Star Trek for Savage Worlds Adventure Edition
This is a bit of a mix between FASA old Star Trek, the Cartoon, Starfleet Battles/Prime Directive and some of the changes that have happened to the Cannon over the years and various shows. To get a feel on where everything fits, TOS was set around the 2260’s, the first three movies around the 2280’s and Star Trek VI set around 2295 the present setting for the game BUT very different…
Around the turn of the 21st century environment problems caused many of the major powers of the Earth to start a limited scale war over resource, food, clean water, etc. From this, someone created various superhuman soldiers to help with their wars. These men and women were stronger, faster, smarter, better conditions than normal humans but they were flawed in one important way – they were supremely arrogant in not only their own abilities but their right to rule over everyone lesser then them. This caused the Eugenic Wars that almost destroyed the planet. In the end (sometimes around the 2050’s) the various supers where killed or imprisoned. There were rumors some escaped into outer space but not generally believed.
The world’s governments were mostly destroyed and small localized powers where all the remained at least for the next ten years or so as the people recovered. Much of this changed in 2063 when an independent scientist by Zefram Cochrane, launched his experimental warp transport for the first time. The Vulcans, who happened to be passing close by, detected this warp signature and initiated first-contact between the two races. The Humans started exploring outward fairly quickly and inspired and united by Cochrane and the appearance of the Vulcans lead to the formation of a world government (first called the Earth Alliance). For the next hundred years the Earthlings made contact with the Andorians and Tellarites and greatly expanded trade and shared scientific research. While most of these contacts where fairly peaceful the Earthlings also first encountered the Romulans Empire, which lead to war. The two side never meet face to face and the Romulans came close to destroying the Earth. In the end a peace treaty was negotiated between to two powers creating the Romulan Neutral Zone over sub-space raido (as the Rumulans still refused to meet or even be seen by their enemies). The Romulans retreated behind their borders for almost 100 years before reappearing to the Fedeatrion.
At the end of this war in 2161, the Earthlings pushed for the formation of a United Federation of Planets to be created and to include all of Earth’s colonies along with the Vulcans, the Andorians and the Tellarites. Within a year of its formation they also created Starfleet which would be a mutual defense and research group that would aid all members of the Federation. Both of these institutes are based on Terra but each member has extensive representatives here and on offices on their home-worlds. Starfleet in the early years was made up individual world’s ships based on common designs and crew by individual races with a few special individuals serving on other racial ships. Over the last century and a half most ships have become even more uniformed as the members of shared their technology with each other extensively.
During this period the Federation explored their region of space extensively and encountered many new species of intelligence beings, although not all had reached warp-capacity yet. There was no Prime Directive at first and Starfleet make it up as they went along. They also encountered the Klingons Empire. At first they were non-aggressive towards the Federation but there were a few border disputes. Two other species that had resulted in hostilities right away where the large cat like beings known as the Kzin Hegemony and non-humanoid Tholians Assembly. With the Kzin the Federation fought a short but bloody war that lead to the empires surrender and serious restricts placed onto their society. With the Tholians after the initial hostile encounters negotiated a peace and non-interface treat with the Assembly and a promise not to cross their board.
The Klingons became more aggressive when dealing with the Federations in the 2220-40’s that lead to a breakout of full scale war (the Four Year War) in 2248. Both side suffered horrible loses in both lives and resources such that they signed a peace treaty that established a thin Klingon Neutral Zone between them in 2252. This created something like a cold war until 2267 when the Empire crossed the Neutral Zone to invade the planet Organia. Hostiles had almost broken out when suddenly the natives of the world revealed themselves to be highly advanced incorporeal beings whom instantly incapacitated both sides and imposed the Organian Peace Treaty.
Other hostile races had been encountered in the following years including the Gorn Confederation and Hydran Kingdom. The Federation fought small scale wars with both before signing various eace treaties with them. This created some stability for the next two decades and the Federation and Starfleet focused much of its resources to exploration and research.
In 2291 this all changed when the Kzin sent a pirate like fleet in attacks against both the Klingons and Gorn regions, along with the Federation. Their ships where disguised as Starfleet’s in both Klingon and Gorn space, along with Klingon’s in Federation space. This led the three governments to being open war between them (the Organians seeming to have disappeared two years earlier) and the Romulans, Hydran and Tholians to also attack their borders with the Federation, testing its strength. By the time peace was achieved two years later most sides had lost millions (if not more) of lives and untold resources. The Kzin were severely punished by the Federation and Klingons and to this day they are not allowed warp capable ships and most starship weapons. They must rely on others for starship travel and trade even within their worlds of control.
This would come to be called the General War and all sides seem to be ready for peace again but also many lingering distrust and hatred among the various governments and citizens of the region.
The game is set in 2295, two years after the war’s end. There appears to be some new threats including the recent destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis which has resulted in the destruction of the Klingon’s home world of Kronos ozone layer that has thrown the Empire into turmoil. Starfleet Intelligence fears that of two factions forming in the turmoil, those that wish to sue for peace and those who wish to seize vital worlds for the Empire to conquer and resettle, that the hostile faction is the most influential right now.
Another potential problem is the Zinn Collective. These are a nomadic humanoid xenophobic race whose scout ships have been encountered by Starfleet on the very edge of Federation space. These encounters have been hostile as the Zinn ships have attacked without warning and have refused most hails and offers to negotiate. Starfleet Intelligence again believes that the Zinn Collective is made up a billions of beings on the huge world ships that have yet to enter Federation space but seem to be on a direct heading towards a number of colonies and planets of primitive sentient species under the Prime Directives protection. The Zinn seem to be seeking suitable worlds to colonize themselves and their apparent hatred of all other species is very concerning.
Two other major issues have also become concerns – the first are Intelligence reports from Starbase 47 (the Vanguard) about major troubles within the Taurus Reach between them and the Tholians who have ordered all colonies within the Reach to be immediately removed. The Tholians had never made claim to this region of space before when it was settled some 30 years ago and includes some 40 colonies and another 80 outposts. The Klingons and Gorn both also have boarders along this region and this has peeked their interest in the region as to why. The other issue is Orion pirates have been making increasing raids within both the Federation and Klingon Empire using Kzin as shock troopers to terrorize their targets. The Orion government claims these pirates to be reneges and has publicly denounced them but Starfleet Intelligence is not convinced.
Unknown to the Federation or Starfleet at large is a new treat of the Seltorian Tribunal Swarm. The Seltorians resemble large humanoid insects. This species sees all other sentient beings as possible food sources and hosts for the lava spawns that eat their way out of the host when they hatch. The Tribunal travel in large hive fleets that have raved multiple worlds just outside of known space of the present local powers.
There is also the mystery of where the Organians have disappeared to. Starfleet Intelligence believes that it might be another even more powerful race of beings. They have had multiple dealings with these so-called Godlike aliens before and this could be one of them interfering, but why?
- Setting Rules (SWADE pg. 136-145) Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Convictions (Gain conviction for heroic deads. When spent they grant a +1d6 to any Trait roll; which can also ace), Fast Healing (once per day), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Multiple Languages (gain ½ Smarts die in d6 languages), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls. Natural armor from something like scales doesn’t count as worn armor), Wound Cap (an attack can cause a maximum of 4 wounds)
- Rank is 5 raises instead of 4 (so require 5 raises for Seasoned, 10 raises for Veteran, etc.).
- Leadership edges in a High Tech setting the range with Command is extended to those who you can see and who can hear you, via a communicator, etc. (not just 5”). With Command Presence they only need to hear your orders (via a communicator, etc.) to gain the bonuses. Without advanced communication the range is as per normal (5” or 10”).
- Damage Raises: For each raise that you roll on your Attack die, adds +1d6 damage.
- Exploding Dice: all dice rolls can Ace but only once each.
- Range Modifiers: Extreme -6 (see SFC pg.27)
- Heroic Recovery: With access to future meds, at the end of fight, all characters who have suffered a Wound or Wounds can make a Soak Check after a short rest (10+ minutes) for free. Make a normal healing test, with a success you recover a Wound, a Raise recovers two Wounds.
- Run Dice: Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) and d6+4 (for a d10)
- Wealth Die (SWA pg. 145): as most crew members are not concerned with cash, character can use this system to purchase anything personal that they might want. Most is not as good a quality as provided by Starfleet, while others might be “illegal’ (like Romulan Ale)
- Traits and Skills: 5 Trait points for Attribute and 15 points for Skill (including starting levels – d4 in Athletics, Common Knowledge, Persuasion and Stealth).
- Species: pick one of the standard Species below. Other unique or rare races can be created with the GM help via the Making Races chart (SWA pg. 18-20).
- Profession: pick a Star Fleet profession and make sure you meet the requirements.
- Hindrances: Start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances.
- Edge: All character start with one free Edge.
- Languages: with the Multiple Language setting all characters speak their native tongue and an additional number of languages equal to ½ their Smart die at a base d6 each.
- Psionics (Arcane Background): is very rare in all species except in Vulcans and not fully accepted in them. Non-Vulcans should have some social problems due to these factors.
- Gear: Starfleet tends to provide all the basic gear that a serviceperson needs to carry out their mission. Characters can purchase personal gear if they wish using the Wealth system.
Characters for this game: Your characters are all fairly new Starfleet Academy graduates (no more then 3-5 years) who have been newly assigned to USS Saratoga, a Miranda-Class Medium Cruiser. While assigned Departments you are also part of the Prime-Team for the ship. Prime Teams act as primary Away Team members. This vessel has been in serve for about 15 years but has recently gone through a serious repairs and a major upgrade/refit. The newly assigned Captain Tavian (Vulcan Female) has orders to do a shake down mission along the Klingon Neutral Zone for one month and then to report to Commodore Mikhail Samuilovich of Starbase 47 for assignment in the Taurus Reach.
Other Possible Setting...
- To create more skilled/advanced character and higher ranking officers advance them to Season or even Vetarn.
These modification and notes are from the Science Fiction Companion, to bring them in line with Star Trek and the Adventure edition of Savage Worlds. Acceleration is no longer used. Climb is replaced by Handling. Crew Space holds 10 crew per Mod.
Starfleet and the Federation enjoy a high enough technology level that their vehicles and ships gain 50% the normal Modifiers for a vessel of its size listed below. The Gorn, the Zinn and the Seltorian are at around the same technological level as the Federation and also gain these additional mod spaces. The Klingons and Romulans are not as advanced and instead have only vessel’s basic mods listed. The Tholians and the Hydran are more advanced and should receive 100% over a vessel’s base mods. For other races it depends but the heroes may or maynot have an idea on how advanced another species might be.
Basic Structure or Frame of the Starhip
Structure | Size | Speed | Handling | Toughness | Mods | Crew | Energy | Examples |
Small | 6 | 6 | +3 | 25 (6) | 40 | 4 | 25 | Light shuttle |
Medium | 8 | 5 | +2 | 30 (7) | 59 | 10 | 100 | Heavy shuttle, civilian yacth |
Large | 10 | 5 | +1 | 35 (8) | 60 | 25 | 300 | Light Science Vessel (Oberth), light civilian transport |
Huge | 12 | 4 | +0 | 40 (9) | 80 | 50 | 1,000 | Surveyor (Nova), medium civilian transport |
Giant | 14 | 3 | -1 | 50 (12) | 100 | 100 | 1,000 | Escort (Defiant), federation light transport |
Garganturan | 16 | 3 | -2 | 60 (15) | 150 | 200 | 2,000 | Light Cruiser (Saber), bulk civilian transport |
Behemoth | 20 | 2 | -3 | 70 (20) | 200 | 500 | 2,000 | Mefium Cruiser (Miranda) |
Leviathan | 24 | 2 | -4 | 80 (25) | 280 | 1K | 2,000 | Heavy Cruiser (Constitution), colony ship |
World-Class | 30 | 2 | -5 | 100 (40) | 400 | 2K | 2,000 | Explore (Ambassador) |
Galaxy-Class | 40 | 2 | -6 | 130 (60) | 600 | 5K | 2,000 | Heavy Explore (Odyssey) |
Starship Notes
For Tabletop combat in Space the squares are basically the same as table top personal combat. This is how may squares (or inches) it can move each round. Also the Space Scale speed of a vessel is about how may AU it can travel in a 24 hour period. If measured in planetary scale x the Speed by 100 miles per hour.
Capital: huge capital starships are size 20+.
Ship Scale Penalties: For every +/-8 in Size scale, -2 to the larger vessel's attack rolls and add +2 to the smaller ships attacking rolls.
Warp Drive Navigation: Plotting a Warp course a Science skill check and 10 minutes time for safty reasons.
These are the basic Modifiers that can be added to any vessel (federation or otherwise). They maybe called different things but they tend to operate the same
Mods (x) is how many times it maybe taken; i.e. 1=Once, U=unlimited, etc. (up to all the mods the vehicle has)
Updated Starship Mods | Mods |
AMCM (1): Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to Electronics or Hacking checks made to evade missile attacks (and Tractor Beams). | 1 |
Armor (U): Increases a ship’s Armor value by +4. Due to the nature of space and the size and shape of starships, all Armor is considered Heavy Armor. | 1 |
Artificial Intelligence (1): The ship’s AI (or Ship's) can operate all systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, the AI acts on the captain’s Action. Giving the AI a short verbal command is a free action. | 3 |
Atmospheric (1): Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capability (max size 16?). | ¼ Size |
Crew Space (U): Not included in the Starship's crew listing, instead "living space" for ten crew or passengers, including sleeping area, kitchen, rec area, etc. | 1 |
Deflector Screens (¼ Size): The vessel protected by an ablative energy field that absorbs the ship’s Size x10 point of damage before being depleted. The threshold, or maximum amount of damage that the screen can stop from each individual shot is the ship’s Size. Apply this damage first and all remaining to the vessel. Each additional time this Mod is taken add an additional amount of maximum damage to the screen equal to the ship’s Size x5 and increase the threshold by ¼ the ship’s Size. Screen detonate missiles and torpedoes before they hit, reducing their damage by ½ (but see EMPs). A craft regenerates ½ is Size back in points on any round that it does not suffer any damage. | ¼ Size |
Electromagnetic Shielding (3): Adds +6 to the ship’s effective Toughness from EMP missiles. | 1 |
Fixed (U): “Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they have a 45° firing arc. Fixed weapons must chose an arc -- Forward, Port (left), Starboad (right), Aft (back). For ships that are 16 or greater can only fire at most craft with weapons facing that side. Smaller ships can make a contested Pilot skill test, beating the target ship grants two arc or they face the worst arch of weapons (winner's choice), a raise three aches and two raises all arch in the same round. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined Mod cost. | n/a |
Handling (2): The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. Add +1 to the vessel's Handling score. | 2 |
Hanger Bays (U): A small hangar (or garage) can carry up to two size 6 vehicles or one size 8 vessels or vehicles. For double the mods can carry up to ten size 6 or five size 8 vessels or one size 12 vessel. | 4 or 8 |
Impulse Drive Enhancer (U): each level increase the base speed by +1. | 1 |
Impluse Speed Reduction (3): This ship trades power and speed for additional room. Each time this mod is taken, reduces the ship's speed by 1 and gain one-half the ship's Size in Mod slots. Cannot be taken with Speed and the minimim speed is 1 unless it is stationary (like a space station) | n/a |
Life Support (1): base is 365 days for base crew and passengers for ¼ Size in mods. To increase to 3 ½ years (1,368.75 days) is ½ Size in mods and for 5 years (1,825 days) is Size in mods. Emergency Life support can be added for twice the base duration for the same mods or 1/8 ships Size (for ships that are not meant for long term travel). | see text |
Linked Weapons (U): Up to four direct-fire weapons (non-missiles) of the same type may be linked and fired as one, increasing the damage by +4 per additional weapon and reducing the total number of Mods required -- total all Linked weapons in a set first, then halve their required Mods (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total again) | n/a |
Luxury Areas (U): Found only on Huge or larger ships, this might be a restaurant, commissary, or specialty store. Each increases crew and/or passengers moral by +1 | 2 |
Missile Launcher (U): Allows up to four Light or two Heavy missiles to be fired at once. | 1 |
Passenger Pods (U): Small and Medium ships only. These are rows of fairly spacious seats with safety harnesses, personal vid-screens, and other amenities designed for short travels (typically less than 24 hours). Each pod seats 20. | 1 |
Reinforce Structure (Size): Each time this mod is taken add +2 to the ship's Toughness. | 1 |
Sensor Suite, Galactic (1): Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Sensors can also detect Warp Speed out to 5 light years with a check (+2 within 1 light-years; or -2 out to 10 light years). Can also aid Science rolls for planetary data when in orbit. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s. discretion. | 2 |
Sensor Suite, Planetary (1): This functions exactly like the Sensor Suite (SFC p. 16) but has a range of 10K miles. It can also detect Warp Speed at 1 lght year away. | 1 |
Stealth System (1): Not true Cloaking tech. Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other noncloakable signal such as radio signal or active sensor search. | Size |
Superstructure (U): Superstructures are massive extensions that add great amounts of space to Large or greater Size ships, typically to accommodate more passengers or cargo. Each superstructure adds one to the fuel used per day, consumes 10 regular Mods, and subtracts 1 from the ship’s base Toughness (not Armor) as it reduces overall structural integrity. Choose the type from the Superstructure sidebar (SFC p. 47). | 10 |
Targeting System (1): The ship’s internal sensors and computers are linked to all attached weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions, and the like, negating up to four points of Shooting penalties. | 1 |
Torpedo Tubes (U): Each tube allows a torpedo to be fired each action. | 1 |
Trackor Beam (U): Tractor beams are specialized starship weapons designed to hold an enemy ship in place and pull it to the “attacker”. Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is short or 4 on the starship scale, so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed attacker's Electronics roll at –4 vs the target’s Electronics or Hacking or Piloting. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down. | 5 |
Warp Drives (1): The Federation has access to five levels of Warp Drive at this time. Type I has a safe cruising speed of warp 3 and emergency speed of warp 6; Type II has a safe cruising speed of warp 4 and emergency speed of warp 7; Type III has a safe cruising speed of warp 5 and emergency speed of warp 8; Type IV has a safe cruising speed of warp 7 and emergency of warp 9; Type V has a safe cruising speed of warp 8 and emergency speed of warp 10. Cruising speed uses 1 additional Energy point a day of travel, emergency uses a vessel’s Size x2 in additional Energy points per day of travel. Also each day of travel at emergency warp requires a Repair -4 check. Failure destroys the engine’s dilithium crystals resulting in a loss of ½ all remaining Energy and no warp until they are replaced. Slow cruising is ½ cruising speed and uses 1 additional Energy point for every 10 days of travel. Slow cruising also imposes a -4 to Electronic sensor scans to detect warp travel. | Type I through III = ¼ ship’s Size; Type IV or higher = ½ ship’s Size. |
Starship Weapons
These weapons are considered Heavy Weapons. Weapon range is in Starship/Table top scale. In an atmosphere or on planety scale multiple the range by x1,000 ft.
Energy Weapons
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods | Min Size |
Lasercannon | 6/12/24 | 5d8 | 5 | 3 | 100 | 1 | +8 |
Lasercannon, Heavy | 6/12/24 | 6d8 | 5 | 3 | 100 | 3 | +12 |
Plasma Cannon | 3/6/12 | 5d12 | 15 | 1 | 50 | 4 | +12 |
Plasma Cannon, Heavy | 3/6/12 | 6d12 | 15 | 1 | 50 | 6 | +16 |
Disrupter Cannons | 6/12/24 | 6d10 | 25 | 1 | 50 | 3 | +8 |
Disrupter Cannons, Heavy | 6/12/24 | 8d10 | 25 | 1 | 50 | 5 | +12 |
Phaser Cannon Type I | 8/16/32 | 4d10 | 20 | 1 | 50 | 2 | +8 |
Phaser Cannon Type II | 8/16/32 | 5d10 | 20 | 1 | 50 | 3 | +12 |
Phaser Cannon Type III | 800/1,600/3,200 | 6d10 | 20 | 1 | 50 | 4 | +16 |
Phaser Cannon Type IV | 800/1,600/3,200 | 8d10 | 25 | 1 | 50 | 5 | +20 |
For Energy Weapons 'Shots' this is the number of shots that a ship can fire before 'recharging' the weapon's banks. It cost the vessel Mods required x2 to fully recharge a bank. Linked weapons are considered one weapon bank.
Missiles and Torpedos
For direct fire against a target, Attackers make a Electronics or Science opossed by the target's Electronics or Hacking skill. Success by the attacker means that the ship has a weapons-lock the target. On the following round as an Action a successful Shooting check strike the target. Without weapons-lock the attack roll is at an additional -4 in addition to any other penalties. Targets can try to break weapons-lock each round after but as an opposed roll where they suffer a -2 penalty to their Electronics or Hacking check (until the weapon's lock is broken when the checks suffer no penalties).
For proximity or AOE fire at a target, Attackers make a Shooting check opposed by the target's Electronics or Piloting check. A win by the attacker means the weapon detenated nearby and the target veessel suffers 1/2 damage. The target could attempt a seperate Piloting check at -4 to 'dive out of the way' and suffer no damage.
EMP Warhead any missile or torpedo can be fitted as an electromagnetic pulse warhead. For missiles this must be done for each missile before it is fitting onto a ship's missile bay. For Torpedos this can be done by Engineering or Science actions as an Action and a successful Repair or Science check. These don’t cause actual damage, but roll “damage” normally and compare to the vessel’s Toughness, including Armor (ignore shields of the target and the AP of the missile/torpedo). Damage from EMPs attacks are not long lasting but can still knock out a ship as normal. They can also cause Ship Crises but for Immedate and Acture the damage effect is halved and for Continual crises there is no additional penalty to Dealing with the Criss. Recovering Wounds from such damage requires a Damage Control but the affects are not temporary (see Starship Actions and Ship Crises for more details)
Name | Range | Damage | AP | ROF | Shots | Mods* | Min Size | AOE |
Missile | 5/10/20 | 10d6 | 20 | 1 | 1 | 12/1 | +16 | AOE (1 square) |
Missile, Nucular | 5/10/20 | 20d6 | 50 | 1 | 1 | 10/1 | +16 | AOE (10x10 squares) |
Plasma Torpedo | 6/12/24 | 10d10 | 40 | 1 | 1 | 6/1 | +12 | AOE (2x2 squares) |
Photon Torpedo | 6/12/24 | 10d12 | 40 | 1 | 1 | 8/1 | +12 | AOE (2x2 squards) |
- *An entry such as 12/1 means 12 missiles take up 1 Mod slot.
Warp Speed Chart
Warp Rating | Speed |
1 | Light Speed (The Speed of Light) |
2 | 8 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
3 | 27 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
4 | 64 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
5 | 125 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
6 | 216 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
7 | 343 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
8 | 512 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
9 | 729 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
10 | 1,000 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
15 (Sub-Space radio) | 3,375 times the speed of light (one light year every) |
These rules are ideas of giving players more options in a starship battle. Every PC can take one or more actions per ship round (some actions can only be taken once. Penalties for more the one action are listed on the Departments Action types). PCs who are department heads (or acting heads) can pick actions from their department. Any PC can pick from the general actions. All skill checks suffer a Wound Penalty if the ship has suffered any up to a maximum of -3 (with 3 or more wounds).
Usually, PCs choose to Do Your Duty or go Above and Beyond to generate Command Points, while others then spend them on actions for their department. All unspent Command Points are lost at the round’s end. NPC ships usually have a base number of Command Points they can spend each round, and may pick actions freely to spend them. NPC vessels don’t generate additional points.
The Captain or commanding draws the starships Initiative Card (other players do not), and determines the order in which the various crew actions, and distributes Command Points. The other player characters take their actions, generating or spending Command Points or dealing with crises.
Into the Fire (0 CP): Accept a Crew Lost Crisis and gain ½ your Battle skill die in Command Points. You can do this once per round.
Keep It Together (0 CP): Nullify a successful enemy hit and roll a Crisis instead. You can use this action in Instant response to an enemy hit. You can do this once per round.
Support Department (0 CP): Choose a department. One action that department takes will require 2 fewer Command Points (minimum 0). You can do this once per round.
Coordinate Crew (1 CP): Make an Electronic skill check. On a success you grant one crew action a +2 bonus to their skill check if taken before the next round.
Crash Systems (2 CP): Make an opposed Hacking skill check against a targeted ship Electronics or Hacking. On a success, it starts its next turn with a penalty to its Command Points equal to ½ your Hacking skill die. You can do this once per round.
Defeat ECM (2 CP): Make an opposed Hacking skill check against a targeted ship's Electronics or Hacking. On a success, all tactical actions this round gain a +2 bonus (+4 with a raise). You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.
Damage Control (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a Repair skill check. With a success you repair a Wound suffered by the ship, with an additional Wound repaired with any raises on the check. Each attempt of this action after the first in a combat has a cumulative -1 Repair penalty. These repairs least until the end of the scene and require a more ermanent fix with one day per Wound with a seperate successful check.
Emergency Repairs (4 CP or 3 with the Mr. Fix It edge): Make a Repair check at a base -2. With a success a disabled system is restored or a degraded drive has its Speed increases by 1. Raises can increase the degraded drive by an additional 1 with each raise. Destroyed systems cannot be fixed this way.
Reroute Power (2 CP): Make a Repair check. With a success you can boost one of the following systems as you route additional power into the system – (1) Increase Force Field overall points equal to the ship’s Size; (2) Increase the shield Threshold rating for one arch area by ½ the ship’s Size until your next round; (3) Increase the ship’s space Speed by 2 until your next turn; (4) Increase a single weapon’s damage by +2d weapon die for one attack; (5) Grant a +2 skill bonus to any one Comms, Helms, Navigation or Science action due to enhanced power to their sensors/systems.
Bring Weapons to Bare (2 CP): Make an opposed Piloting skill check. With a win, you can bring to bare one arch of fixed weapons against an enemy ship. You can take this action more than once in a round but all furture Helm actions are at -2.
Emergency Warp (4 CP): This very dangerous maneuver requires a Piloting -4 skill check. With a success you vessel breaks to warp speed and out of combat. Failure disables the Warp Drive and it cannot be used until Deal with a Crisis is used for fix it. After a successful jump Navigation must make an Electronics -2 skill to plot a course or the ship suffers a Hull Breach Crisis. And Engineering must make a Repair -4 skill or suffer the results of Emergency Warp Speed (see Starship Mods).
Escape Combat (4 CP): Make an opposed Piloting skill check plus your ship’s space scale Speed against the fastest opponent’s skill check plus their ship’s space scale Speed. On a win, your ship gains one point of Escape. If your ship gets three points, after three uses of this maneuver, your ship gets away from them and are no longer in combat with that ship.
Evasive Maneuvers (2 CP): Make an opposed Piloting skill check. On a success, you impose -2 penalty (-4 with a raise) against one enemy’s attacks against your ship until your next turn. You can take this action more than once, but it must be against a separate enemy each time.
Pursue Target (3 CP): Make an opposed Piloting skill check plus your vehicle’s space scale Speed against the enemy against a fleeing enemy vessel. One a win, you shed one point of Escape rating the target ship may have on you.
Focus Shields (3 CP): Make an Electronics skill check. Witj a success you focus the shields in to either forward, aft, port (left) or starboard (right). Increase the threshold of shields in that area by ½ the ship’s Size and lower then at the other areas threshold by ½ the ship’s Size until your next turn.
Plot Best Course (2 CP): Make an Electronic skill check. With a success you plot the best maneuvering course for the ship granting a +2 bonus to all Helm operator’s actions until your next round.
Analysis Foe (2 CP): Make a opposed Science skill vs. the target's Electionics or Hacking skill. With a success you can determine any weakness in an enemy ship’s defenses. Until next turn any attacks by Tactical can either lower the command points cost to Target Systems to 1 point or lower the target's Shield Threshold by 1/2 your Science skill die.
Detect Hidden Threats (1 CP): Make an Electronics skill. With a success your sensors can detected any possible hidden threats within the systems range IF it is there. This could include a cloaked vessel or mine, etc. but it does not pinpoint that item. That requires a seperate opposed check against the threat (i.e. a cloaked ship it’s opposed by the target vessels Electronics or Hacking skill plus its stealth rating).
Sensor Scans (2 CP): Make an opposed Electronics skill check against a target ship's Electronics or Hacking skill. On a success, you learn one of the following details about it – (1) overall Shield strength and threshold level and current remaining points; (2) Toughness (including armor rating); (3) base space Speed; (4) Weapon systems and types totals; (5) current Wounds.
Each raise over the target’s allow you to learn an additional detail.
Fire All Guns (5 CP): You fire all weapons mounted on the ship as a separate attack, designating targets as they wish. Turrets fire in all directions, fixed only in one direction.
Fire One Weapon (2 CP): You fires a single ship’s weapon of your choice. Turrets count as one weapon fired. You can take this action more than once. This can include Tractor Beams.
Target Systems (+2 CP): With a Fire One Weapon action you may target a ship’s weapon, engine, force field, or system (most systems are listed under notes but can include others) the GM decides are vulnerable. Such targeted attacks take -4 to hit. On a hit, deal ½ normal damage. If it overcomes the ship’s Armor + Shield Threshold it disables one system or degrades space Speed by 1 or it degrades the Deflector Shield by twice the vessel’s Size. You may take this action more than once. It deals no Wounds.
Above and Beyond (0 CP): Pushing yourself to help the ship or its crew. Pick skill and explain how you’re using it to help the ship. If the GM agrees, roll it with a -2 penalty. On a success, gain your ½ skill level in Command Points. When you take this action you can do nothing else in the round, including actions for department heads, etc.
On a failure, the ship suffers -1 Command Point.
Deal With a Crisis (0 CP): Explain what you are doing to solve a secific Crisis and roll the relevant skill check. The difficulty is -4, plus or minus 0 to 4 depending on the situation and the effectiveness of your action (GM’s call). On a success, the Crisis is resolved. You may also use this action to aid another PC in resolving a Crisis, working like a Support check (SWA pg. 106). As normal the maximum bonus that can be granted through Support is +4 no matter how many people aid. Normally when you take this Action you can do nothing else in the round except Do Your Duty.
Do Your Duty (0 CP): The ship gains 1 Command Point. PCs who head more than one department can only grant 1 CP; NPC department heads automatically take this action. PC can also take a different action, but they can only take Do Your Duty once a round.
Sensor Ghost (2 CP): Make a Hacking check at -2. On a success, impose a -2 (-4 with a raise) penalty to one enemy’s attacks against your vessel until the next turn. You can do this once per round.