StarWars for 5ed/Caron Halla

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Caron Halla, Medium/Small sized humanoid (Human), Scoundrel 5 (Spacehand)
Destiny Points 9 (1d8+2), Dark Side 0
Armor Class 18 (unarmored)
44 (HD 5d6, Second Wind 2d6+2); Damage Threshold 20 (recover +)
Speed 30 feet
STR 10 (0), DEX 16 (+3), CON 14 (+2), INT 11 (0), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 17 (+3)
Saving Throws Dex +6 , Int +2, Cha +6
Proficiencies Pistol, Simple Weapons

  • Acrobatics +6
  • Computer Use +3
  • Gather Information +6
  • Initiative +6

Mechanic +3

  • Persuasion +6
  • Pilot +6
  • Technology +3
  • Thievery +3


  • Danger Sense - You have an uncanny sense of danger. Any effect that you cannot see, such as a hidden trap, has disadvantage attacking you or you have advantage on any saves it requires. You can also use your Reaction to stop an unseen foe from gaining Advantage with any of its attacks against you. You can’t be blinded, deafened or incapacitated to gain these benefits.
  • Determined (CHA) - Pick an attribute that you do not gain your proficiency bonus with saving throws. You now gain your proficiency bonus with this attribute’s saving throws. You can take this feat multiple times, applying it to any Saving Throw that you are presently not proficient with.
  • Force Sensitive - Prerequisite: cannot be a droid. You gain access to 3 starting Minor Force Powers and can further study the Force. See the Force for a full description.
  • Force Training x2 - Prerequisite: Force Sensitivity feat. The first time you take this feat you learn 3 Force Powers and gain Force Energy Points. You can take this feat more than once, each time after the first time you learn 3 new additional Force Powers. See the Force for full description.
  • Point Blank Shot - You gain +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls with ranged weapons against targets within the weapons base range.
  • Strong in the Force - Prerequisite: Force Sensitive. When you spend a Destiny Point to adjust the result of an attack, ability or skill check, you now roll 1d8+2, instead of 1d4+1. Also you can spend two Destiny Points in a round instead of only one.


  • Connections - You are able to obtain a licensed without paying the fee, and purchase restricted, military or illegal equipment without endure a background check, provided the total cost of the desired equipment is equal to or less than your character level x 1,000 credits. In addition, when obtaining gear that is restricted, illegal or military grand you reduce the increased cost by ½ the %.
  • Jack of All Trades - Sometimes you surprise others with your skill. You add ½ your Proficiency bonus, round up, to any ability check you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.
  • Spacehound - You are considered proficient with all starship weapon even if you don’t have the Heavy Weapons proficiency. You also gain a +2 insight bonus to all non-attack saves, skills and ability checks while on a starship.
  • Stellar Fortune - Whenever you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll, save, ability check or skill made aboard a starship (piloting it or as a passenger) you gain one temporary Destiny Point. You can't have more then one temporary Destisty Point and you must use this Destiny Point before you next short or long rest or it is lost.

Senses passive perception 11; Languages Basic, x
Blaster Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: + 6; 3d6 Energy damage. Holdout Blaster Ranged Weapon Attack: +6; 3d4 Energy damage.
Vibrodagger'. Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, Finesse, light, reload; Hit: 2d4 Piercing damage Survival Knife, Melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, Finesse, light, +1 Insight to Survival: 1d6 Piercing Energy Ball, Ranged weapon attack: +6 to hit, Light, Thrown: 2d8 Energy DC 14 Dex Save

  • Repair Kit
  • Utility Belt - 3-days’ supply of ration packs, a stim-pac, a spare power pack, a spare energy cell, a glow rod, a short-range comlink, a liquid cable dispenser with small grapple hook, four extra spare empty pouches (can each hold 1lb of extra items, etc.)
  • Luck Charm
  • Common clothing
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Holdout Blaster
  • Vibrodagger
  • Survival Knife
  • 5x Energy Balls
  • Security Kit
  • Field Kit
  • Short Range Commlink
  • 6x spare Power Cells
  • 3x Stim-Pack

Credits: 200 Encumbrance: