Return to the Void

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Return to the Void

by Portent

Level 5
Dur: Instantaneous
AoE: 1 target
Range: 50'
This is one of the most savage spells in the Ishiken's arsenal. The Ishiken manifest this spell as they please, from sending out a tendril of the inky purple and black with stars Void and striking his foe to merely making a slicing motion with their hand and causing their enemy's flesh to part like water. The effect remains the same: the Ishiken is ripping apart the creature's essence and returning their base elements to the Void.
The Ishiken deals to the target Void/School Rank Wounds with this spell. If the target is slain by this spell, their body vanishes, reduced to a mere memory as they are consigned to the Realm of Void.
Special: You may Raise twice to affect an additional target. You may Raise once to gain +1k0 damage. You may Raise twice to gain +1k1 damage.
This spell was inspired by Isawa Kaede (in the KYD Fiction where she rips apart the oni that had ravaged the Tower of Vines and slain the Oracle of Earth) and Sezaru (who routinely obliterated entire platoons of Lost and bakemono by consuming them all in the Void), and also by the passage above which talked about "unraveling" a foe. Crazy.