Cortex Fantasy

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Physical, Mental, Social, Magical


Skills & Knacks

  • Craft - Covers all instances of making things.
  • Drive/Ride - Covers driving animal drawn land vehicles and riding trained mounts.
  • Fight - Covers all instances of physically attacking another being with fists, feet, or melee weapons or touching someone who might not be willing (hugs, handshakes, etc)
  • Fire/Throw - For using ranged mechanical or hand propelled weapons and tools.
  • Fix - Covers repairs of all kinds.
  • Focus - Covers instances where concentration is more important than the skill you're concentrating on. Often used to resist social, mental, or magical Influence.
  • Influence - To persuade another to believe or do a thing.
  • Know - Used to put together information or to check character knowledge of a thing
  • Labor - Covers general muscling/sweating/activitying, etc
  • Move - To get from point A to point B. Usually in a timely manner, but also when the way is dangerous or uncertain.
  • Notice - Covers seeing/hearing or otherwise . . . noticing . . . something you otherwise might not. Often used as a counter to Sneak.
  • Perform - The use of grace, acting, dancing, playing, etc to influence or impress an audience
  • Survive - Covers physical survival, usually of the elements
  • Treat - Covers treatment of wounds, poisons, or psychological conditions
  • Trick - Covers any kind of deception

Signature Assets