An Audience with Harla

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Michael James Watson The final arc starts and Alex feels a sudden vastness of sand on a beach and every grain is a shadow, a universe, filled with people. Flashes of their lives fill her to madness, till she steps free into the center. Looking around she sees Osric across the pattern and a crooked back dwarf beside her. She has seen Dworkin on occasion. He hands her a deck of cards, and says, "You have a command audience. When you get there, go upstairs." Taking the cards she feels transported. She stands on a beach before a dark blue sea. An awkward tower stage d's a hundred meters away. Two guards in Amber finery stand at the keeps door.

Amber Bronkhorst After the madness and then quickly springing back to sanity she shakes her head and gives herself a moment fo regain her senses. Taking the deck she wants to ask something but being transported she just blinks. The tower, the guards, well best listen to Dworkin. She steps calmly over the beach towards the tower. How far upstairs? A command audience... "With who?" She mutters as she keeps walking. She'll figure it out as she gets there. She tucks her deck away in a satchel to her side.

Michael James Watson She feel warm air, breezy and thick. Tropical.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks calmly around as she walks. Eventhough alot happened in a short time no reason not to be alert. She is hoping her violin is still in her fathers place. And he keeps it safe. And her sketchbook. Slightly annoyed she doesn't have them with her. Or her bow and quiver. But she just hopes she doesn't need the latter. At least she is wearing appropriate clothing for the weather. Alex wonders if it is appropriate for the audience though. Would her abyssal mark be gone now? Did it work? So many questions. But she parks them for now best focus on the task at hand. A smile forms again on her lips. Just enjoying the nice breeze, and the view. Perhaps Donovan would like the view as well. They should plan their camping trip soon. A bigger smile appears on her face.

Michael James Watson Two guards rise from chairs in front of the tower. They are clearly Elites by their movement, but they look extremely elderly. Far too old for standing watch. One walks out, bows, "Good Morning! You are expected. Go through the door, across the living room to the hall. To your right will be a circular stair case. Take it to the top floor. " The other says, "You bring any pets? Weapons? Horses wandering around someplace upsetting the sand?" "Oh please Castor, she didn't ride here from Amber! Nor did she use a trump. You think she is going to ride a horse through the pattern? Go get a new keg, this one is clearly been drunk dry. " Turning the Alex he says, "Go on up, M'lady."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles politely and inclines her head to the elites "Good morning to you as well, and no i brought only myself. But good to be vigilant." She says with a polite smile. Looking up at the outside of the tower ahe nods. "Thank you." Alex then moves through the doorway and looks for the circular stairs mentioned by the guards.

Michael James Watson Castor says, "Ask her!" The other says, "No, its rude. ANd scares the pee out of me. " Castoer say, "Oh Rufus, standing scares the pee out of you, I can smell your feet from here. Ask." Rufus say, "M'lady? What is the year?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks slightly confused hearing the question. She then smiles a warm smile. "It is the year 5287. Or so it was when i stepped on the pattern and was brought here. " She tilts her head "How long have you two been her"

Michael James Watson Carston says, "We retired from Elite rotation in 2207, came here with the Queen, bless her name. We've been here almost 40 years since then.."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks surprised. "Ah i see that is quite some time." She looks up at the tower again. "Please tell which of the Queens lives here? I was not told who i was meeting today. I was just send on my way and told to go here. "

Michael James Watson Castor nods, "This is the House of Harla"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex bows her head and smiles. "Thank you." With a deep breath she steps towards the doorway. "Guess i should not dally to much. Would be impolite. Thabk you for the answers and wishing you all the best and goodday."

Michael James Watson Climbing you reach the top, seeing her peaceful crafter's life. You se numerous calligraphy desks with works in progress. She sees incredibly needlework projects. Reachung the top level she sees a frail woman sitting at a needlework frame, her head in a habit, with hanging green silk trimmed in white lace. SHe looks up and smiles a beatific smile.."Come, come have some tea with me. " There is a bed at one end, a fountain at the other. A small table with two chairs has her needlework supplies as well as a samovar with hot tea.

Amber Bronkhorst Admiring the crafts and arts she sees in the room Alex takes it in for a moment. Seeing the frail woman Alex bows her head respectfully with a warm smile. "Thank you. " Alex walks carefully to the table not wanting to touch or bump into any of the frail woman her work. She gestures to the tea set "Shall i pour us two cups M'Lady"

Michael James Watson "Just heat mine with a splash. "

Amber Bronkhorst Alex bows her head once more and pours some hot tea to the already filled cup of the lady. She then carefully and with grace, as he rmother would have no doubt taught Alex. Pour her own tea. That one is a proper fighter does not take away the proper lady when time permits. Alex waits with sitting till invited to or at least the lady sits.

Michael James Watson "I am so glad to meet you.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles a warm smile. "And i am honored to meet you. Though i am curious to the why i have been send here. But i am happy it means meeting such honored company. How do you wish i adress you? I would hate to disrespect or show ill manners. "

Michael James Watson "Harla would be fine. I am not queen in my time any more and have not been queen in yours for many years. The pattern likes having me meet young Amberites. Though I imagine you have a great deal of familiarity wit the realm which is often not the case. "

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks shocked but then hearing more young Amberites are send her way she visibly relaxes. A soft smile appears again. "Yes i think i have an advantage growing up how and where as i did. I know the castle verh well. I have done the royal rights study already at Fantalin. And i have a loving mother living nearby." She beams "It was a slight shock to learn who my father was though. Having seen him now and spoken a bit. It is all fine. "

Michael James Watson "It fine? He attempted to kill your cousin and erase all of shadow. The pattern has been angry about that...Still...he failed and is paying for it. I didn't know him well. But that's not why the pattern wanted us to meet." She stands and walks to recover a thick tome bound in red leather. "What do you know of Regor?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks with a soft smile still upon her face. "Yes he did that, and he is still paying for it and as far as i understand willing to do so. He actually pleaded with Osric to help me as he admitted a mistake which had affected me. He might not be a great person and certainly made mistakes and committed atrocities. But he tries." She calmly sips her tea in a reserved manner. "Regor. Only the basic knowledge led by a tzar and tzarina who are at this moment, Tzar Nicholas II Zhenya and Tzarina Clarissa I, who is also Brand his mother and thus my grandmother. She has many children with the tzar. But that is the extend of my knowledge." After another sip she smiles appreciating the tea. "Ah and Brand warned me for his mother, Tzarina Clarissa. "

Michael James Watson "Payment for crimes is irrelevant for Amberites. Crimes are just the burdens one bears. He will bear the weight of uncountables tragedies for all time. Like Osric and Finndo and Benedict and Borlak, Brand must carry his crimes in his heart. Only going forward in righteous behavior effects the shadows the Unicorn has cast. " She smiles beatifically, and pushes the tome over. "This is the Book of Regor. It records the trials, crimes, successes and failures of that great house. Sadly not all the secrets. Bleys, Fiona, and Brand are childen of the evil woman who is Czarina of that troubled land. I have spoken to each of them and they refuse to take any effort to relieve the suffering of the people of Regor. But suffering anywhere is suffering everywhere. Though Regor is a squiggle of its own they cast sway into the shadowlands even to the gates of Castle Amber. "

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks at Harla amazed by her beauty in her age, kindness and feeling for rights. "He is carrying it. He knows and will keep doing so. I have the feeling that perhaps with me now as a youngest child of his he can try and do better. " She looks at the tome and touches it's cover then looks up again puzzled. "What kind of effort would they have to take to relieve the suffering? And what does this tome of trails crimes and successes have to do with it?" She blushes slightly "My apologies i just don't seem to understand."

Michael James Watson " You are a Lady of Regor as much as you are a Lady of Amber. The royal family of Regor is less interested in the suffering of its people the the Royal family of Amber is.. I am not sending you on a quest. But this book is in the Library of Amber in your time. Rilga had my possessions moved out when she came to reside here. Speak to the son of Eric about it."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks at the cover again and nods. "I see. I will ask him about it. Perhaps i can mean something for the people. Perhaps not. For i am young, have plenty to learn and to grow in a new life." She smiles up at Harla "And if i have to believe Brand, the Tzarina will go look for me, probably not herself, of course. But i was told she wants to very much keep tabs on those of her bloodline. And manipulate them to her will. As Brand said. She has caused plenty of children to flee away from her. " A calm sip of tea ahe then continues "Though i will not look her up. I will not flee either. If i can mean something for people i should be among those people not turning away. " She recalls back the times she has ran into battle or towards people in need, instead of doing what most did and turn. A slight smile appears. "Thank you for showing me. "

Michael James Watson "There are many who suffer but that is the nature of Shadow. Finding a place and healing it is worthy work but limited. Unless the place you chose is high in the orders. Azcala is a tower of pain due to its rulers. Regor is ruled by a maniacal elite who hate outsiders as much as Chaos embraces change. There is a Cult of the Tiger in Regor that lost its patron beast. There is a chance that if they can be revived, they might lure the Tiger away from Borlak. That would be work worthy of a scion of Amber."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks curiously at Harla with that nearly always present smile on her lips. She nods firmly once. "I see how a cult could do good. Not all are bad of course. But if they do not like outsiders how can a scion of Amber do something for this cult of the Tiger. " A call sip of her tea to allow herself to gather thoughts. "So this tiger is now with someone else, but is this tiger there by own choice? And is this tiger just a tiger or more then this? " She smiles a slight smile and sips her tea again. "Or should i perhaps ask this as well to Prince Arlo?"

Michael James Watson she smiles, "Arloxedra will give you the details. But I can tell you of the Tiger. We do not speak of a tiger. We speak of THE Tiger. Like the Univorn, the Serpent, the Phoenix, it is a primal being. Primal beasts can be killed and each replacemt is slightly less powerful. Morgansterrn is 5th of the line of Horse. Squirrel is further down his line but he bears the Red Sword. There is a primal beast for all kinds. Tiger was the patron of Regor since its creation. But Prince Borlak somehow beguiled him and it abandoned Regor"

Amber Bronkhorst Sipping her tea again her face scrunches up a bit as she recalls Jurt with the Pangolin. "Ah yes i heard that as well from Jurt. He had the Pangolin with him. Beautiful creature. The Pangolin. not Jurt of course" she adds quickly "So the Tiger. i see. A primal beast which normally would be present in Regor. And this Prince Borlak had lured him away... is it known by someone how this perhaps had happened or what was promissed to the Tiger? " Alex calmly looks around the room watching the beautiful crafts around smiling. "It would be a good point to start at. If i could perhaps assist the followers of the Tiger or the people of Regor in such a way. I doubt i could myself convince a primal. "

Michael James Watson "The High Priestess of the Tiger would know."

Amber Bronkhorst "I would almost dread to ask, but who might be the HIgh Priestess of the Tiger?"

Michael James Watson WHoever the High Priest is in your time I don't know. But Princess Ektrina, daughter of Czar Alexi the First, was the High Priestess when the Tiger left. I believe she is in seclusion at the Temple of Dikost."

Amber Bronkhorst ALex inclines her head and smiles "I was almost worried it would be Czarina Clarissa. But i am certain i can find this information back in the library or with someone knowledgeable with current Regor dealings. " She puts down her cup and looks at Harla, "I will look into it, but i cannot say i can act upon it all quickly. So i hope it has no rush. For i am new to this type of life. I've just walked the pattern. And i think it would be smart of me to first learn some things. " An amused smile appears. "And i do have the feeling some people might want to speak to me out of curiosity. "

Michael James Watson She makes a small sparkling laugh, "I have beed dead for thousands of years, my information is hardly timely. "

Amber Bronkhorst A wide warm smile appears on Alex her face. "But still your concern is there. And i will look into it how actual the situation still is. I'm certain Brand would have an opinion about it. But i will discuss it with him as well after some research. " She then looks slightly worried. "Now you said earlier that the pattern likes to send young amberites to you to visit. But i must ask just to be certain. I didn't die on the pattern did i? I can still return?"

Michael James Watson She puts her hand on yours, "Yes. With my blessing. The pattern facilitates my remaining social in a rather esoteric way. I am a favorite of the pattern you see. You probably don't know this but when someone walks the pattern they become part of it in a way. And the pattern can recreate them. These creations are called pattern ghosts. Merlin's lovely novel incorporates them. In practice you, the you that is sitting here having tea with me, is actually a magically generated recreation of the Alexandra who just finished walking the pattern. When you return to your current aspect you will remember our time together, and bear my blessing, and the pattern will always be able to generate a pattern ghost of you fulling identical to the one that assayed the pattern. " She smiles, "In such a way I can keep counsel with those of you at the cutting edge of time. And I am also protected from harm since the pattern can absorbe anyone it creates her if they get too frisky. Clever, huh?""

Amber Bronkhorst A warm smile she looks at Harla "That is wonderful. And yes very clever. " With her free hand she touches her chest where that annoying spot was "I do hope that walking the pattern had helped as Brand thought it would. But time will tell i suppose." She then lays her hand on Harla's. "Do you wish me to bring any message back with me to my time? " A slight playful smile appears on her face. "It can be a pat on the head or a stern talking to as well. Happy to help." Alex then looks a bit more seriously. "Any other advice for me?"

Michael James Watson "Chaos is in the blood of the children of Amber. But children learn in time not to put their hand in fire."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks at Harla quizical for a moment and then smiles "I was never one to play much with fire, i'll be careful. " She softly squeezes the hand of Harla and smiles "Thank you."

Michael James Watson She clutches Alex's hand slipping a trump into her sleeve. "My blessings you, Child. Tell Vance to come visit his grandmother." The world shivers, and she finds herself standing in the center of the pattern. Osric looms over her, the great heroic blond form smiling. "The primal pattern sent you to visit the crone? That'll make a paladin out of anyone. Was the unicorn there?" He hands her a deck of cards. "These are simple to use and you probably know enough from popular lore and your own experience that you don't need the speech. I've put a glamour on these that will give you protection from mental attacks for awhile. You may now transport anywhere you like. Good Luck. Give my regards to the king."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex nods and kisses the hand of Harla before she sends her off "Thank you so much for your wisdom and kind words. When arriving in the center of the pattern again she looks up at Osric. returning his smile. She answers in a neutral tone no clue if he is joking but then again she doesn't always get that. "Yes, if with the crone you mean former Queen Harla. We had a wonderful talk. A paladin " a soft laugh "How about someone who needs to find the right paths for herself. Paladin is a bit to much as i have proven nothing. And no the unicorn was not there." Taking the cards she smiles looking at them she then beams up again "Thank you so much Sir! And for the protection. And i will pass it along to the king. " Alex then thinks for a moment where to go. She could straight away go to her father. But he might be busy, her mother she was invited by Brand to come by. To Donovan? a light blush appears on her face, that would just be improper. She then just thinks of the courtyard where she has stood watch best to go there.