Hunting for the source part 3.

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Michael James Watson

Coming up on Dalt standing, watching your people do prep work he nods. "Turns out the version of me those people know is something of a boogy man. He also never fought Julian at the Gates of Dawn. He picked up mother's crusade. Made something more brutal then she ever did and avoided fighting his brothers at all costs.. Strange....I remember considering that when she died. But i decided to talk a solitary route toward my revenge. I grew up among the desecrators...A dour hateful bunch. I was like them for a long time.. But after I walked the pattern i was able to branch out. explore... I found other passions and less crazy people. Along the way....I met Brand. He was a interesting person in the time he was in and around Kashfra. With Jasra. Artistic. Driven. But his hatred for Amber was unmentioned. His time in Chaos unmentioned...Things happened differently. I spent the Patternfall wars defending Eragnor mostly.. But i see how close it was for me to become the Desecratix. I may have to go vist Julian sometime. To thanks him...." HE looks off pondering. SO how did you find them?"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex listens with a soft smile and caring face to Dalt. Sure she heard the stories but never had spend much time with the man behind said stories. When he told his story Alex her smile widens a bit. "I am very glad you are this version of yourself. Making the right but hard decisions for yourself. " A small chuckle "Hm yes i can see how you would want to thank Julian. Now as well after hearing of a version which could have been. I like the distance between Julian and myself now. Things would just be weird. Wouldn't know how to act before him." Looking over her troops she then answers with a sigh and shrug. "I don't trust them. I have a bad feeling about these versions. This Xandra is on the same mission as we are but still something is off. Can't put my finger on it. Other than some things are like opposites. Their Borlak, a paladin of the Unicorn. Their King is Julian. The whole ordeal in Tazilwere happened but very different. Though this Xandra walked the pattern there survived and gained an icemark.... she doesn't know who her father is. How much do you know about the workings of shades? I need tj know the level of threat they might pose.

Michael James Watson

He shrugs, "Hard to say. Im not a wizardly type. I can do magic in shadow, a bit of high order but otherwise I tend toward physical conflicts i can put a sword through. I understand the basics of course. Everything, everywhere, every way... As I understand it, shadow is layered and a shade person will naturally shadowwalk in their levels, but the closer they are to their amber....ethey won't casually walk into a higher level shadow without permission. THough the JEweled Road effects that. Oh and talking about that, a mile out, about 50."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods "Yeah Brand tried taught me some power words and a bit of shape-shifting and trumps but i don't do the sorcery thing that well. I think to much of his chagrin. If we are talking about Wizardly types he surely is one. But i don't know in what type of mood he is to talk to. " She looks at Dalt. "Arlo might know more and have advice. I just need advice on how to proceed with shades, i do not want this to come and bite me in the ass later on or cause trouble back home. Either way this is not the source of the spikes as far as i see. So we should soon move on. "

Michael James Watson

Dalt scowls, "Arlo....Thats a spider in its silk. Look, follow the spike. These shades can do the same. In the end, thats your mission. Not figuring out the metaphysics of who they are"

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex frowns at Dalt then laughs soft "Not liking Arlo much hmm? That is fine. Perhaps you are right. That multiple versions have the same mission is not odd. And it can happen we cross paths. " She looks over thr group and if she spots Callsal she'll wave him over. "Perhaps we shouldn't wait to long then. "

Michael James Watson

Callsal comes over, "They have never seen Manticore. We've never seen drakes. Our spikes must draw them from different paths. Ive a set of twins and a lot of their people recognize members of ours. Strange. Still.. They are rangers. We should take our assault unit onward immediately. Support troops are coming in from both groups. I suggest having our support group stay here. Twice as much defence. We can send game back here if we need to."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex concideres Callsal his words, slowly nodding. "You trust it the support troops will be okey back here? With the other group here as well? " She looks at Dalt. "Is your troop ready to move out? If so i will agree with you both and we will head out with the assault group. I don't know if we can dodge those ogres along the way. But that is something we'll deal with when we're there. " She nods to Callsal "Get the groups ready to move and the rest to stay and defend and deal with the game. " Alex turns to see if she spots Karieeena she knows she needs to say little to her she signs her with rasak signs that we'll be moving out soon. Always keep your elite informed.

Michael James Watson

Things move fast. Most of Dalt's group has been just waiting. The assault group is on the move fast. In a couple hours the group finds the ogres. Big ugly brutes. The have whole cows cooking on big fires. They have no security.

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex looks at the camp and frowns. She looks at Dalt and speaks soft "The shade Random said they were willing to make a deal. But how much i believe that Random is questionable. What do you say move through and take them down? Or try and move around?"

Michael James Watson

Dalt says, "If we go around, then we become prey. If they are willing to make a deal, all the better. Let me check something. " He reaches unusually deep into a pocket. He pulls a very large bore pistol. And a vey small one. He casts a silence spell and fires the small gun into the ground. He dispels the spell. Puts the small one away. "All due respect to the nail guns but they have no stopping power. This one does. Its only one but its monstrously loud. We can slug it out if we have too. We do have the numbers...still if they are looking for hire, Amber has the best bank in Shadow

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods finding truth in what he says. "You are absolutely right about the prey part. That is not something that will help us. Heh Duncan says the same about guns trained with them. Still not my preference, but can't deny their stopping power no." She looks on and nods "Lets see if a deal is welcome if not we'll take them down. Our forces should be able to handle it. Any experience in negotiating with Ogres?" The last she asks semi hopeful.

Michael James Watson

"negotiating with ogres? Yes I do. Ride down on them with a mounted lance and they are quite agreeable." he hands the pistol over and pulls another. "That's a loaner. I have two. They kick lick a mule getting a rectal exam. That's a 12 gauge bolt thrower, endless ammo. It may not put an ogre down in one shot but it will slow him the fuck down. So...bargain from a point of strength. Don't be shy about shooting them to make them see how reasonable your offer is."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods taking the gun she tests it in her hand. "Point of strength. Don't be shy to show said strength got it. " She looks at her little command team and nods to Karieeena seeing she is her elite, Alex figures Karieeena will be with her. She then looks between the rest. "Dalt you coming with? Or do you stay here to have the rest ready incase of failed negotiations?"

Michael James Watson

"If they figure out who I am they won't listen to you."

Amber Bronkhorst

Alex nods agreeing she then nods to Karieeena "Then let's go and show some strength. " Alex rides up with gun visible, Karieeena by her side. Face neutral It depends if they have spotted them by the time they ride near the camp or not. If they had not noticed Alex and Katrieeena yet Alex will draw the gun and shoot a treetrunk. Guess showing strength immediately could be helpful. And she can test the kick of the gun in case battle ensues If the Ogres had spotted Alex and Karieeena already they will just calmly ride up , Alex won't shoot then. Holding up her free hand in greeting.