A brisk walk to a tomb

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Michael James Watson Arriving in a side of the courtyard of the Castle Amber Alexandra sees business as usual. Soldiers on guard duty. Diplomats on important business. Tourists wandering, though tourism is not encouraged it happens. Castle staff involved in the business of running the great building on a day to day basis. The Galleries have guards too, of the archery and spell casting natures. To her right is the Fire Bells. Not officially called that but since the 4 bells rest in a small pavilion over a constantly lit fire they tend to be hot when rung. Several soldiers stand by warming their hands in the late afternoon cool. Looking around the side courtyard she is so familiar with looks some how different. If not smaller, more personal. The exhilaration of completing the pattern is fresh in her blood. She understands the time tea with Harla was but a moment of time, thousands of yeas before. The pattern had sent her here of all places.

Amber Bronkhorst Alexandra takes a moment to enjoy and appreciate her aurroundings. Looking up at the galleries she inclines her head in greeting, she too has stood watch there, seeing the guards warm themselves at the fire she nods to them in greeting as well. Why she was send specifically here she doesn't know but it is all good. She enjoys the familiarity, of the place and the people. With a broad smile on her face she starts to walk to a side entrance. Who should she go to first. Dame Margot expressed her wish to talk soon, the King wanted to see her, but he must be busy with more important things then little Alex. She could go to her fathers place to at least get her violin and sketchbook. Oh and let Donovan know she is back. She'll start walking to the staircases planning the route in her head to her fathers place. He might be busy as well being free again. But ahe at least wants her things with her.

Michael James Watson Finding Brand's apartment she finds the door open. A candle sitting in the sconce outside is a symbol that the person the apartment belongs to is in residence. Looking across the main room she sees a man in a claok sitting on the balcony. Beside him a table and a large bottle. Smoke billows from him. As the late afternoon gives way to evening he simple watches the sky.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex knocks on the doorpost of the open door to announce she is there, speaking up she says. "Hey i am back, sorry to disturb, but i think my violin and such are still here. " She looks beyond the figure to the sky loving the view.

Michael James Watson A casual hand waves toward the side of the balcony, without turning. "So you are. so it is. You carry cards. I guess you survived in tack?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex steps in and looks to where he waves if her things are there. She nods. Not that he sees it "Yes, i survived and have gained a deck. " Alex steps towards the balcony meanwhile looking for her things. "How have you been?"

Michael James Watson "Oh swell. Charming., a party a second. You've been gone a couple hours so I could have destroyed the universe i suppose. However i have had a surprise visit to the King's bedchambers at possibly the worst possible moment by a brother i don't believe i ever met before. I was sent immediately to the jail i have spent years it, which luckly won't seal me in." He stands, turns, pulls the cloak about him. "You didn't take the chance to go traveling in shadow? Are you opposed to guarding me on a brisk walk now that i am off the leash on the pattern's say so?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex steps closer to him a soft smile on her lips she shakes her head. "I am sorry that happened, that must have been unpleasant." Alex pulls her hair behind her ear and looks down. "No i actually didn't think of going into shadow just yet. I wanted to see you, and thank you. And Dame Margot as well as the King asked to see me at a point. I still want to see mom. And of course get my violin and sketchbook. Feel naked without them." A joyful smile appears. Then taking a step closer she wantsto lay a hand on Brand his arm. "But first of all, thank you, that you cared for me. With the abyssal mark thing. I really appreciate you looking out for me ." She then chuckles soft in an amused tone "And i am no guard anymore so any walk we would be doing is of our own choosing and responsibility."

Michael James Watson "Well put. Remember that bit-of our own chosing- if we called into court. " He walks toward the door, reaching a hand toward a wall smoke comes from it and forms into a walking staff, much like a wizard would carry. He starts walking briskly down to the courtyard Alex just left, further to the main courtyard, and lastly to the gates of the castle. Guards look concerned as he exits but they have new orders concerning him."

Amber Bronkhorst If Alex has found her violincase she will swing it on her back and follow her father out the door, over the courtyard keeping up with his pace. She nods to the guards who look worried, hoping to ease some worry as she is with him and she does hope her reputation is well enough still to ease some minds. When she caught up with him and walks next to Brand she asks. "So where are we going?" She asks in a casual tone, no inquisitive nature to it aa she would as a guard.

Michael James Watson "I hear I have a little place up the road." Walking to the right, away from the cith road, around the castle, up the road around Kolvir and to the place called the Tombs. The Elites know it well. By policy there are 3 guard posts in the Tombs; the Entrance, King Eric's Tomb, and the 3 stairs that lead to Tir-Na Nog'th

Amber Bronkhorst Alex follows and when she notices what road he takes her smile fades a bit. She always felt the air being heavier around the tombs, but perhaps that was just because of the knowledge they are tombs. Even if only one is really occupied. She speaks in a softer tone. "Do you really want to go here? " She looks up the road then to Brand still following him. "There is not much to be found here. Lots of vacancies really and a gloomy view of a far off future "

Michael James Watson "I've read that Bleys built my tomb and hid his booze there. Of course i also here its a macabre tourist attraction. WHo among us wouldn't light a candle in their own tomb on such a night as this"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex smiles to Brand. "Yes i heard Prince Bleys did. And it had visitors your tomb. But i suppose all tombs had some curious onlookers. People are drawn yo the macabre and the danger. " She wraps her arms around herself as she had not taken a cloak with. Though she is not sure if it is the place that gives her chills or the approaching night. Remembering her posture she relaxes her arms and wlaks briskly on. "To be honest this was one of my least favorite places to stand watch. "

Michael James Watson "I suspect its Eric's least favorite place to hang out too"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks at Brand blinks a few times. A soft chuckle escapes her before she presses her lips together. "Oh.... Well yeah.. but no joking about the dead." She speaks with a bit of a stutter awkwardly. "Though you are absolutely right. " She looks to Brand sideways. "You know where your tomb is? Or do you want to just walk ovee the terrain?"

Michael James Watson "Yes I know. Benedict was good enough to give me one of the tourist maps sold at a tacky gift shop near the castle. How the mighty have fallen..... He thought it important i know where they would leave my corpse." He walks up among the sparse rocky ground past trails to the various mausoleums. Small group[s walking by are shocked to recognize the dark prince of Amber. Coming to the trail he walks down to find a small gathering at the tomb. Nearly 20 people, some sit with books, debating. Others in conversation. The tomb is lit outside with a small number of candles. As you both approach some glance casually then in shock rise, moving aside. In mom,en ts all are standing, staring as Brand walks among them, ignoring them, into the tomb. On the crypt is a engraving looking like him.. Candles adorn it. Benches on either side have candles, Stone representations of barrels at the entrance are filled with candle stubs and matches, and empty bottles.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex walks calmly with him she shakes her head at the remark of the tourist map, as tourists do make keeping a place safe harder. Seeing people their reaction she recalls Harla her words. How Brand will have to carry this with him the rest of his life. A burden of punishment of his actions in the past. The only thing Alex feels she can do is keep people away. Seeing the mess in the tomb she looks disapprovingly and starts to gather up the empty bottles without a word. Trying to do it as silent as she can. She does keep an eye on Brand but mostly to see how he is doing. Not so much what he is doing. It must be overwhelming. Just like his magic having returned.

Michael James Watson He sees her fiddle with the trash. "Stop that now." Three men and two women enter. Brand stands regarding them. The men look thin and pale and carry long thin swords. The women look like somewhat unkept hippies though both have long thin daggers..

Amber Bronkhorst Alex a bit shocked she puts the bottle back. Looking at Brand apologetic. Her eyes then moving to the five people a slight tilt of her head. She does this more often she has heard from instructors and colleagues, when measuring distance by sight and checking a situation she tilts her head slightly. So far she rarely misses when taking aim. She is now slightly more annoyed not having her bow with though within a tomb that is not useful. She does check instinctively her belt for her dagger and blade. Alex steps closer to Brand in a confident and strong posture. No clue if these people are a threat or just want an autograph.

Michael James Watson Brand steps forward. One of the women steps forward, from under a cloak she draws a wide rapier, hung by frog on a belt. On the belt are two daggers, a trio of pouches, and a pair of bottles. Brand step close and takes the rig and buckles it on. "Thank you, Chazik for your steadfastness. Hablin, you as well." Turning to the men, "Well? Just you three?" One man says, "Calik died at Diago Raks in 41. Lezit in 53 in Kashfra. Galik and Hesitant are at Brandelbreen. " Brand nods. "I see. Of course. This is the Lady Alexandra Mira. Princess of Brandelbreen. My daughter by my wife Fres. She is recently from the field of battle where she slew my demon daughter Laravala. Alexandra, this is Sir Holin, once my Elite, now majordomo. This is Sir valid and Sir Trespo. The ladies are Lady ChaIik and Lady Hablin. Ladies of my house."

Amber Bronkhorst Seeing Brand knows them she stands at ease again she bows her head a bit in greeting. "Pleasure to meet you all. Pardon my defensive posture from earlier." She takes a step back again and looks at the mess around she could ask some people to help clean it up. Her attention then back at the group and her father. Were Brand and Fres still married.. were they married at all.. she should look into that. For obaervers it might be clear Alex is processing alot in a short time. Her eyes keep.foing to the entrances and surroundings.

Michael James Watson Brand looks at Alex. "You walked the pattern an hour ago. Don't you have people yet? Sir Trespo? Do you mind being her people?" He nods, " As you deem, lord. I've seen her at Brightedge over the years. She's quite the archer. M'lady, when you establish your household I would be happy to serve. In the meantime who is your Elite?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex snaps to attention as she hears her name "Uhm no, i don't and to be fair have not given it as much thought. I came after walking the pattern to you first." With a soft smile "And to get my things laying about " Shr looks at Sir Trespo "Thank you, Sir Trespo. And my elite. I would not know. I suppose that assignment is or not yet made it or not needed as i have been an elite myself." She rubs her neck awkwardly "Guess that assignment is going to be made anyway, and i should have seen the King by now." Her eyes looking at the ground realizing she might have been a bit distracted by Donovan as well. "Been distracted, " she adds soft.

Michael James Watson Sir Trespo looks to sir holin. "Holly, you are still in good standing, right? Could you go active?" He nods," My discharge was honorable and lateral. With the princess's permission I could ask for reinstatement. Caine hates me and Gerard won't play tonk with me. Other then that I can serve. Unless these young fucks in the king's kissass service complain."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks between the elites and smiles she then turns to her father. "So, you knew your people were waiting for you here. Do you not feel uncomfortable though if people who work for you will be close to me?" Alex pauzes a moment to overthink a few details. "Suppose i could look for a place for myself. Move out from Brightedge. Will talk with mom about that." She looks at Sir Holin and smiles "Ah well Prince Caine seems to dislike plenty who do not follow his line of doings, i see no harm there. Only reason i think i kept in his good graces is that i have been the elite of his son. As for Prince Gerard not wishing to play tonk witj you i hesitate to ask the reason. " A soft chuckle "Prince Gerard seems like one of the most patient and allowing ones. " At the last remark Alex frowns. "Well those young fucks as you say have just as well been trained and i suppose i am one or was one of those as well." A slight shrug " And what the King has planned i do not know, as i said. Had been a bit to distracted to visit him yet."

Michael James Watson Brand smiles as the ladies set drinks on the tomb and chazik goes about cleaning the place. Brand says," Chazik..Ready the crypt. Let I be known I will be here weekly.Holding court as it were. Holin, if you and Alexandra come to an accommodation, let me know." Brand looks like he is thinking... "Chazik....go to Brightedge. Tell Fres I am here with our daughter" Chazik runs.

Amber Bronkhorst Alex stands a bit awkwardly she wants to help clean, but her father was very clear that she shouldn't earlier. So what does one do when not knowing how to interact, Alex takes her sketchbook from her violincase some sketching charcoal and a candle. She goes to sit near the entrance looking in. Sketching the composition of the inside. The figures working. Squinting to see her lines by candlelight. Alex figures she should at least wait till her mother gets here. She humms soft and tries to stay out of everyone their way. While at it she writes a letter to Donovan which she'll deliver later.

Michael James Watson Several more people from the group outside walk in cautiously. Brand seeing them waves his hand and they look confused, look around a bit, then leave, walking down the hill. Brand says, "Can't have anyone casually dropping in tonight, can we?"

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks up from her sketching and to the people walking away down the hill. She turns back to Brand looks at him quizzically. "If you do not wish to be disturbed i can stand watch outside. I don't mind. I do not know what your plans are tonight, but i hate doing nothing. " She closes her sketchbook again and wraps up her charcoal. Ready to help or do something.

Michael James Watson Brand chuckles, "You are no longer a door guard, dear. No one short of the King or in the King's name can order you to do so again. Though i suggest if the Queen orders it you should comply. We have two more guests coming tonight."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex rubs her arm and puts her drawing things back in her violincase it was getting to dark anyway. She stands still out of the way near a wall she frowns looking over Brand. "Oh, who? If you wish to say of course." The last she adds quick. Then a soft chuckle escapes her "Well, i've been a guard and elite longer then .... Well... " She gestures to herself "Whatever i should do now." And with a bit of pride she continues "And of course, when the King and or Queen orders something it would be obvious to comply."

Amber Bronkhorst Alex looks outside for a moment wondering who else will show up, turning back to her father she then smiles a soft smile. "So uhm how should i adress you? what are you comfortable with, in private and with other people around? I assume Prince Brand would be to formal seeing our relation."