Rayne deHavilliand

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Rayne deHavilliand
Seasoned Female, Gunslinger

Technically speaking, Rayne - who goes by Ray - is actually listed as a deserter from the 5th Louisiana Infantry Regiment, Company A. Then again, Ray deHavilland really didn't exist, though Rayne, a ten-year-old girl masquerading as a boy, was serving as a drummer in that particular Infantry Company way back in 1861. She served at the debacle of Chancellorsville and then as Lee's forces began withdrawing from Gettysburg, back in '63, she...saw too much. By the end of the year, with her approaching her thirteenth year on this poor earth, she chose to leave the Confederate Army on her own recognizance.

She made her way back home to New Orleans, then after being welcomed home with open arms by parents horrified by her inappropriate behavior, spent two more years of the debutante life. At almost sixteen, she truly realized that she had changed too much to be part of the inane civilian life, the unrealistic expectations of the War and general lack of understanding of the real world, promptly vanished once again, heading westward, where she perfected the basic skills learned on the battlefield.

She has since fallen in, here and there, with others of a similar mind, and now...she works to try to make things better in her own little corner of the world, sometimes with words, but more often than not, with those pair of pistols that hang low on her hips. Her normal stomping grounds over the past near two decades have been from New Mexico up through eastern Colorado, Kansas, and into Nebraska and into the Darkotas and Wyoming..

Rayne is of average height, auburn hair and blue-green eyes; pushing 30, and in that firm full flower of womanhood, she'd be a fool to even try to impersonate the little boy that had pushed her into the life of adventure. Her eyes are occasionally haunted and she has odd scars here and there from injury and wound and war.

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6

Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Gambling d4, Intimidation d6, Language (Native) d8, Language (Souix) d6, Notice d6, Performance d4, Persuasion d6, Riding d8, Shooting d10, Stealth d4, Survival d4, Taunt d4

Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5

Hindrances: Code of Honor, Habit (minor, Smokes cigars), Loyal

Edges: Ambidextrous, Combat Reflexes, Danger Sense, Two-Gun Kid

Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str) 2x SA .45 Peacemakers; bowie knife

Gear: Bedroll (sleeping bag; winterized), Blanket, First Aid Kit (basic supplies), Backpack ($2); 2x Canteen ($1); 25x Cigar ($2.50); Clothing, 2 sets, $10; Gloves, 2x ($10), Gunbelt & holster (x2) $30; Stetson ($25); Mess kit ($1); Notebook & 10 pencils ($1); Rations x5 days ($5); Rope, 50' ($2.50); Saddle $20; 2x Saddlebags ($4); Pocketwatch ($10); Horse ($150); 2x Pacemakers (SA) ($30); 200 rds .45 ($16); Winchester 76 ($40); Bowie knife

Languages: Souix (d6), Native (native, d8) Current Wealth: $155

Special Abilities Languages Known: Sioux (d6), Native (native, d8)


Novice Advances Raise Skills: Riding/Taunt Raise Skill: Shooting Edge: Two-Gun Kid

Seasoned Advances

Edge: Combat Reflexes

Worst Nightmare

A grown woman, she still has fear of being that little child that hides, deep down inside her soul, fearful and afraid for her life as the muskets thunder, the cannons roar, and how she ran forward with everyone else towards the Union lines - not once, not twice, but seeming repeatedly, then the ghosts of Gettysburg roll up, and she sees those she knew were now dead, continuing that horrible advance, taking bullet strike after bullet strike and still not falling...and then she ran, hid, and ran home, all the way home.