Meeting a father

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Amber Bronkhorst Exiting Donovan's room she closes the door behind her. Letting out a deep breath she composes herself again and with a sure step she walks towards the hallways planning her path towards the other apartments where her fathers chambers would be as well. She figured she had given him enough time to get accustomed to them again. In passing of walking there she greets people with a smile as she would usually do. Recalling what they had talked about in the dungeons she figures it might be prudent to ask about the Abyssal mark. Since if she had to believe Vance. Only Brand could teach her control of it.

Michael James Watson After getting directions to Brand's apartment she climb into the royal tower to the long halls that hold the royal family's chambers. Walking down the corridor she come's to Brand's. Looking in, Brand is sitting on a stool in the middle of the room looking out the balcony.... "I have two bathrooms, a kitchen and a balcony....Can you believe it?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra leans against the doorpost of the entrance to his apartment she smiles. A genuine happy smile. She can't imagine how it would be like to be in the dungeons so long. And yes of course he could move around but still he had his own place above ground again. "Perhaps Sir, they anticipated that you needed to have some extra scrubbing time after being in the dungeons for so long. When one goes cold you can move to the other. " She stays outside the apartment looking over the man sitting on the stool in the middle of his room, who is apparently her father. "I want to apologize for leaving while we were basically still in conversation. When moving up the stairs i got an invitation to have lunch with a.. a friend." She looks around the room from her position and smiles "can i get you anything Sir?"

Michael James Watson "I have not been in this apartment since before Random's reign. Once i had freedom of the castle i determined to not visit. When i was last here I had one long chamber and a sleeping chamber. There was a closet. This rug.. I once decided not to kill Corwin because he was standing on it and I didn't want to get blood on it. " "The castle is a construct itself. It changes with the will of its ruller. Oberon wanted thick walls adn small austere quarters. Random want luxury. So the castle heeded its king and grew me a kitchen, a balcony, a bigger master bedroom with a bathroom, and a second bathroom and bedroom. I suppose i'll have to let Faroooq move in....Smart castle..."

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra looks at the rug she smiles "it looks like a very fine rug Prince Brand. I can see how bloodstains would ruin such. " She listens to him with a smile looking slowly around then she nods. Not that Brand sees it as he faces away from her but she adds to it. "Well yes most apartments and quarters have an extra bedroom and bathroom or along those lines, Usually for the elite assigned. Though i usually stayed when in Amber in the barracks. " After a moment silence. "So you keep Farooq as your guard then? Happy to hear he is not with out a job now. Sir, if you wish more time to yourself i can leave again of course." she listens to Brand talk and reminise she takes out her sketchbook loving the composition of a recent free. or free-er man sitting within his own place again. Silently she sketches

Michael James Watson "Please.. Lets take a seat on those fine padded lounges.. The castle apparently remembers.. I used those several hundred years ago. I packed my cell till it looked like a warehouse. It stank of tobacco, paint, wine, and old parchment. Now I have two bedrooms and a balcony. Oberon deemed the castle be a structure to defend against armies. Random seems to have outsourced his wars. The castle has windows and trump points and balconies. From a military point of view it is not nearly as easy to defend. But what force would attack us that way after Chaos failed to conquer this castle." He walks to the kitchen. "A franklin stove, coold stone refrigerator and freezer. Wine, oil. Hot and cold running water. I assume the bathrooms are as nice. We had chamber pots and washing basins in Oberon's time. " He walks back, underhanding two bottles of wine toward Alex almost thoughtlessly. He walks to look in the small room. "Look at that light.. Faroooq can sleep in the corridor for all I care. He doesn't get this room. This is a artists dream.. A balcony that catches the evening sun...I changed my mind. Come out on the balcony. There are comfortable chairs. Grab a wheel of that cheese and a couple loafs of bread. I am going to do a magical experiment and if it blows up on me I would like someone to at least watch me die"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex takes the bottles from him and follows him around seeing it as a que to get into action. When told to get cheese and bread she dutifully moves around gathers the food utensils and cuttingboard. She places it all on the table outside on the balcony. Hearing Brand talk about a magical experiment she blinks at him, once. But then continues cutting and preparing all the while silent. The moment she is done with the wine and the food placement she had poured a glass for Brand. Standing behind her chair. " Do you need anything else? And shouldn't i get someone that could help might it go wrong? I doubt when dealing with magic i am little help."

Michael James Watson "If it goes wrong, dear, I would just as soon be dead." He raises his hands high oin the balcony, extend them out before him and yells "ABRACADABRA!!!!!" Two silver tankards appear in his hands. He looks at them for a long moment. Sets them on the table waving to fill them. He walks over the the edge of the balcony, slips to the ground and takes his head in his hands. And weeps

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks confused. At what he does. And then his reaction to the tankards. She waits a second before moving to him. Lowering herself to the ground. She doesn't just dare to touch but with a tilted head she looks at him. "Is something wrong? Is there something you need?" She looks back at the tankards still cery confused. When looking back she lays a careful hand on Brand's shoulder. Trying to be a bit comforting.

Michael James Watson "What I need, no creature in Chaos or Amber can give me. Nor would I challenge the forces of the universe to provide it. As it is, i will take being able to touch my magic as a sign i am not forever a prisoner.. I spent an eon in the Abyss a plaything to creatures of great power. Shadow is lucky the powers of such creatures do not leave the Abyss." He cradles his knees with his arms.."Wine?"

Amber Bronkhorst A soft smile appears on her face. She squeezes his shoulder soft and stands. She takes the full glass and the opened bottle of wine. A plate with cheese and bread she takes as well and places it all next to him. She sits herself on the floor as well. Laying her arms resting over her pulled up knees she sits with her back against the balcony railing. "I can not fathom the idea what it must been like. And i will not try to. I am very happy for you, that now you do have a part of you back. " Alex looks just ahead not to anything specific she smiles. "If you would have been planned a prisoner forever, different actions might have be done after our return from Tazilwere." She looks with a sideways look to Brand. A soft smile still touches her lips.

Michael James Watson "Oh? I never visited Tazilwere. Not sure I knew much about except exception wine, oil, and vinegar. Goats. I never met Osric or Finndo till I was a prisoner. Oh I could bore you with thousands of years of drama. But I am guessing that's not what's on your mind. We have a few minutes before guests arrive. Some might be arrive by pattern transport. So ask what you will while we have time."

Amber Bronkhorst "Tazilwere is..... If not invaded pretty dull to be fair. Beautiful but ... Simple. " She looks Brand over before turning her eyes to the door of his room as a guard standoor well sitting watch. "Will people arrive due to that?" She poiints to the two tankards. Her pointing hand then moves to her chest laying it on the spot which has been so itchy and burning earlier. "According to Vance. I need your help " She looks straight at him now "The abysal mark i carry is one i got from you. And as i understand it now it needs to be controlled to not be a burden. Also. Only you know this mark around here. So well i ask for help from you "

Michael James Watson "People will arrive because it is their nature. I should conjure food. " He starts conjuring, walking to the kitchen. "Bleys will be here because his apartment is across the way and we have a deal about watching each other's places. Various will be here because he knows where I am. He will bring his bed roll and can sleep on the balcony. My second room is my painting room. Asher will show up just to be sure I am out. Fiona will be here because she love a party were !magic and treason are discussed. Ben will be here because I can't make him leave. Random will be here to see if I will break his command. And Free will be here, because I invited her." He fiddles and looks to her chest. " did you get that?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex stands up again when Brand goes to the kitchen picking up the food and wine from the ground and placing it back on the table. Hearing the names she nods, takes in the info and helps where she can of he conjures food she places it in the kitchen or on the table making room. And following instructions. That is something she is good at. Following instructions. When he looks at her and the spot on her chest she shrugs. "I had hoped you would know. As it is told to me it is hereditary, and in Tazilwere it became... Active? I suppose. As i understand it now due to it i could open the abysal locks and. Pinpoint the summoned creatures in a mass. " She looks down to her chest a bit worried. "Vance and Arlo made it very clear it is something to not take lightly. "

Michael James Watson "Well, much as I dislike Arlo he is right"

Amber Bronkhorst A soft smile appears again. "Well could you help me? And it was more Vance who said that i needed you and showed me the importance of control. Though Arlo did give him the leeway to really show me. But Vance could not help because his mark and the one i have are adversarial. " She stands still for a moment looking at the man who is looking more and more like a person then an elevated persona, as the royals are usually lifted to in regards. She can't help but smile as this is her father, the realization comes more and more clear in her head. "What do you want where Sir? And do you need me to leave before those you named arrive?"

Michael James Watson "What do I want where?". Brand stands straight, putting a hand on her shoulder. Alex feels the weight of the world slam on her mind. The world fades to black. Clarity comes and she is on a bare rocky plain. A few trees in the distance. A cave to one side. A man looking like a blond Gerard step forward. " You look lost, brother. Come you here to commit folly?" "Osric, this is Alexandra, my daughter. The forces of woe in Chaos would claim her because of my foolishness. Help me protect to her. She caries a minor mark that tries to make her a creature of chaos. Sanctify her to Order." The great blond man steps forward. "Alexandra. Before you is the Sign of you take it to your soul as your polestar?"

Amber Bronkhorst Seeing Brand near her she smiles but then feeling that weight and the blackness comes to a surprise. When she comes to, she looks shocked around. Hating not being on guard enough. She immediately tries to assess the situation. She sees her father. Hearing his request he must have brought her here then. The great blonde man is called Osric, right that is one of the elders. She looks to her surroundings scanning for any clear marks of recognition, any places where she could retreat to if needed, any place where danger might come from. As Osric talks to her at first the words do not fully reach her as her mind is reeling. She then realizes what he asks of her. She nods "Yes Sir. Of course." Still a slight confused frown on her face. But Amber is Order and her loyalty does lie there. So the answer was clear and obvious for her.

Michael James Watson "So mote it be. " He points and the pattern of Amber appears nearby on the bare rock. He stands by it's side. His hand pointing to a point at the edge of the primal pattern. "Step here and prove it"

Amber Bronkhorst A slight confused and worried look to Brand. But he must have brought her here for a good reason. If there would be any time to start trusting her father it should be now. She bows her head towards Osric and silently steps towards where he points. "Yes Sir." Almost a deer in headlights expression on her face. But instructions she knows how to follow. Straightening her posture and exhaling once she steps to the exact point where Osric pointed her to. Ready to proof anything really

Michael James Watson Osric turns to Brand, "You sir, shouldn't be able to have come here. The Fount isn't that powerful. How did you manage it?" Brand steps up beside him, "The pattern has me doing penance. I tried pushing her to the Dungeon pattern. Fiona is on duty at the moment and she has the same Abyssal mark. Coming here is a surprise." Osric nods, "I feel it shielding you. Yes, its given permission. You may leave now. Where she goes you can't follow." Brand disappears.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks up at Brand then to Osric. Seeing Brand disappear she looks again slightly confused. After a moment she looks up at Osric. " Uhm, what is going on, Sir? "

Michael James Watson Osric looks at Alexandra and puts a hand on her shoulder, "A baptism or an execution.". He pushes her and her left foot lands on the pattern.

Amber Bronkhorst Brand didn't bring her here intentionally which made her already a bit cautious. But Osric is of the royal family and would surely not just harm her. Then being pushed towards the pattern and her foot landing on the line she looks with big eyes at her foot and the connection it makes for a fraction of a moment. She had heard enough stories and warnings about the pattern. Those not of the blood will die when attempting to walk it. Those who stop walking on it die.. To say she is scared is an understatement. She had not expected to have to do this now. With care she moves her feet. Guess the only way to go is forward.

Michael James Watson A foot moves forward and deep in her heart she knows she is of the blood of amber. As she approaches the first arc she sees the suffering of the poor across shadow, in its many form. She sees her self walking among them, handing out silver. Behind her simple nuns handing out more copper and largeses. Approachi g the first arc is horribly draining.

Amber Bronkhorst Seeing the vision of the poor she feels a sadness, even if in the vision she hands out silver to them, that it is needed saddens her. Coming back to herself and realizing she is not even that far on the pattern and it already was so draining she feels a rush of fear. But also a calm acceptance. She is on the pattern now. She can walk it by her heritage if she actually manages to do so is up to herself alone. If she fails she had it only done so by her own fault. Keep moving untill succes or death. With a rush of adrenaline due to fear and a calmer thought of acceptance she pushes on.

Michael James Watson The feeling is exhaustion but not pain and the exhaustion is closer to orgasmic then combat. The lights fly about her feet. Sparks and flames. Her memories rush about her mind as her feet take each new step. They seem fresh as if recently experienced. She sees her mother riding a type of flying vehicle, a jet speeder though she doesn't know the name for it. Racing over a desert landscape and mindboggling speeds. As the vision follows a speeder is beside her and Brand is riding it. Another turn shows Deirdre beside the pair and a bit behind. They appear to be racing. As the vision changes a 4th racer moves to the lead, A man in Silver and black, Corwin. Lights and waves crash over her as the vision changes. She sees a desert encampment, two tents, speeders sitting near by. a firepit blazes and the two pairs sit and drink wine cuddled under blankets, laughing..As Fres and Brand start kissing, rolling into the covering blanket the vision looks to the stary sky, several colored moons hanging.

Amber Bronkhorst Pushing through she watches the visions with curiosity. A slight smile appear as she realizes that, that her mother and Brand had a relationship or at least were close for quite some time. Perhaps not all the time. But it surely got rekindled at the party king Random had spoken about. She feels pride about her mother, not perse that she is with Brand but just about the person Fres is. Alex feels pride she is Fres her daughter. She pushes through letting the feelings wash over her. Enjoying the exhaustion in its state.

Michael James Watson A view of a cliffside city fills the land. Birds and gliders soar off roof tops and glide down to the beaches. People go about their business in a crowded city. Commerce, industry, in a world without kings. She sees a woman walking down a streeet, among the crowds, turning into an ally past residences. A mand steps up behin d and slings a cord around her neck. A man on either side grabs arms and hold her down for a strangling. A man in orange straddles her stomack, drives a knife in her chest and twists. Removing the blade, sliding his hand in the wound he pulls her heart out, raises it to the sky. It catches fire. THe sparks fill the vision

Amber Bronkhorst Alex has seen wounds, she had seen battles. But such a gruesome display of violence. Senseless killing. It nauseates her. Trying to shake off the horrible images in her mind. She does move on.

Michael James Watson The final arc starts and Alex feels a sudden vastness of sand on a beach and every grain is a shadow, a universe, filled with people. Flashes of their lives fill her to madness, till she steps free into the center. Looking around she sees Osric across the pattern and a crooked back dwarf beside her. She has seen Dworkin on occasion. He hands her a deck of cards, and says, "You have a command audience. When you get there, go upstairs." Taking the cards she feels transported. She stands on a beach before a dark blue sea. An awkward tower stage d's a hundred meters away. Two guards in Amber finery stand at the keeps door.