As a note, though the description may imply otherwise, all humans follow the general rules found in the SRD, with exceptions listed below.
Race names and artwork borrowed from Thyrenacia. Subrace names may be changed if something more suitable comes up.
This page is likely to be under construction for awhile, as I figure out exactly what I want to do with the subraces. It is also entirely possible that the concept of subraces will be eliminated, though I am mildly irked at the current status of humans in the world.
Of all the races that inhabit Adnez, humans are the most common. Occupying every part of the world, from the wastes of Lotharie to the plains of southern Chaliraz, from the bamboo forests of Distarin to the deserts of Molandum, humans are everywhere and form the core of the population of Adnez.
However, such versatility in their people comes at a price. Humans vary greatly from region to region, often possessed of different dialects and having no real racial identity at a global level. While other races tend to be the same from place to place - with a few notable exceptions, such as the halflings - humans vary greatly from one another.
There is no such thing as a "normal" human in Trinity. Instead, each human belongs to a particular ethnic group, each of which is distinct from the others (save in a mechanical sense).
The various human "subraces" have come into being gradually over time. Given that their race is not as long-lived as others, their appearance and general demeanor change at a faster pace; combined with their spreading all over the planet, it is not surprising that there are a multitude of human "subraces," each of which has its own relatively unique culture and appearance. However, there is an amount of intermingling, and as such a given human may be a "purebred" member of a subrace, or a mix of all of them.
Though humans appear differently from one another, it is almost impossible to confuse them with another race, unless observed from a distance.
In the following descriptions, any comparions such as "below average" refer to the human average.
Human Racial Traits[edit]
As per the SRD, save as follows.
- Favored Class: Any. Humans may choose a single core class as their favored class.

Personality: Bhalinar are excellent craftsmen, have a good artistic tradition, and believe in the precepts of honor and courage. Extremely brave in battle, the Bhalinar will never stop, never give up, sometimes rushing into danger when unnecessary.
Physical Description: Bhalinar are olive and tan-skinned people of medium height and build, with straight or curly dark hair, dark, sometimes almond shaped eyes, and chiseled aquiline faces. Often, members of this race will resemble Xianese or Gaeli, and redhead, blonde, or blue or green eyed Bhalinar are not uncommon.
Relations: The Bhalinar get along well with almost every other race in existence. Since their beginnings, they have made a conscious effort to ensure that they were on friendly terms with every group they met, and they have continued to do so. Their lands are a known haven to Force-users, as well, often allowing all members of all Forces to meet on equal and common ground.
Alignment: The Bhalinar are a naturally good-willed people, almost always willing to lend a helping hand. In addition, they make conscious efforts to ensure that they follow the rules of whatever lands they find themselves in, as they expect others to do in their homeland. As with all humans, however, there are exceptions.
Bhalinar Lands: The Bhalinar's homeland is the Confederacy of Hofstadt, and it is their domain. While each region within the Confederacy is self-governed and relatively self-contained, the Bhalinar ensured that it can work as a cohesive whole when the need arises.
Male Names:
Female Names:

Physical Description: They are short to medium in height, of medium build, with roughened faces of tanned skin, brown or bronze eyes and curly hair of dark to dusty brown. Rarely, Dokorri are born with blue eyes. Most Dokorri have little body hair. A significant portion of the Dokorri population, especially in the Desert of the Unspoken, has darker than normal skin, due to the harsher conditions in the desert.
Dokorr Lands:
Male Names: Aamir, Arif, Bilal, Coman, Emir, Faraji, Hakim, Ilias, Jafar, Kahlil, Laith, Mustafa, Nadim, Rafi, Saeed, Taj, Zahin
Female Names: Aasera, Atifa, Basimah, Cala, Elmirah, Fatin, Haifa, Inayat, Jaliyah, Kalyn, Leyli, Mira, Naima, Raja, Sahira, Taliyah, Zaira

Personality: The Elatoi excell in verbal arts and tend to be master debators and strategists. Law is held in high regard, commerce is a past time, and politics is second nature. Yet the Elatoi are not best described as a people of order, having a capacity for duplicity and backstabbing.
Physical Description: Elatoi are an olive skinned race with curly or wavy dark hair, brown eyes, wide mouths and deep set eyes. Elatoi are of average or slightly below average height, with medium builds.
Relations: Elatoi tend to get along reasonably well with other races, as they tend to serve as traders and diplomats. However, they are not entirely trusted, as they are a migratory people, not staying in one place long enough to establish trust with longer-lived races.
Alignment: Elatoi may be a free-ranging people, but they have developed a rigid trade system, as they lean towards law. They are also generally out for themselves, an evil trait, though they are not a people to harm others for no reason.
Elatoi Lands: The Elatoi call the Boomerang Isles home, along with the island elves. There they grow a small variety of agricultural products, which they can trade throughout the world. They get along peaceably with the island elves, and the two races form a coherent society there.
Male Names:
Female Names:

Physical Description: The Gaeli are a pale skinned race originating in the forested lands of Sarteri. They tend to be of above average height, with straight hair in colors ranging from dark brown, to red, to blonde. They have blue, green, bronze, or brown eyes, and elegant, gracile features. They tend to be of medium to light build.
Gaeli Lands:
Male Names: Adair, Bowen, Cael, Declan, Eoin, Farguar, Glen, Keefe, Merill, Neal, Phelan, Roarke, Sheehan, Tavis
Female Names: Aislin, Brea, Caitlyn, Diedre, Eavan, Fionna, Grania, Kera, Myrna, Niamh, Riana, Sorcha, Teige

Personality: The Nevhonim are a hardened people, having been subjugated by the elves during the reign of the Empire of Ashk. They are polite, but abrupt; helpful, but not friendly. They are quiet and contemplative, often waiting for the right moment to take action - and if action is called for, they do not hesitate.
Physical Description: Nevhonim are iron-faced, with dark, often hooded, eyes and hair of black or dark red. They are often possessed of tight ruddy or tanned skin, taller than average height, and very muscular bodies.
Nevhonim Lands:
Male Names:
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Personality: The Ronkans are a quick-witted, intelligent people, often coming up with solutions to problems rapidly. They also tend to be much more open-minded than other races, almost always willing to give something a chance to prove its worth. When angered, however, a Ronkan is more than capable of putting their ingenuity to work on vengeance.
Physical Description: Ronkans are often paler than other humans, with dark hair and eyes. They tend to be slightly thinner and taller than other humans, as well. Some Ronkans also mildly resemble the Bhalinar, Xianese, or Elatoi, given a small amount of racial mixing. They also tend to strongly resemble the Gaeli; it is speculated that the two races are closely related.
Ronkan Lands:
Male Names:
Female Names:

Personality: The odd Tsavashi are open, boistrous, and gregarious, overtly friendly and difficult to anger. However, they are also highly secretive about certain subjects, mostly concerning their homeland and some aspects of their culture.
Physical Description: The Tsavashi are a very pale skinned race from the frigid and remote southern reaches of Lotharien. Most have thick dark brown to black hair, thick eyebrows, coal dark eyes, and medium builds.
Tsavashi Lands:
Male Names: Alek, Dimitri, Igor, Kassian, Mikhail, Rasputin, Vlad
Female Names: Anya, Dasia, Galia, Latiana, Nadia, Sofi, Tatyana

Personality: Xianese tend to be unconcerned about the activities of others. Order, tradition, and discipline are their principles of life. Xianese speak little, and what they do say can be quite profound. They excel in the spoken arts, in song and poetry, and have produced some of the world's greatest philosophers.
Physical Description: Xianese are a shorter than average race with almond shaped dark eyes, fair to tanned skin, straight black hair, and round faces. They are of medium to slight build. Rarely Xianese are born with green eyes. Xianese tend to have very little body hair.
Xianese Lands:
Male Names:
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