A warm talk about a cold place

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Stepping into the library Alex sees Arlo lighting a urala cigar.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex holds up a hand in greeting. "Goodday, hope i am not disturbing you, i had a question though. Before King Random meets us here. " She looks at alle the books the sea of books in the cases. "I was told by former queen Harla, you could help me to some information." A bright smile on Alex her face. "She asked me to look at something, and I suppose that it would be a good place to start learning."

Michael James Watson

"You spoke with Harla? Impressive. The pattern is stretching its muscles lately. Its been keeping Harla busy. So what do you want to know?"

Amber Bronkhorst

"She showed me a book, a red bound book about Regor and its royal family. She told me you could show me the version here. " A soft smile she looks around the immense library then looks back to Arlo. "And it might be prudent to learn what i can about Regor. As Brand warned me his mother and thus my grandmother is the Tzarina and likes to keep an eye on all her relatives. And scaring them away apparently. So i figured better be prepared and study up." She looks at Arlo with a questioning look "Prince Osric said that it happened often that the pattern sends new cousins to former queen Harla."

Michael James Watson

Arlo walks over to the Green Chair Nook. It has one large padded green chair and several other smaller, but still comfortable green padded chairs. The nook is known for being one of the places no amount of sorting and tending can make look orderly. Its somehow a function of the library, a construct in itself separate from the construct of the castle, that this place represents all cluttered disorganized libraries across shadow. He motions Alex to a chair and pulls a heavy red leather tome from a shelf. “Regor....Its only blind luck Amber never went to war with it. Regor was a Way of Chaos and the home of the mighty House Aldoalin before the creation of Amber. It was where the primal creature Tiger lived for eons. The Sigil of Regor was created before the Pattern of Amber but it was created with the Jewel of Judgment. As you deal with Regorians, remember they have the arrogance to believe they should rule all shadow because of their antiquity. Sadly for them that's just not how the shadowlands feels about it. Because of that they locked their doors, built mighty realms in their own sway, might armies, and mighty households. They have a mighty big chip on their shoulders too.” “When the pattern was created it swept chaos like a wave, destroying some ways, changing others. It made the Abyss a huge frigging hellscape that divided the Shadowlands from Chaos. Anything on this side of the Abyss came under the sway of Amber for a very long time. Many great constructs of Chaos ended up on our side of the Abyss and were transformed. Regor most of all.” “Regor lost their chaosianess. In truth they were practically worshipers of Order even in Chaos. So they have a fanatical belief in Order. They struggled with the shadowlands and lost. Then they slammed the door on everything and embraced fanatical xenophobia.”

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex moves to the chair Arlo motions her to. She sits down in it and opens her sketchbook on a blank page. She tends to take notes and draw while studying. The same ahe did in Fantalin and it worked for her. She looks with an interested and also amused look at Arlo. "It is funny that the first thing which is said by many about Regor is their fanatical xenophobia. And hearing this bit of background story of Regor, i do understand. Understand but not agree with it. And it does explain why Clarissa would want to keep a close eye on anyone blood related to the Regorian royal families. " To remind herself she starts to sketch a tiger. "My mother had also warned me. That Regor is deathly cold, and the weather is chilly as well. I found that amusing yet a good warning. How is rhe political status now between Amber and Regor?"

Michael James Watson

He hands the red tome over, keeping a hand on the top blue stone. "Touch the blues stone at the bottom. It will let you find the book once it looses itself in the Green Chair Nook again." After she does he lets her have the heavy tome.

Amber Bronkhorst

She touches the blue stone on the bottom as instructed. Then looks up with a smile. "Thank you." She looks at it amazed for a moment by the sheer size of it. But then again as she just had heard. Regor has a vast history. "Arlo, something was brought to my attention as well, the primal Tiger. Who is now with Borlak, and should perhaps return. Is that true? And aren't primal creatures on itself powerful and able to decide where to stay. And yes i heard about the generations that if one died a less stronger next one stands up."

Michael James Watson

As she holds the book, makes her comment, she suddenly feels a huge burst of freezing fire run through her. Her abyssal mark flairs in her. The stones on the book become black momentarily. She swoons for a moment. Looking down the stones regain their color. Arlo sighs, "Well... That's annoying... You can summon the book now.. I hate that. Chaosian, abyssal, and Regorian, the book must like you.." "Regor...Its a long story. The ancient stuff goes on an on. But...the newer stuff is probably what is important. Miheal Aldoalin was the victor in a huge series of wars before the formation of the formal House of Regor. He was the first Tzar or Czar. His son Alexi I Regor had 13 legitamate children and 3 illegitamate ones. They all went to the knives when he died. The Legitamate were House Regor, the illegitamate were House Zhenya. The eldest Regor, Ivan, formed Housse Borna. The Eldest Zhenya, Mydoris, formed the great House Illiam Ean. Mydoris's 5th child formed the great House Alasaga. Mydoris's third child is Clarissa. FClarissa stired the war pots and court plots like a witch's brew" He pulls a table over and pulls up a box of chess pieces. He picks up pieces for each name. "Royal Regorian Principalities of Borna, Zhenya, Illiam Ean, Illiam Aralaxa, Alagasa, and Pherik. The Duchys of Brunswick, Gragdar, Petola, Sabara, Calabar, and Sarkosta. Houses of Trentor and Gandin. All royals. Below them, or beside them are more then a hundred Duchies. Thousands of Baronies, Counties, and Towers. Uncountable clans, tribes, bands. They have enough groups that they may be xenophobic because outsiders would be hard to keep track of. In the middle of all their wars are a few figures to be careful of." He pulls up Queen and King pieces. "Clarissa Zhenya. Konstantine Pherick-a Lord of Chaos. Dimitri Regor. Natalya Zhenya. Ektrina Regor-the first Priestess of the Tiger. Paval Illiam Eam. And not to be ignored, Nicholas II Zhenya-the current Tzar of Regor and his 7 children by Clarissa. Your aunts and uncles. When you go you should probably talk to Prince Alexi Zhenya. He is married to Nala Moir Tral of Rebma and lives in the Vulsara world of Randal. He is essentially avoiding Regor. Technically he is the Ambassador to Amber from Regor but only in an unofficial way. Random wants him to be officially posted but Nicholas won't do it till someone asks. Fiona refuses to even though she is technically the Ambassador to Regor. She is here in the castle which shows how eager she is to be in Regor." "As you can see, its a complcated game of chess."

Amber Bronkhorst

After the freezing fire shock she looks at the book and then at Arlo shaking her hand and arm the feeling first went through. Then resting her hand on her chest. "Dang, i had hoped after the pattern that the mark was toned down a bit. But don't worry i won't just summon a book from the library. And if i do by accident i'll make sure it will quickly be returned." She genuinely smiles. The smile fades as Arlo summs up the families and lines, houses of Regor she tries to scribble along but it quickly becomes a mess. She does listen with great concentration and interest. "Oh wow, i had heard about Regor and a complex family structure and huge family ties. But this is alot!" A slight tilt of her head as she hears of Alexi and Fiona not wanting to be there she nods with a serious face. "Politics are that bad there?" She does a slight shake of her head. "I wanted to first study up and grow into my new... status i suppose. Before even thinking about going to Regor. " She looks curiously at the chess pieces on the table

Michael James Watson

"Politics are that bad? Look under the genealogy of the family tree. Those are just the royals. Not even all of them. Just the ones that made enough of a name of themselves to have their names recorded. Many of those sibling groups had stillborns, infant deaths, lost in the woods, neardowells , layabouts, people who renounced thier royalty by entering cloistered orders, renounced their royalty by joining secret societies, renounced their royalty by joining religious military orders, were imprisoned, or just plain escaped. Look under the Borna line. 7 or so escaped to Brunswick, a Regor sway world outside the realm of Regor. Their names are not recorded in a book that magically keeps things straight. Every name on that list it the tip of a political pyramid "All those people had supporters, servents, spies, priests. Many had bastards. Many had faithful followers who kept fighting for them after they were dead. Some listed as dead are probably alive. Some listed as alive might be dead. And.....all these royals had nobles holding fiefs in their name and the nobles politics were far less clear and straightforward as the royals do. Oberon once said if Regor ever brought an embassy to Amber we would need to ship in literal boat loads of papper.

Amber Bronkhorst

As Alex listens to Arlo she opens the huge tome in front of her curiously looking inside. "It sounds like a lot to learn and to remember. So they have a book that keeps track of all of them? the ones officially recognized and who denounced their birthrights, so to say?" With big eyes she flips through the pages and looks up at Arlo now and then as he speak about the vast and deep family and clearly political jumble which is Regor. "So there are these main people on the board one should worry or at least be cautious about. Can i assume that the lower royals so to say further removed from ruling have sided themselves behind one of those main chesspieces? And if so, do their fealties easily change? or is the motivation and loyalty kept amongst the loyal of the ones in power?" "And perhaps a blunt question, but how i do fully well understand a war between Regor and Amber would be beneficiary to no-one. Is there need i the change of status between the two? I mean does Amber need closer relations with Regor, or having things as they are now is suitable to everyone their wishes?"

Michael James Watson

Arlo pulls down a book, opening it there is a compartment in it that he pulls a scroll from. He rolls it out. "This is a document that is older then Amber. Its older then nearly everything in this realm. I acquired it in my youth when Cat first came to me. He had stolen it from the private library of the High Lord of Chaos. Not just the Swayvill that recently died, but all the High Lords back to Swayvill the first of his actual name. It changes from time to time when the information changes. This document lists Primal Creatures. The Unicorn, the Serpent, the Ladybug, the Cat, and so on. It lists what places they are patrons for, what inscriptions they defend. It lists what realm they are in most frequently. It lists if they are served by a devoted order of some kind. Most important it lists they current boon companion. See, Unicorn-Amber-Pattern of Amber-Far Isles in Amber- and Dworkin. The Serpent of Chaos-Chaos and the Logrus- and Suhey Way and Suhey. Cat-no realm-no inscriptions-Library of Amber- Arloxedra...Pangolin-No realm-No inscription-Thin Whip's Place-Jurt. Butterfly-No realm-The Sigil of Alentile-Rasak-Doria. Thats my point.." "Now.. here. Tiger- Regor-Hide of the Tiger-No usual location. No boon companion...It has no chosen companion at the moment. Not Borlak, not Ektrina."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex curiously looks at the scroll Arlo shows following those he names. Till he speaks about the Tiger she frowns. "So Tiger is not so to say bound to Borlak. So perhaps as Harla said the cult of the Tiger can still lure the Tiger away from Borlak." Alex leans back and raises her brow. "I understand the importance of it, but i do not yet see how i could help with this. " Leaning down again she looks at the tome. "Do you know why those of the cult of the Tiger don't go after the Tiger to convince or lure it away? And what has Borlak done that the Tiger seems to follow him." Alex thinks for a moment. "What does it mean and how does it work, when a primal animal has choosen a boon companion?"

Michael James Watson

From the top of the stack nearby Cat mews. Arlo looks up and nods. "No rhyme or reason. AS for why the Tiger left Regor, its unknown. Why it left Borlak, is unknown. It happened after Borlak's battle with Alexandir Kos Korag."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks up to Cat with a smile and a polite nod. Then looking at Arlo she frowns a bit. "It was my understanding Tiger was still with Borlak. But if not, how would one find him. Or.. is it so with Primals that they are found when they want to be found?" She looks up at Cat again "Any advice in that?" Witha reassuring smile to Arlo she says "Do not worry i will not strain relations with Regor more by just running amok there. I like to be informed and prepared."

Michael James Watson

Cat stares unblinking. "The Tiger is connected to Regor. Somehow Borlak got it to follow him and abandon Regor. But it left Borlak when he was defeated in battle. Nearly had his head ripped off actually. My guess is that the tiger is in Regor. ITs bad tempered. I'd suggest leaving it alone. But knowledge is power so knowing its not with Borlak is a good thing. Borlak i hear is at a medical owned by a Concierge Doctor in Cynasure. He can stay there."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods slowly "I will take your advice to heart. Though i wonder has the Tiger always been bad tempered or might it have other reasons" Then a soft nervous laugher escapes her "i was not planning on seeking out Borlak thank you very much, as you say, he can stay where he is. I might not have heard alot of stories but what i've heard it sounds like a bad idea to ever get into viewing range of that man. " She smiles still but her tone is very serious. Her eyes then go down to the tome again and she carefully flips through the pages. Scanning its contents not very much reading it yet. "Arlo, may i ask another question unrelated to Regor? Unless you are bored of my presence and questions that is."

Michael James Watson

"When I become bored with questions I'll start sleeping in my apartment."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex smiles amused, "Good to know. There is alot of catching up for me and i am sure more questions will follow at time." She looks up from the book her hands resting on a page. "Alright, i know it was not the original plan, but i have already walked the pattern. The visions one sees during the trail, are they shown at random or does it have certain meaning? "

Michael James Watson

He ponders a moment the whisper to the side. Shyly a small creature steps out. Pixie or nixie but some tiny fey creature a third of a meter steps to visibility. It wears a proper looking trousers,shirt and vest coat. Spectacles. Looking to Arlo. Arlo says, "Tome of the Turn please? Its on the blue shelf over in my nook. Kysta, this is my friend Alexandra. Alexa, this is Kysta Castela. The Castelas are castle fey. Servants of the castle since it was built. They are fey, technically but have always served the castle. Call theirs a Fey Swirl and don't serve Titania. They let few see them. Many of the elders have only seen them a few time. Beneath their notice. Most people have never heard of them. Avoiding notice its a special gift of theirs. So is being forgotten. But if you are polite to them and properly introduced they can be very helpful. " he nods to it. (insert greeting before it runs off) "I'll bet you don't know something you have no reason to know. You are one of the few Amberites to be conceived and born not just in Amber but in the castle itself. Caine, Flora, Brand, and you come to mind. All of you have a close affinity to the castle because of it as well as for the pattern." Kysta returns with a thin book,bows, and vanishes. He slides it to you. "Tome of the Turn. It will tell you of Shade. There are millions of variations of each of us. Shades of us. Each has its own realities. Benedict has many shades of himself on his general staff. Each the Benedict of his own shadow of Amber. Caine once killed himself, a shade of himself, in order to play dead. Bleys spends time with 3 of his shades. Flora.... well... Flora. My point is the shades represent many paths we might pass through ourselves. The pattern, sometimes, gives you visions of possible versions of you, of things that might have happened in Shade. Maybe the pattern is nudging you for some reason. Maybe it's trying to scare you. Maybe its making something up. You have to decide what the visions are. You have to decide to ignore them or act on them. Read the tome. "

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks at first surprised, then after Arlo his explanation she bows her head politely to Kysta. "Wonderful to meet you." After Kysta is out of sight she turns back to Arlo a slight surprised look again as she hears of only so few being concieved and born in the castle. Looking at the book, she had by now closed the tome of Regor and as it is slid towars her she takes it up. As she keeps listening to Arlo she opens the small blue book. "So it always means something whatyou are shown but it is up to me to do with it as i see fit. Well two of the things i saw o do not know if i can change it or do something about it. And one might be of something to come or i might have done. " She then looks down in the book to read some of its pages.

Michael James Watson

"For most of its existence the royal thought of the pattern like a tool. Few thought of it beyond that. But its sentient and has plans of its ow. Deep ones. The pattern has allowed its favorites to do tricky things. Flora walked the pattern in secret when she was 9. Brand walked a 4 year old girl through it."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks up from the book and her eyes study Arlo for a moment, as if she is considering something she then nods before turning her gaze back to the book. "Then i understand now better what Brand had said about the pattern liking Laravella. Since it is still part of the true pattern what she had found in Tazilwere, and she unearthed it, used it which made it return back to its sentient state. " She looks up "Because all shadows of the pattern like those in Tazilwere are still part of the main pattern right? And a small question for my personal situation, does it matter for the first time which pattern you walk?"

Michael James Watson

"Interesting! Yes and no. No, any of the patterns will give you the same powers; shadowwalk, raise the pattern lens, etc. But also Yes. " He conjures a plate of crackers and cheese, nibbles. "Think of the senience of the pattern as a person with really well-defined multiple personalities. Its one mind, but has many representations and some are just a bit different in flavor. The best to walk is the primal. Wearing it's imprint gives you quicker, more direct access to its powers.. Quicker sorcery and conjuration. More piercing trumps."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks at the conjuring of the cheese and cracker plate, always amazed on the ease with which it seemed to be done. Laying her hands on the tome she looks at her fingers. "So i am curious to which pattern i walked. It was not here in the dungeons. Though Brand did want to transport me here to the pattern and Fiona. But we ended up with Prince Osric. " A wide smile she looks up. "So multiple personalities of the same origin. Interesting. Wait .. i could learn those things as well right? Now i have walked the pattern... "

Michael James Watson

"You walked the Primal. I can see it in you."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex smiles "So i could learn conjuring things, sorcery, trump making.... " She smiles wider but then remembers something. "Hmm perhaps though first making sure I understand this Abyssal Mark. I understand Fiona has the same as well. Brand so far has been busy with other things of course. But i haven't been pressing him to help. Though when i told Brand about it he brought me to the pattern. And i don't know what else he can do to help me with it." Alex grins a bit "pardon me i'm rambling. There are just opening alot of doors i realize. But i do not want to storm into said doors."

Michael James Watson

"Maybe you need to find someone more familiar with abyssal inscriptions. Someone not connected the the family. But...he is disreputable. Random won't let him in the castle. Bleys says he is the third possibly most dangerous person to the kingdom of Amber who lives here, or at least is employed by us. The most dangerous possible enemy to Amber is Alexandir Kos Korag that Random saw in his vison at the Oracle of Night taking Amber and sitting on its throne. The second is Jeremy Lockpick Fairhand, the archmage of Tosa and a god of Evil Magic in the Tosian universes. The person i think you should talk to is number three. And a friend of mine."

Amber Bronkhorst

Curiously Alex looks up. "Well now i am curious who you would mean. Certainly the introduction is nice and exciting." She smiles to Arlo. "But if they would be a danger should i ask then for their help? I would not want to act against Amber and the throne in amy way."

Michael James Watson

"He works for Amber. A mercenary with style. He's with CHAD. His Name is Lord Digan the Ruby Mage. He was a Lord of Chaos briefly, assayed the Logrus, but when the black road swerved into his world he turned on Chaos. He has a couple curious companions. Anyway, he knows the Abyss."

Amber Bronkhorst

"Let me first see if Brand is willing to pick it up. He is the one i inherited it from of course. If that doesn't work out i'll ask You about Digan the Ruby Mage. ." She smiles and looks down at the pages again. "Still even as i am born here in Amber and i have seen things as a guard and elite. I can still marvel about all the possibilities. But with that also the immense responsibilities. Everything reflects in Shadow. I've heard that alot. Shades....." Holding up the blue tome she starts reading as her words trail off. Knees pulled up in the comfy chair. While reading Alex without taking her eyes of the pages she says. Maybe more to herself then to Arlo, but still out loud she speaks. "My father can't leave here, so of i request training from him i have to stay here. I've already been invited to somewhere else.... Maybe i shouldn't bother my father to much anyway. "