Brahnamin's Characters) - Fix
Aaron "Mack" MacAran
Mirrors show what is within, not what is without
Son of Stone and Shadow Only real difference twixt stone and shadow isn't the amount of available space each possesses, but the amount of concentration required to cross that space.
Strong Charm of the Law Raised by law enforcement officers, Trick knows that perception is more advantageous than truth. He's got a silver tongue, especially when talking up authority figures.
Never Without a Mirror Tiny framed mirrors - squares, circles, triangles, shards - Trick is constantly making them in his free time and tucking then in his shirt, his jacket, his socks, and his pants pockets.


Agency solving conflicts of power, accountability, and independence,
both within and without the self
Crew your relationship with both your duty to Starfleet and your shipmates
Discovery exploration, curiosity, digging too deep, speed of advancement
Logic questioning truth and understanding, belief and processes
Passion boldness, bravery, ambition, glory, but also love, delight, faith, loss
Peace how you relate to war, pacifism, inaction, quiet, sacrifice, and hope
Trick suspects he might not be entirely human. He looks entirely human, if of the plainer end of the human spectrum in appearance. Unfortunately his magical power could point to earth magics, shadow magics, or even reflection magics. That last one comes closest, but usually refers to illusions and what he did was anything but illusory.
Cops see a lot of shit. The cops who were on call when his parents went over the uptown bridge weren't the sort to pretend they didn't see the shit they saw.
They had adopted him eyes wide.
His dads were great. Not a magical finger between the twenty they possessed. But lots of love, lots of understanding of the things boys went through, and when the magic thing hit with puberty it didn't even phase them. They got him in touch with the right people and got him in the right school.
Their recent move meant a new school, but it was another Magical school, and that was what he needed.