Vek and Alvah talk

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Amber Bronkhorst

After Nur had left Alvah continued her path to the village, her dufiro friends with her again. When she arrives in the village it might be a bit later then planned but it was not that she was following a thigh schedule or anything. After she made sure the oxen are properly cared for and the cart is stalled she walks to Vek his place. She still sees it as his place, even if she sleeps there and lives there. When stepping inside she calls out. "Vek, dear, are you home?" Not hearing a response she walks to the fire place and starts a fire. Of course she could ask Sindri to help now, or use magic to do so but the basic skills need to be kept. When the fire is going strong she puts up a kettle for tea.. muttering about the freaking cold on this mountain. With a fresh blanket around her shoulders she sits on the rug staring in the fire, until she hears familiar footsteps. "Good evening, i'm making tea. You want some as well?" She looks up smiling at Vek. "You never guess who i ran into during my walk. Well you'll probably guess. Had a very interesting talk with Nur. About powers, paths, and of course Dufiro. Do you have time to talk?"

Michael James Watson

He settles by the fire, cat like, "Of course. Tea would be good. What was on Nur's mind? I kind of regret giving him a trump to this place."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah prepares another mug and pours two mugs full with hot tea. pushing one in front of Vek. "First of all he brought back the elementals. So they are back again. We talked Dufiro, about tomes, how they are made, about what happened to them when i walked the sigil pattern hybrid. " She stops to blow on her tea. "he wondered how it had changed me. We decided on, we don't know. And then we talked about, the possibility to join the Dufiro. " She looks up from her tea measuring Vek his reaction.

Michael James Watson

He looks over causally, sighing, "Ah... the Dufiro are not like a book club or a gym. You don't just join and then quit when you feel like it. Entering the Dufirosm is like being remade as a different species. Whatever you were before becomes secondary. Nur is pushing this on you?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah shakes her head "yeah but joining sounds nicer then becoming. And no, he is not, it just comes up alot. I think he expects it to happen at a point. " Settling a bit more snug in her blanket inching towards Vek she sighs contently. Taking a sip of tea. "He actually said that if i would choose that path rage would be a part of it, that worries him i think. But lets be honest if i would choose that path it would be in the far future. First i need to get a grasp on my own life and.... how did he say it. Formidable psychic armamentarium." She laughs softly as she speaks the last.

Michael James Watson

"If he is pushing doing it soon i'll revoke his trump for here. You are too young and too inexperienced. It seems like a great way to be equal to the elders but its a trap. Maybe someday. I obviously have no known Nur long, and I am sure he can beat me in combat. He was the High Lord of Chaos once, of a Shade of Chaos, but still a potent force. But if he is pushing an agenda, he and I will have words. A thousand years from now you will have power enough you may not need them and I would guess our time together will be long in the past so my opinion will be irrelevant. But my opinion is relevant now. Nur reminds me too much of some of the House Elders of Chaos. And not in a good way"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah smiles to Vek she shakes her head. "He is not pushing, but it comes up alot since. Well Dufirosm seems to be in my life alot. And i have been bonded with a life dufiro for most of my life. A masoja of change left a part of her in me so i would be able to live a decent life. " A slight shrug while she sips her tea. "So far i am more comfortable with having them around me then taking such a huge step. " She looks at Vek ans smiles a warm smile. "I feel no need to be equal to the elders really, i mostly feel the need to be in control of what i can do. It is like.... like you have this talent for dancing, your body moves graceful and flows easy, you have a great ear for music but you still can't fully tap into it and knowing you can do better starts to become frustrating. In that frustration the wrong things might seem great solutions but in the end they are not. And all you can do is find a way to tap into the raw talent and give it the training required to fully come to fruition.." Nodding slowly Alvah seems to think. "Do i make sense at all?"

Michael James Watson

"You are fond of shortcuts....I'm glad to see this time you are at least admitting you need some training. There is a frenzy about you sometimes I enjoy, but it scares me too. I respect wanting to understand how to use raw power. Its good to know how to control it. But 'Fruition'? It is not a reliable force. It's not a gun in your holster, its a lit bundle of dynamite in your lap. Your interest in it, and your belief you can learn to regularly draw on it, is going to get you hurt. I do not know how to focus it well enough to risk using it even in my own defense. There are sorcerers in the Courts that swear by drawing raw power of chaos from the Logrus. Not many. And the histories is full of great and powerful wizards who thought the raw power of the logrus was their servant. Those people came to sticky ends. As I said, I do not know how to do it well enough to teach it to others. I know it well enough to find other weapons if I need them. Thats the last you need to hear from me on the topic"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah raises an eyebrow to Vek and then softly laughs. "I have no patience, nope, i get frustrated quickly, absolutly, i tend to do stupid stufd then, hell yes. Case in point, the pattern here." Turning her eyes to the fire again she pokes it to break some charred wood. Smiling at the dancing sparks flying up. "I am curious to. Maybe that is one of the bigger issues. People know i am, show me a little sample to get me curious enough to lure me into something i shouldn't do..... hmm. " Laying the poker aside she lays a soft hand on Vek. "It is not so much the raw power. Am i curious hell yeah. Is it smart.. hmm. No and i know it isn't. But besides this raw power. As a child untrained and not in conscious touch with any form of magic and such i did that instinctively to defend myself. Granted nearly ending my life as well. But going back to the dancing analogy, as a child i had a.... ability to do that. What could i do if i find out where my power really lays? And find proper training in that. " With a spark in her eyes she continues "Multiple people say i have a stronger psychic armament then they expect from someone my age and experience. Nur suggested to fo the pattern here, since it is friendly inclined to me as well. Maybe the pattern can show me what it is i have. Then i can train, learn. I see what proper training does. You showed me with shapechanging the control and effectiveness that comes from it. " She then falls silent blinking at her own tsunami of words. "Okey damn yeah he clearly got me thinking... but i just don't want to do something stupid again." Her hand still on Vek she smiles at him "I feel finally like i'm in a good place, with you, here. "

Michael James Watson

Vek sits up, " You are in a good place. But one day we will both leave. We will not know till that day if we will leave together. We are of the blood of Chaos and curiosity runs in it.You learn well. I bet no one ever told you that? Your powers of shape change are already beyond the skill of some who have used it to assay the Logrus and survived. Does that tempt you? I left Chaos to protect my own life but I had to kill for years longer then you have to be given the chance to gain freedom. Would you care to guess how many high order constructs I have walked? And how many for each?

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah tilts her head and lets her hand slide off as Vek sits up. "No, noone told me that i learn well. Dad says i learn well from my mistakes and failures... " A slight frown on her face, which quickly dissappears when she hears about the Logrus. "Yes, of course it has me curious. Curious what it is like, curious if i could do it. And yes somewhere it is very tempting. But eventho you like my Frenzy i try to reserve that for more useful situations nowadays." Alvah then turns slightly to look Vek straight in the eyes. In silence she thinks then soft shake of her head. "No i do not know how many constructs. Or how many times." She keeps her eyes focused on him

Michael James Watson

He nods, ensorcells the tea to gin. "4 times. I met Vander and Carissa in shadow. We helped each other and they brought me to Amber. In time Random let me take the pattern. He asked which one and I picked the one in Tir No'goath. After that I did some business for the crown and it got messy. Afterwards I was strung with ugly residual magic and he offered me the dungeon pattern. I took Tir No'gath. When Random added me to his Music Room council he had an item that attuned through the pattern and again, I took the sky castle. The fourth would have been here and the fifth to attune the jewel! But alas. So when I walk the pattern here, it will be the second pattern I have walked." He finishes his drink and pours another. "I've assayed the Logrus once and pray to the serpent I never do it again. When you are given permission to assay the logrus it is permission to try. Around the Logrus in Suhay Way are dozens of hopefuls as I once was, looking at the logrus. Studying it. Singing to it. Worshipping it. Masturbating for it. Anything to become comfortable with it, to make a connection to it. And around it are eons uncounted of the bones the Logrus claimed. Sorcerers of might, lineage, and wisdom, dead and dried bones.."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Why the pattern in Tir Na'Nogth? A particular reason?" Her eyes study Vek for a moment a soft smile curls around her lips. "And the pattern here choose to be here with you. Wonder if that has any merit to walking it. But you still should. In time." Listening about the Logrus she nods slowly and a serious look washes over her face. "Yes you told me about the bones of the ones that had failed. That even those that study it for ages in the end back away from it. That assaying it is not a guarantee for succeeding and that the Logrus will try and make you fail." Looking down a moment she then looks up with that familair spark in her eyes "And still after those stories of which i know they are truth. I am curious and tempted. Hmm what does that say about a person. Good thing permission is needed and probably not easily gained" With a smile she says. "You will get your chance again to be attuned to the jewel, i am sure. "

Michael James Watson

"I've reconsidered attunement to the jewel. Chaos has a long memory and while it might forgive a thousand years of fealty to Amber, and the Serpent may not care about worldly politics, neither would forgive someone who walked the pattern with the Eye of the Serpent and did not immediately transport to the Courts of Chaos. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Turning to Vek she nods "Ah right. Had not thought about that. Sounds... sounds smart not to do it then. But you will walk this pattern right? " Placing another log on the fire Alvah shrugs the blanket off. As the fire the tea and good company keeps her warm enough. "When i am going to walk the pattern here again. I'll ask it if it knows what my raw powers are.. and i don't mean the using of raw power loke Fiona showed me. More my untrained power. Perhaps if i train more, i'll get better control over my life." Looking sideways to Vek with a grin "Did you know that i could have been the youngest prima ballerina where i grew up. Surely it is a shadow and it seems now trivial to try and reach such mastery in dance. But the point i want to make with it. I had fantastic teachers. They were able to keep me so focused to master my skills.... I miss that... And i wonder how far i could come given the right instructions." Laying her hand on Vek's she smiles proud "See how quickly i picked up shapechanging. Because of you. Your instructions. And you made it fun. " She leans in stealing a quick kiss. "I owe you for that. Together or not you did not have to teach me."

Michael James Watson

"I made it fun? Was the fun part the plummeting without wings part?" He laughs loudly

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks quite serious then atarts laughing as well. "Well part of it yes, you grabbed my immediate attention. You made it exciting. You made it hard. A challenge. And yes sometimes my inner crazy needs to be fed so plummeting down without wings was just like a roller-coaster." Shifting position on the rug she partially lays down. "I once had a teacher miss Diana, she was firm, hard a tough teacher but she got me to a level i never imagined i could. I loved her. Maybe dad is right and i should go visit Regor see if i can enroll in a ballet group. Or university. Hmmm though that can always wait. " She looks at Vek just looking at him, appreciating his presence. And them sitting before a cozy fire. After a minute or so she breaks her gaze and smiles. "Thank you for listening to my crazy ramblings. It actually helps not to make the stupid frustrated decisions."

Michael James Watson

He turns his lip a bit, as if thinking... "You mentioned Roller Coasters....That interests me..Ive known a few Chaosians that speak highly of Alamond. I've never been. I am told it has some interesting function. Tht it might have been created as a test run for Mandalay. Call it espteric magical interests.."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah raises her eyebrows. "Some interesting function, okey you got me curious especially since you get reminded by it by the mention of roller-coasters. " She turns a bit more towards Vek. "Sooo are we going to make a trip eventually to satisfy your interests." Alvah then rolls a bit to the side where she had a little barrel of mulled wine warming up. Rolling back she places the little container on the ground and taps it with her mug.... "Hmm really needs a spirit of blending to work, i suppose."

Michael James Watson

He looks curiously at her, "What do you need a Blender for?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah sits up a bit more and pours the wine in her mug offering also to Vek. Then taking a sip she shivers feelong the warmth of the temperature and the spices she added. "Nur showed me a tankard he has. It has a spirit of Blending well not his, his has a masoja anyways. He told me that if you bind a spirit of blending in a vessel like a tankard. It can take a sample out of a container with a beverage let it run through its magic. Then it returns the liquid and it can replicate the same beverage for you. The spirit gaining the experience of the drink and you gef free booze." She laughs softly. "I might want tk try and make such a thing. Oh the masoja really liked the mead here."

Michael James Watson

"His Masoja has good taste. Probably a Binding, Strength or Water. Shifters and Growth almost certainly have the power since its hard to be accepted among them without having done time as Blender spirit. But Shifters and Growth tend to be arrogant, having reached what most of them consider their pinnacle of their life path. Mug of Stealth would be something of an embarrassment. Still, a Mug for Nur, might be an honor. I doubt the Dufiro will ever stop honoring Nur. They aren't hard to make. In some chaos realms taverns won't allow you to bring your own mug...Spirits of Blending are usually the second race for dufiro, not counting their elemental race. Usually Water elementals who rise to be Water Spirits. Then Blending Spirits. There are a lot of advantages for them. They taste a lot of liquids, can replicate them, and mix them. If you visit the Dufiro realms most the bartenders are at least Spirits of Blending. Purify water is a water power. Mix waters is a binding power. Anything liquid is water to them. The nice thing too is that water and blending spirits advertise like mad. Its easy to get in contact with one."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah smiles listening to Vek. "It is a masoja of binding in Nur his tankard. He said he had plenty of tomes of spirits even Avasa who might be okey with becomming a low item to be an Amberites mug." A slight smile slowly appears on her face. She then starts to speak in a soft tone. "Sorry to go back to that point, but i would be crazy to go become a dufiro now. Well crazy is not fittin because i already am crazy. But it would be stupid. Thinking about it. Nur dropped it more often that many of the dufiro are curious about me and wouldn't mind meeting me or offering their tomes." She stands up with her mug still in hand and paces a bit in place. As she usually does when in a train of thought. "Many dufiro just for the experience and to be able to brag would want to work with an Amberite. And a young Amberite with certain reputation would even be better. If I would become a dufiro myself i lose that advantage. And if i can keep a reputation of someone never forcefully binding dufiro but always being true to the deal and negotiations....that is a way more powerful position to be in then becomming one myself..." She then empties her mug and drops herself down on the rug before Vek, landing on her knees. "Sounds logical right? It does to me.... but then again... am i a logical being?" Falling silent she blushes a bit. Might be the warmth and the spicy wine. "So can you show me how to make something like that?"

Michael James Watson

He nods, looks around..."Ok... Get dressed. Bring your weapons. Bring your trump decks. " Vek gets up, shifting his garb to fit him tightly, elegant. He walks to the big table and clears it. He pulls two chairs to one side of the table. He gathers candles and places various ones on the far side of the table. Once she returns he continues. “The candles are for light. Other rituals get picky about place and itme and such, but the one I am going to summon is not picky. He is a Facilitator. These may be Dufiro of any race but mine happens to be a Masoja of Health. A Facilitator is sort of like a performers Agent. He knows many dufiro and knows their terms. We will deal with him to contact the being, then go from there. Any Dufiro can be a Facilitator. Its not a guild, well, there are guilds but think of those more as social clubs of people in the same business not a licensing board. This one has dealt with Hendrake for centuries.” He sets a small glass in the middle of the table. Bringing a bottle of the new mead he pours it half full. He fills two glasses of Alvah and he. He sits on the right, and places his iron knife and his NP knife between he and the center of the table. He lays out 4 decks of trumps. He motions for Alvah to do the same.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah already excited is rushing back dressed and ready. A simple dress but one that compliments her figure rather then hides it. and ofcourse in her favourite colours a gradiant of black teal blue and purple. Seeing how Vek had placed his things on the table she does the same way. She places the knife she had gained from Vance. and her NP knife in a similar way Vek had done between herself and the center. With her trumps she does the same. Her decks placed in front of her. She then asks in a serious tone "So why the weapons and decks on the table? has it a use of is it a curtesy?"

Michael James Watson

"Iron for the bond. Paper for the contract. Shows we are serious." He produces a thin leather book. Thin leather, few pages. "This is his summoning book. Its a person to person request. This is in Nona but he will speak Vomos to barter. Some only barter in their language. Salaka is open minded." He pricks his finger and inscribes a circle in blood. He starts reading the text in Nona. Its a flowing lyrical language. The name Salaka is clearly a shortened version of what he reads. Moments later the haze turns dark green within the circle, like a night sky in a world with a green sky. yellow stars flicker and a toad like creature appears. "Vek O'kasha Hendrake. Its been a million years since we spoke last!" Vek smiles, "Its been about 40 in my passage and i bet little more hten that for you." "I was being poetic. What have you brought me? " Vek says, "Salaka the Healer. Will you facilitate for my companion Alvah of Amber, also know as Avaxala of Azcala?" "Alvah...Avaxala...Indeed?! Indeed. My greetings to you."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah listen and looks and is silent till the toad like figure appears. She inclines her head politely "And greetings to you Salaka the Healer. Pleasure meeting you. " She just looks at the Masoja appreciative. A smile on her face. "thank you that you are here and willing to hear us out."

Michael James Watson

It says, "Indeed. Hendrakes often make fine deals. And Amberites, just to speak with you is a treat i will share. Now, what do you call me for, Hendrake?" "I call you to bargain with Alvah. I would have her know you as a facilitator. " "Indeed. Then Alvah of Amber, what do you call me for?" Vek whispers, "Start small...Bargain small, deal small"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah smiles "Well glad you concider it as such and yes of course i do not mind you sharing that, though i do want to ask to keep things discussed between the three of us. I have no big request, but every little bit of information is worth something to someone. " She keeps a pleasant smile on her face. and then continues choosing her wording carefully. "I would like to make a deal with a spirit of blending, to discuss the possibility of making a mug of stealth for myself. And according to what i hear from Vek, you are the one to ask. What would your price be for finding a willing spirit of blending for me? "

Michael James Watson

"Finding? Oh indeed. Let us ask; A Mug of Stealth...Is it to be a sampler, a item known and recognized, used with permission or one is stealth, hidden, used to steal secret recipes.+? I have Spirits of Blending for either path. In truth, for an Amberite, i have new born Avasaa Blending...He is raw... accepted but hours ago. He might leap to such a position.. But...he has had a rough path and I think his service would do well for him." Vek says," A rough path, Leap at the position, new born...What are you selling us?" Seleka looks at Vek, "WHo do I bargain with again, Hendrake?" Vek waves to Alvah, leans back for a drink. Seleka sips the mead with a long toung.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah can't help but let out a soft chuckle at Vek his gesture. Turning back to Salaka she still keeps a moment silent and then speaks. "I was looking for the stealth side of a Mug of Stealth. So hidden, and being able to reproduce the sample taken. " She squints her eyes a bit as this sounds just a bit fishy. "An Avasa for such an low item. why would this avasa be willing to work with me? For a rough path can mean several things what i understand."

Michael James Watson

He nods, ", I want this Avasa to steer from dark paths. I would barter a public hosting. Born of Water, he took Cleanliness first, then for incomprehensible reasons took Combat. A friend of his convinced him. He failed at Defense and Guard. Where does on go then? He chose Rot, in order to show others he could behave. After that he was accepted into Water. He was tempted to remain so... but was bargained into Blending. Did well. Produced a vinegar used on the table of the Avasa Blending and they offered it to him. Of course he took it but he made no home, sno preparation to brew or blend. So he must be bound to gain. A term as Stealthy might lead him to bad company. I have a fine Spirit of Blending though. Water, Then Spirits of cleanliness, Water and blending. Suitable brewing facilities would woo him. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods understanding "Ah yes i understand, then this would indeed not be the right choice for him. But vinegar, hmm interesting. " A slight twitch of her eyebrow shows as Alvah is thinking of a new plan, a tell Vek might by now know from her. "Well if you know the spirit of blending who would be willing to work with me, that would be great. I am certain when i start brewing myself again they will be a great help. What do i owe you for your service?"

Michael James Watson

He nods," say, a 3 year in Amber term. 10 new world's renown vintages. Waters of worlds you visit. No more then 3 vessels. Brewing facilities to work with. Upon completion, a tankard made in Amber"

Amber Bronkhorst

A moment she stays quiet thinking. "Definition of new worlds renown vintages? new worlds for me new worlds for them? it makes a big difference. and is there a prefered material of the tankard?"

Michael James Watson

"Silver, Mithril if possible. The shape is yours to decide but it should suit your needs but be well made. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods "very well i can live with that, but still new worlds. i like that specified. before i fully commit to it. " After a moments silent she says "and you seem really invested in this avasa with a rough path. What if i could use his service, help him gain a bit of reputation. And no stealth, just honest work. What would htis be worth to you?"

Michael James Watson

"He is in my Band. He applied while a Rot, having taken it on as penance. I helped him get into the Spirits of Water. He did well and interested on of the Blenders in the Band to assist him. He was eventually accepted into the Avasa of Blending. He has not traveled beyond the Black Zone Worlds though he has been to Cynasure and has tasted Old Mink. He has know waters in over a hundred worlds and brews from Zilla to Trialgea to Ang Ri. While Rot he perfected a wine vinegar. If he travels and tastes waters deep into shadows, tastes wines and mead, he will produce fine Vins for you. I suggest a mithril tankard unless you have some suggestion. If he is to be known, then you should have a tankard that suits you and he will be well in it. a 3 year term in Amber. He will learn much, and give good service" Veks says, "So this is a Band matter. Excellent. Its name?" He says, "Agaya Trialgist. I am one of its senior, as well as a Masoja of Water and Growth, and a Masoja of Health and Earth. " Vek says, "As a Band matter, we would be interested in furthering the band. I did not know you had Band attachments." He drinks mead, "It has been long since young Hendrake called me. It was for Bajas, the tavern there, that you called me. We did not discuss my Band then"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah smiles looking between Vek and Salaka. She then nods finally "Very well, i'll take on the avasa for his services. will provide him with as much as i can. A Mithril tankard, i'm sure i can arrange such a thing. It seems like it is a win for all parties involved."

Michael James Watson

"Do you have the drinking vessel?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah shakes her head "i have to have something made like that first, but that shouldn't be such a big problem. When i have it. Can i call upon you again then?"

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "You could conjure"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah smiles at Vek, giving it a thought she nods "Well Salaka if you have a moment i will have a tankard momentarily. " She then looks at Vek and raises an eyebrow "Advice on where to start looking?"

Michael James Watson

Vek says, "Ok. Take out the card for Belieriand from King Random's Deck. Focus on the card, open the trump, then direct your conjuration through it to find a mithril tankard"

Amber Bronkhorst

Sifting through her location trumps she finds the card to Beleriand. Alvah does as Vek told her going by trump to the search for a mithril tankard. First focusing on the trump till it makes contact stable enough to let it be there. Then she starts to search for drinking vessels. Drinking vessels made of metal, then searching for drinking vessels made of mithril. Since she is not that profient in it or confident Alvah tries it step by step. Directing her will to what she searches she plans to find some mithril vessels in storage. not in current use. If she finds that she picks one that seems a fitting one to her.

Michael James Watson

she feels someplace a heavy based mithril tankard. And a sense of a tall thin walled tankard

Amber Bronkhorst

Her preference goes for the tall thin walled tankard. It is mithril and on itself would be strong enough. It has to fit her as well. So she cautiously goes for the tal thin walled one. Certainly not trying to rush things eventho she gets quite excited.

Michael James Watson

She feels it in hand arriving .

Amber Bronkhorst

Holding it and then pulling it towards her she looks at it. She closes the trump of Beleriand and places the tankard on the table. "Will this do?"

Michael James Watson

Selaka looks it over, "Very nicely, yes. Quite substantial..." Vek says, "Gondolin Mithril, yes, it should do very well

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah sits a bit more straight actually quite proud of herself she found something herself without causing trouble. Okey she did have a nudge in the right direction. She gently pushes the tankard between the three of them. "So then what follows?"

Michael James Watson

Seleka says, "I go speak to my band companion. Then I bring him here. He shall come in a similiar form to mine"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods and leans back a bit. "Very well, then we will see your return. " She smiles and looks to her right to Vek.

Michael James Watson

After he leaves Vek says, "A simple negotiation for a simple service. A bit more then expected too" He moves back to the fire. "They get more complicated. But some of the things they want are hard for us to value. Experiences. Foods. Drinks

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah following Vek with her eyes she just smiles. "Hmm right for a first time dealing not that bad right. Well not really first time once with Jurt i dealt with a dufiro a young one. To get some info on names and who put the dufiro of guard in Cicero. " Alvah laughs "it really freaked Jurt out at a point was pretty funny now looking back at it. but yeah for that dufiro i had to just get some good food and wine from the cellars of the castle and a branch of a tree in Amber. " Standing up she stretches. "There i heard first time of what you say. THat things like experiences, being able to offer certain foods and drink. or even have it on your table will show status and helps reputation. " Taking a few steps to Vek she smiles wide "Thank you for your help. "

Michael James Watson

"My pleasure. It helps who you deal with. I have a couple facilitators but i dealt with Salaka for my tavern in Bajas. Pure water, pure ale, cold ale. preservation barrels. No mold or stale containers.. Knowing he is in a Band makes sense. Sensualists.. They won't be hard to deal with. They are not know you ask for Warfare masoja or Guard or combat avasas.."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Yes ot does help if you already know a few. I notice it more often with Dufiro it is alot of mouth to mouth advertising. Which is veey logical seeing they live on reputations. " Looking back at the table with the tankard she smiles excited. She grabs Vek his hands When she looks up she looks genuinely happy. "I am so happy the pattern picked you and dropped me in your lap."

Michael James Watson

"Well, it would have been awkward if it dropped you on Delwin's lap

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah blinks and then starts laughing. "Yes that would be awkward.... and would end up in an argument or fight... with or dad storming off in a huff or me or in this context funnier both leaving in a huff leaving a pattern behind.." She steps in closer wrapping his arms around her. "But i mean it. You might not realize it but besides what you thaught me. You also helped me with other things. I finally feel i don't need to be in a constant fight with myself. With you i can be.. me."

Michael James Watson

On the table appears a butterfly frog in all purple. "I am Gorshtan. I am sent for Lady Alvah of Amber?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah turns around to look at the table seeing the purple creature she smiles. Reluctant she lets go of Vek his hands and walks towards the table. "Well hello Gorshtan, good to meet you. I am Alvah of Amber. " Walking to her chair she sits again all the while sje keeps her eyes on the dufiro.

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Vek watches from a distance. "I come from Salaka. I come to be mug. You take me east? Let me drink eastern waters. wines?"

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Alvah again nods slowly. "Yes i will take you with me. And you will taste waters and drink from where i travel. So are you willing to stay with me and travel with me tasting new things?"

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"I like bar fights" Vek chuckles, "of course you do" It say,"Will you start bar fights?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah laughs "In general that is not my goal. But they do happen around me yes. I do not really start them. " She looks at the creature Gorshtan "But i do not need you for fights. Need you as a Blending. "

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"You offer a silver mug and promise new water . I provide old waters, wines, and vins. I don't need fights. I do not need you for fights. It is what I want, to provide what I give. I want bar fights started by you" Vek chuckles. "Jurt's place"

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Alvah raises an eyebrow looking at the creature for a bit. " a mithril mug, new waters and different wines, and other drinks that can be found. And here i thought you wanted to stay out of trouble. " She then shrugs "Fine i'll start a bar fight. Now and then and in a place of my own choosing. And not every bar we go."

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"Is good. 2 glasses?" After she finds two glasses he leans against on that fills. "Ang Ri Gold Bloom. A strong fortified white sangria."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at the drink and smiles she takes up a glass. Inhaling the scent she then takes a sip. "A fortified sangria, interesting. "

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he looks at the other glass, then Alvah "And show mug"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah nods takes one of the aged local meads and pours it in the glass. Nodding to it. She then takes up the mithril tankard and places it next to the glass. "Local brew mead, honey from the local meadow bee population. Aged 15 years after fermentation." She then gestures to the tankard, "A tankard made of Gondolin Mithril. Can you agree with this?"

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It flows into the shotglass filling it momentarily then flowing to the tankard. While it fills the tankard with its form, the rich honey flavor wafts. She gets a sense, an encouragement to drink and notices Cicero on the table. It slithers up and sticks it's head in to taste the mead then coils on the table. The blender becomes a frog again leaving the tankard full. Blender and Cicero touch noses. The snake then slides over into Vek's lap Vek says, "I think this means your Guard approves." Alvah tastes the tankard, tastes the shot and they are identical Vek reaches over and tastes both as well. "It's perfect. " Gon says, "Am agreed. Wonderful silver. Nice snake. Am ready to be bound by 3 year term in Amber.. Read the Nelek binding song."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah watches the scene before her she smiles at it. It is actually a really beautiful thing she figures. Seeing Cicero content in Vek his lap she just smiled lovingly. Snapping out of it and taking a drink from both she nods approvingly. "This is brilliant. Wonderful. " She then looks a bit confused first at Gon then at Vek "Nelek binding song?"

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a small book appears in front of Gon. Vek reaches over, and picks it up. Reading he says, "This is your full tome; calling, summoning, binding. Its an Avasa tome so it's new.. He'll the ink isn't dry. Are you sure you want her to have it? " "If mistake, make big mistake first. Yes. Bind me." Vek opens the book to a page near the end. "There are two parts to a binding song. His is here in Nalak. The first is for willing bonding. The second for forced binding. Sing the first verse for binding willingly as the bargain stands. Sing the second verse too, and bond him unwillingly and keep him a mug for a thousand years, screw the deal. Giving you his full new tome is him laying himself open. My advice; Sing the first verse. Hold to the deal. In three years , renegotiate.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah listens to the instructions amd laughs soft heari ng Gon his remark. "Well that seems about my motto too. Go big or go home." She looks at the verse Vek points out and nods "Like i said before i do not want to bind unwilling. So first verse it is. Lets stick to deals. " She then first studies the verse before attempting to sing it.

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Alvah feels a rush like a sudden sugar high as she sings. It's immediate. A short verse. Gon disappears and the candles flash out, leaving the room lit by the fire. Vek smiles, cradling Cicero. "Well, try it out. The barrel of cherry mead is over there. She takes the tankard and taps on the keg. The mug fills. Vek says,"Just no bar fights here, ok?"

Amber Bronkhorst

She turns to Vek. "Don't worry no fights here. Like you said, maybe Jurts place. Do not think that he would mind.... probably. And else i can find good bars to fight in. Or at least start a barfight. " She gives him a wink and turns her attention back to her newly inhabited tankard. Alvah walks up to the barrel and taps her tankard on it. Curious how that will work.

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The mug fills to leave a couple inches from the rim. Tasting it it tastes exactly right. Vek says, "Mind you, the Dufiro is taking the liquid from the keg, then because its an Avasa of Water as well as Blender it it is replacing it at the same time with water. This has a couple of effects. First the keg 's liquid level never changes. If you did that to an open topped barrel you would see the liquid doesn't even ripple. As I understand it they take the liquid from as far from the opening of the container as possible. Being a blender it is refilling the container with a material identical to what it stole so the liquid does not dilute. It has a rot so we could have made other suggestions, such as that it does not replace the volume of liquid, but unless directed to not refill the containers they side of doing so. " He takes the tankard for a sip. "Yes... Nice. I hadn't thought of a Stealth mug. I may talk to Salaka about the spirit he had in mind. Also, since it had cleanliness in its path it will claen the mug anytime its emptied or anytime its left unattended for 4 or so hours. Also, its bound. It will not talk to you, give you judgments on what you put it it, nor detect as magical even unless someone is specifically looking for Dufiro." Since the table is still set up Salaka returns. "Lord Vek, I hope your lady is pleased?" “Did I speak your calling name too loudly, facilitator?” “No, Lord Vek, this time, since the circle was still intact, though a bit dark.” It turns and the candles light. “Actually I have come to you at the request of one who wishes to come to service to you.” Vek frowns, “To me? Why?” “It is known in the Halls of Law that you are accorded responsibilities for a Pattern of Amber. For a Chaos Lord that is quite something. And I spoke with a small group in the vasty Law Hall and spoke of seeing 2 Blades of Rasak. One has asked to be bound for a term of 5 years in Amber into your Rasak blade.” “A Law Dufiro? Whats his path?” “Born a Fire Elemental and lived as a Mixer as well. Entered into the Spirits of Fire it did time as a Spirit of Earth, Combat, Guard, Song, and Paper. He served a brief term with Cleanliness as a favor to his Knot before being accepted into the Avasa of Fire. From there he did service with Earth, Conflict, Guard, Strength and Knowledge. He moved into the Masoja with Fire first, then Strength, Combat, and currently he is in Conflict. He aspires to Life and Knowledge.” Vek looks astonished. “By the teats of the Unicorn why would such a being wish to be my knife? “ Salaka looks on quietly and says, “He is in the Party of Order” Vek walks to the kegs, and taps one, stalling for time. Filling a tankard before returning. “I see. What does it propose? “ “A 5 year term in Amber. It will communicate freely though not manifest freely. It would like to speak to certain Amberite. Lord Vek, you should know that all of Dufirosim is a buzz with word that Amberites have begun using Dufiro. For ages we have mostly been called upon by forces of Chaos. The Party of Law has diminished under such demands as you might guess. Now, you, Lady Alvah here, Princess Fiona, Prince Caine, Prince Delwin, King Vance, a woman named Grace, one named Drixta, and cousins Jurt and Despil have all done new business with us. Its very exciting for those of us in the Party of Law.”

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"Well i like it! Thanks Nur for the suggestion. *She says to noone particular since he i snot there but sometimes watching.* And thank you dear for helping me arrange it. " She laughs then turns hearing Selaka had returned. A warm smile on her face, "Yes thank you Selaka, i am very pleased." She then stays quiet listening to the two talk. An eyebrow raised as she sees Vek stalling before answering, she asks soft, though not whispering. "Party of Order, what is that?" Then listening further on she starts to get it and looks at Vek wondering what he might decide. "I am curious though to which particular Amberite they would like to speak. or just any would do?"

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Vek says, "There are a lot of Dufiro. And they goup together in thousands of ways for billions of reasons. He mentioned a Knot. Thats a small group that cooperate, help each other grow. Like a warband or a street gang, or a Law Firm. Is this knot part of your band, Salaka? Is you band part of the Party of Order?" Salaka bows in answer, "Yes to both" "So Salaka is in a band and the Knot is part of it. above them are many Parties. Party of Fire, Party of Shape, Party of Fear. Salaka here is apparently part of the Party of Order. These are Dufiro who are inclined to orderly behavior, a certain decorum. And in the battle of Law against Chaos, they side uncomfortably with Order. Till now though, few Amberites were public about dealign with the Dufirosm. We are, they know it, they want to serve order, eventually Amber. This is a way for them to do it, serving us"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah leans back drinking her cherry mead thoughtfully. Would be a shame if it would go to waste. "Okey i get it. So the Dufirosm should sort of be advertised or at least a bit more introduced within Amber? Look i am not against that especially if that is what the party of Order really wishes. But with new contats like that i am afraid alot of less prefereable actions might be taken as well. Not all will keep hteir deals or act to lightly upon a deal. " She then waves her hand "And i know i know who am i to speak like tha ti am the youngest in the room with the least experience. But i would hate to see Dufiro who might go with the best intentions to a deal with Amberites to be hurt or endangered. Or those that hope to reestablish themselves like Gon here get screwed over." Taking another sip she then smiles at Vek and shrugs "That is just my.. worries. But nothing of this is dependend on my opinion so i'll just be here and drink. " Giving a wink she then takes a demonstrative sip and leans back next to the fireplace.

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Salaka smiles, hops from the circle and looks up, "Alvah? My Calling Name Is Salakakasavaxa. Vek knew that but used the circle to teach you courtesy of the Dufiro. Now i give you my calling name so if you choose i can facilitate for you. Dufiro rarely break promises. Reputation is the true currency of the dufiro. Reputation of our partners is remembered as well. If agreements are broken each dufiro will deal with it in their own way, and with their own power. Most often though, if a partner breaks his agreement, the Dufiro just no longer answer him. Such people bind against our wills. As for your deal with Gon, it would be hard to break it unless you put him here on a shelf and forgot him. Then, at 3 years in Amber, he would vacate the mug, and your reputation would reflect that. Somehow I doubt that will happen"

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Looking at Salaka she smile sand inclines her head "Thank you, for sharing your calling name. And yes, i have heard a great deal of the importance of name, reputation, the growth and the advancing of the dufiro." Looking at her tankard she smiles "Oh no i won't break my promise, and i will not bind against the will of dufiro. And with Gon now i just have all the more reason to go out and have fun. " A thought crossing her mind just makes her laugh soft. "just realized i alone have six dufiro around me most of hte times. how about never being alone." Looking up at Vek a soft and warm smile "So, are you going to agree with the proposal of the one wanting to inhabit your rasak blade?"

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Vek says, "Yes, but i won't make the deal here. Salaka, take him to Bajas. I will be there in a moment. The time is 55 to 1 to 3. I won't loose time here. Agreed?" Salaka smiles a froggy grin, "Yes. I remember the place well." Salaka fades away. "Alvah, apparently i am off fro a bit. Care to come or pefer to stay here?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alvah looks at Salaka fading away then looks up at Vek. "Shouldn't one of us stay here with the pattern at least? Would love to see Bajas of course. The times you have talked about it now. Kind of curious about the place. And you are only going there for a deal right? So no time for sightseeing that much. Though seeing a different place would be nice too and i can take Gon with me...." Alvah kind of prattles on about reasons she should or shouldn't go. clearly anxious about something. "So do you want me to go with you? I mean isn't it safer if i stay here?"

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Vek smiles and says, "I have 3 places I have invested my consideration on. This is one. Bajas and the piano bar. When i get to Bajas i will do a bit of business, and possibly summong a masoja. I have to look over a couple tomes there to be sure. I want a little work on the sword done there. " He kisses and continues. " After that I go the KC for the piano crowd. On 7 or 8 shadows of the KC bar i made certain friends. Marines in fact. When i attended Rasak at Benedict's request, he allowed me to bring 100 marines. I've returned them to those worlds to mostly live out their lives as military professionals till i need them. Well I need them. They may have families by now.. I won't take them from their families but i will let them bring their families here. I need a force Downhill to start preparing for when Downhill discovers what has happened Uphill. " "As for this place being safe, Dowser or Spatchi will let me know if there is a problem. If there is a problem when I am gone, then that's how it goes. I won't be locked here like a Watcher Over The Threshold. Niether should you. Eventually you'll travel without me, as will I, but before that I want to show you my private lairs in those worlds, make trumps there for you." "You'll look lovely naked under a purple sky"

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Alvah looks with big eyes to Vek. When he kisses her she smiles. Slowly feeling a bit reassured. At his last comment she laughs and wraps her arms around him. "Hmm purple is my color afterall." She presses a kiss on his lips. "You are right, i shouldn't worry. Things will be fine here. And i will be fine away from here. So i will love to go with you. I do really want to see the places that are dear to you."