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Alternate Ancestors[edit]

Alternate Ancestors By Robmccoll

Doji Suzume
(Courtier/Courtesy)Rank1: Depending on which version of the Sparrow's founding you believe Doji Suzume was still trained by the Doji.
(Scholar/Honor) Rank 4: With the help of Suzume's aunt he managed to form a clan of scholars and artisans.

Optional Professions/Drives for Clan/Family Ancestors by Akodo Akira

Possible Professions: Tactician, Officer, Daimyo, Sensei, Soldier
Possible Drives: All Seven tenents of Bushido
Possible Professions: Officer, Daimyo, Soldier
Possible Drives: Honor, Courage, Passion, Duty, Vengence
Possible Professions: Duelist, Sensei, Daimyo, Administrator (Ninja Networks), Courtier, Spy, Outcast (eventually)
Possible Drives: Loyalty, Duty, Sacrifice
Possible Professions: Daimyo, Soldier, Officer
Possible Drives: Duty, Courage, Sacrifice
Possible Professions: Yojimbo, Monk, Scholar
Possible Drives: Duty, Sacrifice, Compassion, Courtesy
Possible Professions: Priest, Scholar,
Possible Drives: Ambition, Judgement (of the Great Kami)
Possible Professions: Soldier, Daimyo, Officer
Possible Drives: Compassion, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Duty (to Family)
Possible Professions: Courtier, Scholar, Magistrate, Daimyo, Artisian
Possible Drives: Courtesy, Sincerity, Compassion
Possible Professions: Administrator(Monk Temples), Monk, Scholar, Duelist, Daimyo, Soldier(He did destroy an entire legion of troops by himself in Clan War), Sensei,
Possible Drives: Duty, Judgement, Sincerity(?)

Ancestor Converstions by Shoju Gengi

Hida-No-Kami: Officer/Duty/3
Characters who take primal Hida as an ancestor gain a great benefit and a great burden. Those who carry the soul of Hida gain an additional Void point for every Crab who stands with them. Likewise, those Crab also gain an additional Void point. However, the character suffers 1 Wound every time one of those Crab is wounded.
Hiruma: Soldier/Duty/2
Those with Hiruma at their side can re-roll any roll by spending a Void Point. This can be done a number of times per day equal to the character’s Void Ring.
Kaiu: Daimyo/Duty/2
Those with Kaiu as an ancestor gain a number of Free Raises equal to their Void Ring when using craft skills.
Doji-No-Kami: Artisan/Compassion/2
The character is assumed to have rank 1 in all High skills even if they do not. If they buy the skill, they still must buy rank 1 if they have no ranks in the skill to begin with.
Kakita: Duelist/Ambition/3
The character can reroll any failed roll a number of times per day equal to their Void Ring, in or out of combat, including iaijutsu strikes. This second roll uses their Iaijutsu skill rank rather than the actual skill rank of the failed roll. If the character is defending the Emperor or a member of the Hantei line, they have a +10 to their TN to be hit in any combat, including iaijutsu duels.
The character is thoroughly hated by the Lion Clan, and the Matsu family may attack him without provocation.
Agasha: Preist/Sincerity/2
Shugenja with Agasha as an ancestor gain a Free Raise when casting spells.
Murimoto: Duelist/Ambition/3
A Mirumoto bushi, and only a Mirumoto bushi, can use the School Technique above his actual School Rank. For instance, a Rank 1 Mirumoto bushi can use both the Rank 1 and 2 techniques of the Mirumoto Bushi School. Those that leave the Mirumoto bushi school lose the benefit of this ancestor forever (GM discretion may allow those that finish the school and go to an advanced school or path may retain this ancestor).
Miya: Courtier/Compassion/2
Descendants of Miya add their Insight Rank to their Honor during all Honor Tests. However, the character cannot take an action that would lower his Honor below 2 (Honor Tests that could potentially drop his Honor below 2 are the exception). If, at any time, the character’s Honor drops below 2, he must immediately report to his daimyo or a major temple to find a quest to purify himself and raise his Honor back to 2 or higher.
Seppun: Yojimbo/Honor/2
Characters leading troops to defend the Emperor, the opposing (human) general cannot use more Battle than he has Honor.
Akodo-No-Kami: Officer/Courage/3
When rolling on the Battle Chart, they may roll 2 dice and keep the one they like. Also, their battle skill is always considered to be 1 rank higher than it actually is. Finally, the Natural Leader advantage costs 1 point less for this character.
Ikoma: Scholar/Honor/2
Once per game session, the character can ask the GM one yes or no question about their current situation and the GM must answer honestly.
Kitsu: Priest/Courtesy/2
The character can sense spirits as if he possessed the Half-Blood Kitsu advantage.
Asako: Preist/Vengence/2
The character gains a 6 point True Friend as well as the Brash disadvantage. If the character is ever betrayed by anyone, the Brash disadvantage becomes the Driven disadvantage (to the betrayer’s downfall).
Bayushi-No-Kami: Ninja/Judgement/2
The character gains a Kharmic Tie to another character that allows each other to share Void Points. If one of the characters die, the remaining character cannot ever spend Void Points again.
Yogo: Preist/Sacrfice/2
The character gains a number of Free Raises equal to their Insight Rank on Lore: Maho rolls. However, if they cast maho, they gain additional Taint points equal to their School Rank.
Ide: Courtier/Honor/2
Those who choose Ide as an ancestor have a powerful ability: as long as they wear neither armor nor weapon, anyone attacking them must first make a contested roll. The attacker rolls their Willpower against the character’s Honor. If the attacker rolls lower, he cannot attack the character in that round.
Iuchi: Preist/Justice/2
Once per day, the character may use his Void Ring in place of any other Ring when casting a spell.
Otaku: Soldier/Courage/2
The character automatically gains the Voice advantage. Also, their words are understandable by all mammalian nonhuman creatures. This does not mean they will comprehend the meaning, nor does it mean they will obey or respond.
Shinjo-No-Kami: Daimyo/Justice/3
The character gains a Free Raise for all rolls to determine people’s emotions or understand enigmas. That is, the character gains a Free Raise when trying to read someone’s emotions, figure out what type of Shadowlands creature faces her, how this gaijin contraption works, or what the best way is to cook this curious plant.
Asahina: Preist/Compassion/2
You gain two Free Raises on all Fire spells for damage only, although if you use this to harm any living non-Tainted being you lose 1d10 points of Honor. If your Honor ever drops to zero, you lose this benefit until you regain Honor up to 2.0
Moto: Soldier/Duty/2
Spells that would bind or limit your movement have their TN to be cast increased by your Insight Rank plus 5. You also gain a +2k0 bonus on all rolls to resist being bound (wrestling rolls, escaping chains, etc).

New Ancestors[edit]

New Professions and Drives[edit]

New Drive: Piety by Kakita Shisumo

Though not necessarily a shugenja, your ancestor possessed a deep and abiding respect for the kami, Fortunes and shiryo and was renowned for the devotion he displayed. Whenever a shugenja within 10 feet successfully casts a spell (including yourself), you may add one extra die to your next non-spellcasting action.

New Profession: Craftsman by Hida Setaka

Your ancestor spent his life forging arms or other goods for his life. You may select one Craft skill, which need not be the same as your ancestor's. His drive for excellence in his proffession gives you one free raise with your skill.