Darryl Freeman

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Darryl Freeman
Seasoned Male Human, Huckster and Agency Contractor
When it comes down to it a Civil War is always going to have a side that loses, one if not both of them. And when dealing with losers, some inevitably think doubling down on their ideals will undo the loss. With the Confederacy, that ideal was racism, and while Reconstruction is eagerly snapping up holdouts, that doesn't change the fact that some Black people are in the vicinity of townships deeply bitter would-be slavers - some of whom are in thrall to the Reckoning.

As his last name suggests, Darryl is an indirect victim of this; his Pa, Richard, was a former slave who was sold back into bondage by the Fugitive Slave Act shortly before Lincoln's election, his last free act before the war to hide his White wife and young son from the hunters. Darryl grew up with a chronic fear of being betrayed and sold into Hell because of it, which the War only aggravated - especially as the Reckoners awoke and drove the South deeper and deeper into depravity. But he never gave up looking for Richard, eventually coming to use his natural gift with numbers to become a professional gambler both to support his ailing mother and to look for rumors. One of the venues, however, turned out to be owned by a Dixie outlaw and sorcerer who did not take kindly to a mixed-race man cleaning out his probability-challenged cousin in a tournament, and tried to murder the upstart to make an undead slave. What said sorcerer did not realize that the ultimate winner of the tournament was a huckster impressed with how Darryl had to make her work for her victory, and an occasional contact for the Agency for "more outré" intelligence work. One raid later, Darryl found himself becoming an apprentice for a more higher stakes of gambling than he realized was earthly possible, and found himself working directly for the Yankees - with a promise to help him find and save/properly bury his father.

Darryl is a man who thinks of himself as a representative of a new generation of Black middle-class-and-up culture, and it shows; the man is a snappy dresser and quite gentlemanly. He's no vain fool, though - he doesn't need to look exactly far back in his history for proof half his heritage came over to the US in chains, and so he generally tries to take secondhand clothes and restore them rather than waste his money on fashion.

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Gambling d8, Language (English) d8, Notice d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4
Hindrances: Heroic, Loyal, Suspicious (minor)
Edges: Arcane Background (Huckster), Card Sharp (custom), High Roller (custom), New Powers (Illusion, Detect/Conceal Arcana)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str)

Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $500
Arcane Background: Huckster (Custom)
Power Points: 10
Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Cards-draws a red card for boost, black for lower Trappings), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Pulls out cards from Tarot, either to see changes in them (detect) or do a false reading (conceal) Trappings), Havoc (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162; Cards - pulls out a card from a non-standard deck to "break" the pattern. Trappings), Illusion (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163; A basic form of slight of hand symbolically creates a more complex illusion Trappings), Summon Ally (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169; Appears as a character from a face card. Trappings)
Special Abilities

  • Huckster: Power Points: 10; Powers: Boost/Lower Trait (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156; Cards-draws a red card for boost, black for lower Trappings), Detect/Conceal Arcana (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p158; Pulls out cards from Tarot, either to see changes in them (detect) or do a false reading (conceal) Trappings), Havoc (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p162; Cards - pulls out a card from a non-standard deck to "break" the pattern. Trappings), Illusion (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163; A basic form of slight of hand symbolically creates a more complex illusion Trappings), Summon Ally (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p169; Appears as a character from a face card. Trappings)
  • Deal With the Devil: Hucksters may not Short nor spend Bennies for Power Points (see Savage Worlds), but can Deal with the Devil for the ability to cast powers—even ones they don’t have and are above their Rank! They might also gain additional Power Points or a bonus to their Spellcasting rolls from such castings.

Languages Known: English (native, d8)

Novice Advances

  • Raise Skills: Occult/Notice
  • Raise Attribute: Smarts
  • Edge: New Powers (Illusion, Detect/Conceal Arcana)

Seasoned Advances

  • Edge: High Roller (custom)

Worst Fear: For Darryl, it's being enslaved; he's never been in chains, and if anything, that's built up the torment his dad endured worse in his mind.