Dame Margot-Coup
Total:60 =17 Stats+30 Powers +12 Items +1 Stuff
Statistics 1{}
- Psyche: 7 (20 pips)
- Strength: Chaos
- Endurance:5 (15)
- Warfare: Human (+15)
Powers {30}
- 10 Power Words
- 20 Conjuration
Skills {}
Items {12}
Margot's Items
Coronet {7}=
- Mithril with 6 pearls atop points. Denotes some minor peerage in antiquity.
- 7. 2-Armor vs Guns. Transfer 5
Personal Kitchen Tool (5)
- 2 Double Damage- Very sharp for cooking
- 2 N/N Forms-Knife, cleaver, fishing hook,ladle, spoon.
- 1 Ability-Destroy poisons.
Usually a ladle in her hand
- 1 Good Stuff
Teaching Platters
- 4 Invulnerable
- 1 Agility-Produce Item twice a day. On Demand.
x3 Horde
- 15
Kitchen Tools
- Engine Speed 4 Transfer 5
- Combat Reflexes 2 Transfer 5
- Deadly Damage 4
- N&N forms-2
- Ability-1-destroy poisons
She would have a set of the kitchen's tools a d a couple platters. If this crosses the line for pips she will leave them behind
- 1 Good Stuff