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These modification and notes are for the starship and vehicle building rules from the Science Fiction Companion, to bring them in line with Star Trek and the Adventure edition of Savage Worlds. Acceleration is no longer used. Climb is replaced by Handling. Crew Space holds 10 crew per Mod.

Starfleet and the Federation enjoy a high enough technology level that their vehicles and ships gain 150% the normal Modifiers for a vessel of its size. The Gorn, the Zinn and the Seltorian are at around the same technological level as the Federation and also gain these additional mod spaces. The Klingons and Romulans are not as advanced and instead only add 100% to a vessel’s basic mods. The Tholians and the Hydran are more advanced and should receive 200% over a vessel’s base mods.

STAR SHIP OPPERATION NOTES For Tabletop combat in Space, divide Speed by 100 to get its space scale. This is how may squares (or inches) it can move each round. Divide vehicle mounted weapon ranged by 50 to get their range increments on the table top. Also the Space Scale speed of a vessel is about how may AU it can travel in a 24 hour period.

Capital: huge capital starships are size 20+.

Ship Scale Penalties: For every +/-4 in Size scale, -2 to the larger vessel's attack rolls and add +2 to the smaller ships attacking rolls.

Warp Drive Navigation: Plotting a Warp course a Science skill check and 10 minutes time for safty reasons.

Starship Scale Weapons

These weapons are considered Heavy Weapons.
Weapon range is in Starship/Table top scale. In an atmosphere or on planety scale multiple the range by x1,000 ft.


Name Range Damage AP ROF Shots Mods Min Size
Lasercannon 6/12/24 5d8 5 3 100 4 +6
Lasercannon, Heavy 6/12/24 6d8 5 3 100 8 +10
Plasma Cannon 3/6/12 5d12 15 1 50 6 +8
Plasma Cannon, Heavy 3/6/12 6d12 15 1 50 8 +10
Disrupter Cannons 6/12/24 6d10 25 1 50 3 +4
Disrupter Cannons, Heavy 6/12/24 8d10 25 1 50 5 +8
Phaser Cannon Type I 8/16/32 4d10 20 1 50 2 +4
Phaser Cannon Type II 8/16/32 5d10 20 1 50 3 +6
Phaser Cannon Type III 800/1,600/3,200 6d10 20 1 50 4 +8
Phaser Cannon Type IV 800/1,600/3,200 8d10 25 1 50 5 +10

For Energy Weapons 'Shots' this is the number of shots that a ship can fire before 'recharging' the weapon's banks. It cost the vessel Mods required x2 to fully recharge a bank. Linked weapons are considered one weapon bank.

For direct fire against a target, Attackers make a Electronics or Science opossed by the target's Electronics skill. Success by the attacker means that the ship has a weapons-lock the target. On the following round as an Action a successful Shooting check strike the target. Without weapons-lock the attack roll is at an additional -4 in addition to any other penalties. Targets can try to break weapons-lock each round after but as an opposed roll where they suffer a -2 penalty to their Electronics check (until the weapon's lock is broken when the checks suffer no penalties).
For proximity or AOE fire at a target, Attackers make a Shooting check opposed by the target's Electronics or Piloting check. A win by the attacker means the weapon detenated nearby and the target veessel suffers 1/2 damage. The target could attempt a seperate Piloting check at -4 to 'dive out of the way' and suffer no damage.

EMP Warhead any missile or torpedo can be fitted as an electromagnetic pulse warhead. For missiles this must be done for each missile before it is fitting onto a ship's missile bay. For Torpedos this can be done by Engineering or Science actions as an Action and a successful Repair or Science check. These don’t cause actual damage, but roll “damage” normally and compare to the vessel’s Toughness, including Armor (ignore shields of the target and the AP of the missile/torpedo). Damage from EMPs attacks are not long lasting but can still knock out a ship as normal. They can also cause Ship Crises but for Immedate and Acture the damage effect is halved and for Continual crises there is no additional penalty to Dealing with the Criss. Recovering Wounds from such damage requires a Damage Control but the affects are not temporary (see Starship Actions and Ship Crises for more details)

Name Range Damage AP ROF Shots Mods* Min Size AOE
Missile 5/10/20 10d6 20 1 1 12/1 6 AOE (1 square)
Missile, Nucular 5/10/20 20d6 50 1 1 10/1 6 AOE (10x10 squares)
Plasma Torpedo 6/12/24 10d10 40 1 1 6/1 10 AOE (2x2 squares)
Photon Torpedo 6/12/24 10d12 40 1 1 8/1 10 AOE (2x2 squards)
*An entry such as 12/1 means 12 missiles take up 1 Mod slot.

Starship Creation

Structure Size Speed Handling Toughness Mods Crew Energy Cost Examples
Small 6 700mph +3 25 (6) 20 1 25 $2.5M Light shuttle, starfighter
Medium 8 600mph +2 30 (7) 25 5 100 $5M Bomber, heavy shuttle
Large 10 500mph +1 35 (8) 30 50 300 $20M Light freighters, partol boats, scouts
Huge 12 400mph +0 40 (9) 40 200 1,000 $50M Corvettes, freighter
Giant 14 300mph -1 50 (12) 50 500 1,000 $200M Destroyer, light cruisers
Garganturan 16 200mph -2 60 (15) 70 2K 2,000 $1B Battle cruisers, bulk freighters
Behemoth 28 200mph -3 70 (20) 100 8K 2,000 $5B Dreadnaughts, starship carriers
Leviathan 32 200mph -4 80 (25) 140 20K 2,000 $10B Super dreadnoughts, supers carriers, settlement ships
World-Killer 40 100mph -5 100 (40) 200 50K 2,000 $25B Mega-dreadnaughts, space station, super colony ships

Mods (x) is how many times it maybe take 1=Once, U=unlimited (up to all the mods the vehicle has)

Updated Starship Mods Mods Cost
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile attacks (and Tractor Beams). 1 $5K xSize
Armor (U): Increases a ship’s Armor value by +2. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. 1 $10K xSize
Artificial Intelligence (1): The ship’s AI can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. 1 $10K xSize
Atmospheric (1): Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability. Max size of 16 Half-Size $50K xSize
Bomb Bay (U): Each bomb bay may drop up to four Small, 2 Medium, or 1 Large (or larger) bomb per round at no penalty. All use the same attack roll. Dropping bombs uses the Electronics skill. 1 $50K
Crew Space (U): Living space for four additional crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. 1 $100K
Deflector Shields (1): The vessel is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming metories and ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls. Mod cost is 2 for Small to Large ships, 3 for Huge to Gargantuan vessels, and 4 for all larger vessels. 2/3/4 $10K xSize
Drill Spike Drive 1 (1): A standard Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum size of 10. 1/3 Size $1M xSize
Drill Spike Drive 2 (1): A enhanced Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size x 2 in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum Size 10. 1/3 Size $2M xSize
Drill Spike Drive 3 (1): A standard Spike Drive that allows the ship to enter hyperspace and travel at fantastic speeds. A basic drive uses its Size x 3 in Energy points each day it remains within hyperspace. This includes both the drive and the astrogation system required to use it. Minimum Size 10. 1/2 Size $6M xSize
Electromagnetic Shielding (3): Adds +6 to the ship’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles (SFC p. 25). 2 $5K xSize
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 16 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side. Small ships can make a contested Pilot skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. n/a n/a
Fuel Pods (U): Each fuel pod increases the vessel’s energy and life support capacity by 50% (SFC p. 40). Half-Size $100K xSize
Garage/Hanger (U): A small hangar (or garage) can carry up 8 Size points of ship or vehicle. A external lift-hooks can carry a veseel of up to Size 12 externally. 004 $1M
Handling (2): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vehicle's Handling score. 1 $25K xSize
Linked Weapons (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required. Total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.) n/a n/a
Mercantile (U): Found only on Huge or larger ships, this might be a restaurant, commissary, or specialty store. Each generates Size+$1d4K a month for the ship (and the same for the mercantile’s owner). The store has 300 square feet of space. Each additional Mod adds roughly 100 square feet and +$1d4K to revenue. 2 $100K
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once. 1 $50K
Passenger Pods (U): Small and Medium ships only. These are rows of fairly spacious seats with safety harnesses, personal vid-screens, and other amenities designed for short travels (typically less than 24 hours). Each pod seats 10. 1 $50K
Reinforce Structure (Size): Each time this mod is taken add +2 to the ship's Toughness. 1 $50K xSize
Sensor Suite, Galactic (1): Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Can also aid Science rolls for planetary data when in orbit. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion. 1 $1M
Sensor Suite, Planetary (1): This functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16) but has a range of 10K miles. 1 50K
Shields (3): The craft is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs its Size in damage each time it is hit before applying the damage to the ships Toughness (and armor). The shields can take a maxmimum of 10×Size per mods (1/2 Size) in points of damage before it’s depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A craft may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round. Half Size $25K xSize
Speed (U): Each purchase increase the ship's speed by 100mph (150kph). Cannot be taken with reduced speed mod 1 $100K xSize
Speed Reduction (3): This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's speed by 100mph (150kph) and gain half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 100mph unless it is stationary (like a space station) n/a n/a
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable

signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. || Size || $50K xSize

Superstructure (U): Superstructures are massive extensions that add great amounts of space to Large or greater Size ships, typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure adds one to the fuel used per day, consumes 10 regular Mods, and subtracts 1 from the ship’s base Toughness (not Armor) as it reduces overall structural integrity. Choose the type from the Superstructure sidebar (SFC p. 47). 10 $5M
Targeting System (1): The ship’s internal sensors and computers are linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. 1 $10K xSize
Torpedo Tubes (U): Each tube allows up to two Light or one Heavy torpedo to be fired at once (at one or two targets, as desired). 1 $500K
Trackor Beam (U): Tractor beams are specialized starship weapons designed to hold an enemy ship in place and pull it to the “attacker.” Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is quite short (about 1000 yards/meters), so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed Electronics roll at –4 vs the defender’s Piloting (or Electronics in Large or larger ships). If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down. 5 $1M

Vehicle Creation

Chassis Size Speed Handling Toughness Mods Crew Cost Examples
Ultralight 0 35mph +3 5 2 1 $200 Bicycle
Light 1 30mph +2 9 (2) 5 2 $1K Street motorbike
Moderate 2 25mph +1 12 (3) 10 3 $4K Heavy motorbike, off-road rec-ATV
Medium 3 20mph +0 15 (4) 15 5 $10K Motor car
Large 4 15mph +0 20 (5) 20 8 $20K SUV, pickup truck
Heavy 6 15mph -1 25 (6) 25 10 $45K APC, semi cab
Super Heavy 8 10mph -2 30 (7) 30 20 $75K Main battle Tank
Titan 10 10mph -2 35 (8) 40 40 $200K Train engine or car, fighter aircraft
Colossus 12 10mph -3 40 (9) 50 60 $500K Heavy aircraft transport,jet liner
Goliath 14 10mph -4 45 (10) 60 100 $1M Cruise liner, light carrier water ship

Mods (x) is how many times it maybe take 1=Once, U=unlimited (up to all the mods the vehicle has)

Updated Vehicle Mods Mods Cost
Aircraft, Helicoper (1): the vehicle is a helicopter. It can hover or fly with a Speed of 80mph (120kph) but suffers -1 Handling for their Size. Half-Size $5K xSize
Aircraft, Jet Plane (1): Jetplanes have a Speed of 600 and Handling +1 for their Size. They must move at half their speed every round or go Out of Control (they stall). The Speed Mod increase the speed by 100mph (150kph) instead of 10 Half-Size $10K xSize
Aircraft, Propeller (1): A traditional prop plane has a base Speed of 150mph (225kph). Propeller planes must move at least 1/2 their speed every round r go Out of Control (stall). The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 1/3 Size $5K xSize
Aircraft, VTOL (1): VTOL (Vertical Take Off and Landing) aircraft have a speed of 100mph (150kph) and a +1 to their Handling based on size. They can hover and fly and have no stall speed. The Speed Mod increases the top speed by 50mph (75kph) instead of 10 Half-Size $10K xSize
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Driving, Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile attacks. 1 $5K xSize
Amphibious (1): The vehicle can move at 1/2 its speed with a -1 Handling for its size on the surface of water. For four times the cost the cost and one addition Mod can be modified to be a submersibles. Movement is 1/4 speed. Includes a waterseal and oxygen supply for 8 hours. 1 $1K xSize
Armor (U): Increases the vehicle's Armor value by +2 1 $1K xSize
Armor, Heavy (U): Advanced metals, reactive, or composite materials are used for military-grade vehicles. Each time it’s taken, it adds +6 to Front Armor, +4 to Sides, and +2 to Rear; or +4 Armor all around (builder’s choice). Only Heavy Weapons may cause damage to vehicles with Heavy Armor, regardless of damage rolls. Bottom armor is equal to a vehicle’s rear. Top armor is equal to its sides (important when getting too close to taller foes such as walkers). 2 $5K xSize
Artificial Intelligence (1): The vehicle’s AI can operate all systems—from driving to weapons. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the driver’s Action Card. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. 1 $10K xSize
Booster (U): Nitrous oxide or other propellants increase a vehicle's Speed by 50% for a round. Each booster has six uses before it must be replaced. Their effects do not stack. Refills cost $100 per booster. 1 $1K xSize
Crew Reduction (U): Add 1 Mod slot for every four crew/passengers deducted (round up) n/a n/a
Crew Space (U): Space for four additional crew or passengers 1 $1K
Deflector Screens (1): The vehicle is protected by an energy field that deflects incoming ballistic attacks (it has no effect against lasers). Attackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls. 2 $10K xSize
Ejection System (1): Should a vehicle suffer a Wrecked result, crew members may make Agility rolls at –4 (or no penalty if an individual was on Hold or hasn’t acted yet that round). Failure results in damage as usual and failure to eject that round. Those who succeed are launched into the air and descend safely via parachute. The system covers all passengers and crew. Half-Size $5K xSize
Electromagnetic Shielding (U): Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles (SFC p. 25). 2 $5K xSize
Environmental Seal (1): The vehicle is sealed verses hazardous chemicals, toxins, radiation, and environmental conditions. It allows the crew to operate safeful in such along with enhanced heater/colder system to operate on most any planet so long as they is some time of atmosphere. It can add oxygen tanks to provide breathable air for all passenger and crew for 12 hours for an additional +$1K but this is not vacuum rated. 2 $5K xSize
Exposed Crew (1): Motorcycles and other “ridden” vehicles offer no protection for their passengers. Crew get no Armor bonus should it sustain a Crew critical hit. n/a 50% base($)
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. In the Chase rules, fixed weapons may only fire when the vehicle has Advantage and an Action Card of Jack or higher. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. n/a n/a
Handling (3): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vehicle's Handling score. 1 $5K xSize
Hover Vehicle (1): The vehicle uses hover fans instead of wheels. It ignores difficult terrain modifiers and obstacles less than a yard tall. 5 $5K xSize
Linked (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +2 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required. Total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.) n/a n/a
Living Space (Special): Large or greater vehicles only. The vehicle has an extended superstructure with bunk beds, personal storage bins for up to four individuals, and one shared bathroom and kitchenette (regardless of how many times this is taken) for longterm travel. The superstructure decreases overall Toughness by 1 each time it’s taken. The limit is half the vehicle’s base Toughness. 4 $5K
Luxury Features (1): Typically reserved for civilian vehicles, luxury features include music systems, minibars, video screens, and other comforts. The larger the vehicle, the more extravagant the features. 1 $1K xSize
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once. 1 $50K
Off Road (1): Ignore Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, treat each inch of difficult terrain as 1.5” instead of 2”. 1 $1K xSize
Reinforced Chassis (3): Increases Toughness of the chassis by +2. 1 $1K xSize
Sensor Suite (1): This functions exactly like the Medium Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16). 1 $50K
Shields (1): The vehicle is protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the vehicle's Size points of damage from each attack its suffers. Apply all damage to the shield first, then any left over to the vehicle (AP counts as usual). It can absorb Sizex10 before the shields are depleted. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A vehicle may regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no attacks in a round. Half-Size $25K xSize
Sloped Armor (1): The vehicle’s armor is sloped in such a way that shots are often deflected off its surface. Attackers subtract 2 to hit with Shooting direct-fire, non-energy weapons. 2 $3K xSize
Speed (U): Increases the vehicle’s Speed by 10mph (15kph). (This cannot be taken with Speed Reduction.) 1 $1K xSize
Speed Reduction (3): The vehicle sacrifices power and speed for additional room. Subtract 5mph to Speed each time this is taken to gain half Size in Mod slots. n/a n/a
Stealth System (1): Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the vehicle difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to attack or spot the vehicle subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the vehicle fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable signal such as radio signal, movement, or active sensor search. Size $10K xSize
Targeting System (1): The vehicle’s computer is linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. This does not assist the firing of passenger’s personal weapons. 1 $10K xSize
Tracked (1): The vehicle has tracks instead of wheels and can climb over small obstacles. This reduces Speed by 5mph, but adds +1 to Handling and ignores Driving penalties for difficult terrain. On the table-top, every inch

of movement is treated as 1.5”. || n/a || $1K xSize

Watercraft (1): The vehicle is a boat or ship. It’s base Speed are halved (round up). Speed Modifications increase Speed by 5. For larger vessels such as naval vessels or cruise ships, use the Starship rules for Size, Toughness, and Crew, and add any enhancements that aren’t specifically designed for space such as FTL drives. If a Modification is listed under Vehicles, use that instead. Ships may have Torpedo Tubes. n/a n/a