'Rosewater' Dinas

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Combat (COM) Knowledge (KNO) Stealth (STE) Endurance (END) Strength (STR) Dexterity (DEX) Magic (MAG) Agility (AGI) Perception (PER) Sociability (SOC) Survival (SUR) Marksmanship (MAR) Willpower (WIL)
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Folk Lore 50
Smell & Taste 48
  • Health Points: 19
  • Fortune Points: 9
  • Combat Special Move: Knockout
  • Career: Apprentice Elementalist
  • Archetype: Pig (Strength +5, Endurance +5, Agility or Knowledge -5)
  • Character Traits: Spontaneous, Slovenly, Friendly

Appearance & Personality[edit]

Age 23 soon to be 24, fairly muscular with a few love handles, with a warm voice and the proverbial « friendly face » . Unkempt appearance and clothes are stained with mud and food and drink stains. Medium height, about 165 cm. Shoulder-length blonde hair held up in a bun, green eyes.


Balian Dînas was born into the fairly comfortable life of a smallholder in the village of Brambleby a couple of hours east of Last Bridge . The village also belongs to Baron Hanover. Finding the life of a miller uneventful and his older sister being there already to continue the family’s trade their father joined the armies of several of the contenders in the civil war , lately moving far to the east with the troops of Queen Isabella. They left shortly before Rosewater who had struggled since childhood to fit into gendered norms and felt more at home roaming the countryside picking blackberries,swimming and boating on the local Briar river and leaving offerings to the local spirits and faeries as their mother and many of the neighbors recommended, encountered an elementalist passing through the village on college business . The child who’d come to be known as Rosewater was able to retrieve a ring the mage had dropped in the river through a combination of stamina and being encouraged further down by the fish they met as they dived to the bottom and retrieved the coral ring. Satisfied by its recovery and Rosewater’s success at what may have been a test or a matter of chance and having been informed of the circumstances of the dive the witch offered to train the child in wizardry at a faraway college in the city and Rosewater’s mother was only too glad to see them go with the hope of them getting a better education and because she had younger twins to look after and a husband who tempted the fortunes of war.

Settling in the city Rosewater was able to begin a more formal study of the folklore that had been passed by the fireside and next to the Midsummer fires in their village . The allure of the city with its taverns, theaters and games was strong for the first few years but they applied themselves and were able to become an apprentice elementalist in good standing. The chance of taking up this first mission for the Order and to return home fills them with excitement.


  • Sturdy staff
  • Royal blue robes and pointed hat.
  • Green travelling clothes
  • Brass ring with an aquamarine that is a status symbol and signifies their being à water elementalist in training
  • A vial of rosewater
  • A potion of invisibility
  • Percheron mount
  • Writing set and paper
  • Cookbook and « A Midsummer Night’s Dream » a book on seasonal traditions and faerie lore
  • Purse with 9 gold crowns
  • Dagger
  • Satchel containing a blanket, wooden bowl and cutlery
  • Brown gambeson armor worn on the road over traveling clothes or when expecting a battle (PV 2, full, hot).


Weapon Damage Reach Concealability Special
Unarmed +1 F n/a Temporary damage; stun
Staff +2 A E Stun
Dagger +2 E A Can be thrown


  • Domains: Water (primary), Animals
  • Water Spells
Spell Test Duration Effect
Purify Water N+10 instant You can either purify UR litres of contaminated or sea water, or create pure water out of thin air, enough to fill a pair of cupped hands.
Acid Rain N-10 (no cloud); N+0 (cloudy); N+10 (already raining) 1 min Greenish, acid rain falls from the sky, inflicting UR points of damage. Armour protects as usual, but loses 1 PV. This rain can cover a maximum area of 10m radius.
  • Animal Spells
Spell Test Duration Effect
Beast Speech N+10 UR hours You can communicate with all kinds of animals and ask them for services, which they will perform if the task does not endanger them and you are friendly. The smaller the animal, the more you have to concentrate to understand it.
Shapeshift N+0 UR hours You can take the form of a chosen animal. You cannot choose the form of a legendary animal (basilisk, dragon, etc.) but only a common one such as a hawk, a bear, a fish, a fly, a cat, a lion, etc. You can only cast this spell on yourself.
  • Cantrips
Charm Effect
Find Water​ This charm allows you to locate the closest source of water, assuming there is one: a well, an underground spring, etc.
Protection from Rain​ Thanks to this charm, raindrops will not hit you (or your equipment), causing you to stay dry. This spell can also be cast on a target, but you can only maintain one rainscreen at a time.
Drizzle​ You turn the humidity in the air into a fine rain in your immediate area. Useful during heatwaves, where despite the heavy clouds, no rain falls.