Brahnamin's Characters) - Fix

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Aaron "Mack" MacAran

Mirrors show what is within, not what is without

Distinctions d8 //d4

Son of Stone and Shadow Only real difference twixt stone and shadow isn't the amount of available space each possesses, but the amount of concentration required to cross that space.

Strong Charm of the Law Raised by law enforcement officers, Trick knows that perception is more advantageous than truth. He's got a silver tongue, especially when talking up authority figures.

Never Without a Mirror Tiny framed mirrors - squares, circles, triangles, shards - Trick is constantly making them in his free time and tucking then in his shirt, his jacket, his socks, and his pants pockets.

Disciplines d4

Command d6 leadership, negotiation, coordinating and motivating others

Negotiation d6

Conn d6 piloting, navigation, starship operations, and space travel procedures

Engineering d6 building, designing, repairing, and maintaining technology

Medicine d8 knowledge of ailments, injuries, stresses, and treating those maladies in a wide range of species

Science d4 theoretical and practical study of scientific fields, both physical and social

Security d10 use of force, threat analysis, intimidation, infiltration, strategy

Subdual and Control d8

Values d4

Agency d10 Everyone should have the freedom to do what they will and the responsibility to accept the consequences.

Crew d6 Family is family; love em or hate em, you stick up for em.

Discovery d8 Mankind cannot explore an infinite universe. But we can die trying.

Logic d6 I'm no vulcan, but I question everything.

Passion d8 Follow your heart, but lead with phaser fire.

Peace d4 I put the fist in pacifist.


Deescalate When you put yourself in a dangerous spot stepping between another crew member and a particular threat, step up or double security for an action.

Against All Odds Spend a PP to turn The highest marked die on a stress track into an asset for a turn.

Natural Healer Spend a PP to step back another character's Exhausted or Injured stress track.

Resources d6

Ketamine Doses for Hypospray d8 d8

Ketamine Doses for Hypospray d6 d6


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