a summoning and make a deal. It will take a few hours to set the ritual up. I would very much like you, Dowser, and Spatchi there when i do the summoning. So if you need an ice breaker with her tell her i would like her to join me for the summoning."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Yeah i figure Spatchi is my priority now. And thank you an icebreaker makes it easier i hope.... don't know if you noticed by now but i am not as socially smart, just have a big mouth. " She grins quasy proud. Then wrapping her arms loosely around his waist she smiles. "It was nice to run around with you. But yeah back to business right? I'll be there when you will do the summoning. And i hope things are patched up with Spatvhi and me that she will be there willingly as well without shooting daggers with her eyes." She then releases Vek again from her loose embrace.

Michael James Watson

Vek nods, "Yes, back to business. But we will do some training again soon. There is a shadow near chaos, fast time, that we can go to sort out your combat form. " He kisses her and nods. "Good Luck"

Amber Bronkhorst

Returning the kiss she smiles "Thank you, you as well dear. And doing training soon again sounds great. It is a nice release from the stress." She then stays silent as they go back to get her mind in the right space to talk to Spatchi