DnD5 DragonStar
This conversion are the rules for playing a fantasy D&D5th edition game is a modified version of the Dragon Star setting.
Character Classes and Basic Rules: classes and races from the Player’s Handbook 5th ed. (PHB) along with Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE), Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (MTF), Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGM) and the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron (WGE).
Resolve Points: as Hero Points in the DMG pg. 264 but with a few new extra uses.
- A spell-caster type character could spend a Resolve point as an Action and regain ½ (round down) his level in spell levels back (4th level wizard could regain 2 levels of spells back, either a 2nd level spell or two 1st level spells). You must complete a long rest to use this feature again.
- During a rest (short or long) you can spend a Resolve Point to re-gain ½ your HD (round down, min 1) in additional healing rolls that you must use immediately during this rest. These don’t count towards your Hit Die used for healing. You must completed a long rest to spend a Resolve point this way again. One can also spend a Resolve Point and recover one level of Exhaustion as an Action. You must complete a long rest before you can use a Resolve point this way again.
Melee Combat and Firing While Prone: When you target a foe with a ranged attack and when that target is in melee range with an ally your attack rolls is at disadvantage (just like making a ranged attack while in melee). You are not at disadvantage when using a firearm when prone.
Hardness: Vehicles and material stop so much damage automatically (ala Damage Reduction of older editions). Hardness reduces all damage by its level before applying it to the target.
Primitive Weapons & Armor: are ineffective at penetrating advanced armor and advanced weapons tend to cut right through primitive armor (see Gear). Natural weapons and armor are not primitive.
Slow Natural Healing: per the DMG pg. 267. You regain HD after a long rest but NO Hit Points. You can also recover one level of Exhaustion after a short rest (in additional to one you regain after a Long Rest).
Tool Proficiencies: is not being used. Instead covered by normal skills (see new skills).
An important note about the setting is technology and magic. Over the last two thousand years technology has grown a great deal but so has magic. Today magic is so ingrained in the design and creation of most technological devices that the two are rather indistinguishable. This gear then counts as “magical” and can be affected by anti-magic. ‘Analog’ items are made with magi-tech but at a very low level and are not affected by anti-magic, dispel, ion attacks, etc.
Any item with a Powercell will not work with in an Anti-Magic or similar areas. These items can be subject to the Dispel magic spell. A caster choices one item and the wielder must make an Intelligence save. Failure means the item stops functioning for one minute (10 round). With an action a Mechanic skill check vs. the same DC can restore an items function. Items with powercells of C or D gain a +2 bonus to this save, E or F powercells gain a +5 and G or H powercells gain a +10. If the item has multiple powercells add +1 for two cells and +2 if it has 4 or more cells.
Athletics: includes things like Climbing, Jumping and Swimming. See PHB pg. 175-6 for most uses. With a move of at least 10 feet in a straight line make a check, every 2 you get over a DC10 adds 1 foot to a long jump and ½ foot height for a high jump. Standing jumps halve these distances.
'Carrying Capacity: Strength x 10 lbs. Small is Strength x 5, Tiny x2, Large x20, Huge x40, etc.
Acrobatics: per PHB pg. 176-7. Also you can attempt to move through a hostile space of a creature that is your size or one size small or larger then you. The DC18 or this movement provokes an Opportunity attack and you end your turn in front of the creature. Enemy occupied spaces count as difficult terrain. You can past a creature of any size without causing an Opportunity attack if your check vs. DC15. You must end your Movement in an unoccupied space as normal. You can also make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check vs. DC20 to gain the Disengage action as a Bonus action. Acrobatics is also used when making natural flying maneuver checks like flying through obstacles, etc.
Drive (new): control of hovercraft, wheeled, tracked, walker and watercraft.
Pilot (new): control of all aerocraft, helicopters, anti-grav, spacecraft and transports.
Sleight of Hand: per PHB pg. 177 Stealth: per PHB. pg. 177
Arcana: per PHB pg. 177
Capital Ship Pilot (new): piloting of capital classed starships (Behemoth size or larger)
Computer Use (new): is use and program computers and golems, using scanners, etc.
Culture (includes/renamed History): per PHB pg. 177, but also races, planets, laws, etc.
Mechanic (new): basic fixing skill of golem, equipment, starships, etc.
Investigation: per PHB pg. 178
Nature: per PHB pg. 178, includes life sciences and biology.
Physical Science (new): includes astronomy, geography, planetology, etc.
Religion: per PHB pg. 178
Technology (new): this skill covers understanding and working with most technological devices.
Thievery (new): this skill covers using most illegal devices like security and forgery kits.
Animal Handling: per PHB pg. 178
Insight: per PHB pg. 178
'Medicine': per PHB pg. 178
Perception: per PHB pg. 178
Survival: per PHB pg. 178
Deception: per PHB pg. 178
Gambling (new): covers all games of chance and gambling styles.
Gather Information (new): gain information from talking to people.
Intimidate: per PHB pg. 178
Performance: per PHB pg. 178
Persuasion: per PHB pg. 178
Expanded and New Skills Uses
Capital Ship Pilot (Intelligence): Piloting the capital class starships (Behemoth size or larger) is more about logical thinking and controlling vector thrust from various engine banks. As these ships are not as maneuverable as smaller starships most checks are for only avoiding collision with something big or maneuvering into position to fire weapons. See Vehicle Houserules (pg. 14-19).
Computer Use (Intelligence): This skill can be used to access data (both hidden and public) from a computer system, and for crafting of programs which are used to program or reprogram a golem (drone and robots), etc.
Getting information from a computer system requires that you are connected to the appropriate network or system, have found the system that you wish to access and the system having at least an Indifferent attitude towards you (hence it will share its information with you). In the DragonStar universe there are two major computer systems types. Most are connected via the EtherRealm – a semi-magical internet which is connected over the vastness of space via hyperspace communication boosters and independent systems. The EtherRealm connects millions or billions of different systems (think modern servers and data-houses) creating HUGE amounts of data that might easily overwhelm a searcher who doesn’t know what they are looking for. The second are Closed Systems which are not connected to the galactic network and can only be access locally (physically at their location). In both cases one must be connected in some way to the system to access information. This can be wirelessly or while working on a connected terminal.
Public systems or boards treat all uses as Indifferent with no formal security setup for access of basic information by default. Remember this is the information that someone wants to share with everyone, be it the publicity information for an interstellar corporation or an open public chat room.
Private systems treat all users as Indifferent by default within their public areas, Unfriendly in secure areas and Hostile in restricted areas.
In order to improve a systems attitude requires one hour of full concentration work and a DC10 Intelligence (Computer Use) check with a Friendly system. Each level of hostility higher of the system’s attitude increase the DC by +5 (Indifferent DC15, Unfriendly DC20 and Hostile DC25). Success improve the systems attitude by one level. You can decrease this DC by 5 if you spend twice as much time working in the system, and you can reduce the DC by 10 by spending at least six hours working on the system. However the lowest the DC can be reduced in this way is to a 10. To make a check every 10 minutes increase the DC by +5.
With a Hackers kit (pg. 79) the base time decreases to 10 minutes and uses the Intelligence (Thievery) skill instead. A hacker can reduces the DC by 5 if you spend 30 minutes working on the system or by 10 for spending one hour but the minimum DC is skill 10. For making a check every minute increase the DC by +5 and to reduce the time to 1 Action increases the DC by +10.
Every hour you are in a computer section that you are not allowed in the systems its A.I. and/or security operates looking for such intrusions, gets a chance to detect you. Makes an opposed Intelligence (Computer Use) with it. It gains a +2 equipment bonus if you are in a restricted areas and a +5 equipment bonus in private and secure areas. If it determines you are an invalid user it will attempt to expel you from the system. This is an opposed Intelligence (Computer Use) skill with the same bonuses as detecting you but is made every minute (10 rounds) in a restricted area and every round in a private or secure area. If it successes you are kick out of the system and you cannot access it. You must wait at least 24 hours to try and access a system again.
To access the specific information that you wish requires an Action and a Computer Use skill check DC5 with a Helpful system, DC10 Friendly system or a DC15 with an Indifferent one. The amount of information the system grants you is defendant your level of success – a basic success gets you specific and limited information that you request, beating the DC by +5 grants additional or more detailed information. Each additional +5 you beat the DC increases the information granted.specific and limited information that you request, beating the DC by +5 grants additional or more detailed information. Each additional +5 you beat the DC increases the information granted.
Systems Attitude
Hostile | Treats you as a hostile intruder, alerting any security and attempts to trace your information and isolate or destroy you connection. |
Unfriendly | Treats you as an unauthorized users and blocks your access to its programs and information. |
Indifferent | Treats you as a guest or visitor and grants you only basic access to non-secret systems, programs and files (as long as this does not conflict with previous commands). You may add any equipment bonus provided by you system to your Computer Use checks. |
Friendly | Treats you are an authorized user and grants access to any program or non-secret information and file (as long as it does not conflict with previous commands). |
Helpful | Treats you as if you are its system owner, granting access to all of its programs and information (even if doing so overrides a previous command). |
Computer Use is also used to plot a jump course (see StarCaster Navigation) or use scanners (both starships pg. 19 and hand scanners, see Gear).
You can also use Computer Use to program a Golem or Vehicle A.I., this includes installing a Skill, Weapon or Armor Proficiency or adding a Feat to one. First the programmer must have to access to a program that can be installed into a Golem or Vehicle. See Vehicle and Golem creation rules for cost. To install it takes one hour of work and a DC15 Computer Use skill check.
Drive (Dexterity): This skill covers the control all landcraft (bikes and landcars), skimmers (hovercraft), walkers (2 or more legs), tracked and watercraft (including submersibles) vehicles. A basic maneuver checks (i.e. avoiding object or making your way around a tight corner) would require a DC15 skill check. Failure should deal 1d6 damage equal to the vehicle size modifier +1. See Vehicle Houserules.
Gambling (Charisma): For games where skill might be involve requires a Charisma (Gambling) opposed check. Some strategic games might include multiple opposed checks. With a Charisma (Gambling) check you can even attempt to influence totally random games of chance. This is mostly a GM call on a lot of these but a base DC15 is a good starting point.
Gather Information (Charisma): This skill represents talking with people face to face (even if via a comlink). So you have to be around people to gather information. Basic information (local gangs, rumors, location of a business, feel of a neighborhood, etc.) take 1d8 hours and a DC10 check. Mostly this might be hanging out in a local bar or on the street and cost 1d6 x10 credits. More specialized information might include the local gang leader, where to find an off-the books garage, personality of a local, etc. takes 2d8 hours with a DC15 and costs 1d6 x25 credits. Digging up dirt on a local government officer or elected official, or looking for a secret location of a secret hideout out in the badlands should take 1d4 days with a DC20 and cost 1d8 x100 credits.
One could also try and grease the wheels by offering additional credits to either speed up time or gain additional information; GM’s call but as a good basic double the amount above could halve the time required or gain a bit more info at each level.
Mechanic (Intelligence): This skill cover a wide range of repairing gear and droids, planting explosives, fixing starships and restoring shields. See Spellware for fixing cybernetics and Vehicle Houserules for repairing vehicles and starships, rerouting power and restoring force fields. For a Golem it takes one hour of work and a DC15 check and restores 1d4 + the mechanic’s proficiency bonus and Intelligence modifier. All of these repair types require 10 credits worth of spare parts per Hit Point repaired (from Widget Bags or purchasing the parts).
Planting explosives base DC15. This will allow one to know where best to plant an explosive charge or grenade to deal full damage to the structure or vehicle. Without an Explosive Kit (see Gear) the DC increases by +5 or +10 if no tools are available (like a repair kit). With a DC20+ the explosives will ignore Hardness of structures or vehicles that they are placed on.
Physical Science (Intelligence): This skill covers a lot of sciences and is mostly used in the field of astronomy, climatology, geography, mathematics, physics, planetology and related fields. It can be used to recognize the tools that are used in this field (telescopes, weather pattern radar, etc.) and how to use them.
It can be used to understand planetary readings from sensors (and what one might except onsite based on those readings), understand stellar fluctuation readings, etc. The GM should set the skill DC depending on how much information the user can gain and what its’ trying to discover.
Pilot (Dexterity): This skill is use to control Aerocraft (propeller and jet aircraft), Choppers (helicopters), Filters (anti-grav) and non-Capital Starcraft. For most checks are the same as Drive (see above) but also see Vehicle Houserules.
Technology (Intelligence): This skill can allow a character to understand what a piece of technology does, what its function is and how to design or build it. It can be used to identify ancient unknown technology or truly alien technology. It is a DC10 skill check to recognize a model of a simple or common piece of tech like a comlink or dataslate. A DC15 for a more complete model like a Maglock or hand weapon scanner and for extremely advanced items increase to DC20 to recognize a rare or advanced piece of tech like a StarCaster engine.
If you are untrained in the use of a particular technology and you made your check to recognize it, you can use your Intelligence (Technology) proficiency to try but the DC is always increase by at least +5 over the basic difficulty it would normally be. If you fail any such check is at disadvantage.
Characters can also design new technologies or make improvements on existing technology with this skill. Generally this is a long process that takes would normally take months if not years depending on the system/upgrade and available resources.
Thievery (Intelligence): This skill cover the use of bypassing various types of security systems. Many of these checks can’t be done without the right tools but occasionally a rogue might be able to use from improvised tools to get the job done. Basic tools of the trade include a Hacking kit which allows one to more easily bypass a computer A.I.’s security protocols to trick it into thinking that you are allowed information that the system might be storing (see Computer Use).
A Security kit is used to bypass locked doors and electronic security measures (like weapon or explosive detectors). See GeneLocks, MagLock, etc. in Gear for most DC of standard locks. Without the correct tools the DC is +5 or 10 higher or can be attempted with a Computer Use skill by hacking the system. To overcome a weapons or similar security system or hand scanner requires a DC20 Intelligence (Thievery) skill check.
Forgery kit to make fake documents that will fool security check points, the DC15-25 depending on the level of security, area, etc. Most Identification in the DragonStar setting are paperless and maintained on a securer dataslate for most people but others still carry physical IDs in some regions. These can allowing the person(s) access to restricted areas or to create fake identification papers for various reason. For example you might want to escape security forces on a planet and need a fake id to get off planet, etc.
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons (from the PHB), Pistols, Rifles and Heavy Weapons (Super-Heavy weapons use the Heavy Weapons proficiency. Also has a special feature that you use your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to attack and damage, but only with these weapons).
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields and Exo-Armor.
Increase your Strength or Constitution score by 1, maximum of 20. You are not at disadvantage to attacks, ability checks, saving throws or skill rolls in high, super-high, low or micro-gravity environments. You have advantage with melee attacks against those who are at disadvantage in these situations. See Environment.
Spray and pray! You are skilled at creating even bigger threat area of your automatic weapon attacks. Whenever you use an Autofire feature with an Automatic weapon, you can change the area of effect from a 10x10ft area to either a 15x15ft area or a 5x30ft line area. You only suffer ½ (round up) the penalty for autofire when making AOE attacks. For heavy autofire only weapons the area changes from a base 20x20ft area to either a 30x30ft area or a 10x40ft area.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, maximum of 20. While wielding a modern range weapon you can, as a bonus action, designate one space within the weapon’s basic range. You are considered to be threatening this five-foot area that you can make opportunity attacks with your ranged weapon. With an auto weapon you can threaten a 10x10ft area but use 10 rounds with OA (or larger if using a Heavy Autofire weapon or Bolt-Storm feat).
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, maximum of 20. Gain proficiency with exo-armors.
Prerequisite: Heavy armor proficiency.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You have better control when firing autofire weapons (not heavy autofire only weapons). When you autofire at just one target you have superior trigger control to only use 5 rounds of ammunition (instead of 10). You also suffer no penalty to your attack rolls when using either of the Burst Fire and Double Tab weapon feature.
Prerequisite: Pistol, Rifle or Heavy Weapon proficiency.
You can reload one clip, magazine, or cell using five feet of movement (instead of 15ft) or 10ft to also collect the expended clip or powercell (instead of 30ft). This only works for firearms, not advanced melee weapons with powercells. Before making a ranged attack with a firearm (no autofire/burst fire) that you are proficient with, you can choose to take a penalty to the attack roll up to your Proficiency bonus. If the attack hits, you add double this penalty to the weapon’s damage (i.e. taking a -2 to hit adds 4 damage with a successful hit).
Increase your Dexterity or Intelligence score by 1, to a maximum of 20. You are comfortable in zero gravity environments. You no longer suffer disadvantage in weightless/z-g situations. See Environments with basic Strength and Dexterity based skills. You have advantage on any Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to right yourself when tumbling and Intelligence saves if trapped in a vacuum without protection. Zero-gravities does not count as difficult terrain. Finally you have advantage with melee attack rolls in zero-g against those who are normally at a disadvantage (i.e. anyone without this feat, an Elf, voidborn, etc.).
Prerequisite: Rifle or Heavy Weapons proficiency.
You marksmanship training has enable you to make incredible shots. While wielding a Rifle or Heavy Weapon and when you take the Aim Special Action, as an action you make a single ranged attack at advantage if the target is at least 80 feet away from you. If both checks to make this attack would have resulted in a hit, roll the weapon’s damage again and add that to the final damage.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity score by 1, maximum of 20. You are skilled at suppressing enemies with your Autofire. When making an Autofire attack, all targets within the area of effect must also make a Wisdom save (DC8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity bonus) or have their Speed reduced by ½ (round down to the nearest 5ft) until the start of your next turn. This is in addition to their Dexterity save for ½ damage.
Updated Feats from the PHB
First, not using the Healer Feat (most covered by a Medical Kit). Updating Great Weapon Fighter' and Sharp Shooter to say “Take a penalty up to your Proficiency bonus to your attack and add double that to your Damage if you successfully hit (i.e. at 1st level character can only take a -2 to attack to gain a +4 to damage)”. Sharp Shooter only works for archery and crossbow weapons. For Heavy Armor Specialization, you only gain the reduced damage from advanced weapons if the armor you are wearing is also advanced. Weapons with the AP feature count as magical when used against a heavy armor specializations damage reduction. Weapon Master Feat allows you to also choice Pistol, Rifle or Heavy weapons.