The VultureCommittee: Alice

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Alice Fletcher :: Deceiver Archetype[edit]

The advantage of the knife is not having to reload.[edit]


STR 10 (50)

DEX 14 (70)

CON 11 (55)

INT 10 (50)

POW 16 (80)

CHA 12 (60)

HP 11

WP 16

SP 64

BP 48


Alertness 60%

Anthropology 0%

Appraise 60%

Archeology 0%

Art (Type) 0%

Artillery 0%

Athletics 70%

Craft (Type) 0%

Demolitions 0%

Disguise 40%

Dodge 70%

Drive 20%

Firearms 20%

First Aid 10%

Foreign Language (Type) 0%

Forensics 0%

Heavy Machinery 10%

Heavy Weapons 0%

History 10%

Insight 60%

Law (Larceny) 30%

Medicine 0%

Melee Weapons 70%

Military Science 0%

Navigate 10%

Occult 10%

Persuade 80%

Pharmacy 0%

Pilot (Type) 0%

Post‐Apocalypse Lore (Type) 0%

Ranged Weapons 20%

Reassure 10%

Research 10%

Ride 10%

Scavenge 70%

Science (Type) 0%

Search 70%

Stealth 70%

Surgery 0%

Survival (Urban) 70%

Swim 20%

Technology Use 0%

Unarmed Combat 40%

Unnatural 20%


Rating: 6 (30) . . .

Grandfather's Tanto;; Statted as fighting knife

Assorted regular knives


Mac Jensen, Blacksmith by the River Individual Bond [12] - Mac is a bushy bearded, bushy haired stump of a man. He is too emotionally damaged to live within a community, but he survives well on trade, his smithy set up where river meets road.

Mercy, Black German Shepherd Individual Bond [12] - As high as her hip at the withers, the big shepherd follows Alice around everywhere, trading companionship and watch duty for food and a skilled hunting partner.


At 14 years old, Alice doesn't remember anything but the world as it is now. She lives on the outskirts of communities rather than in them and lives on trade with whatever she can scavenge out in the world. She especially likes to scavenge the ruins of the Cities-That-Were. Bringing back whatever metal she can carry or drag to Mac for his forge. In turn he feeds her when she is there and keeps her in knives - some better made than others. He grumbles a lot, but she thinks he likes Mercy too. She always gets meat and bone castoffs when they are there.

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