Using Willpower
Town of the Damned (a Fleaux Adventure) - main page
Every character has a Willpower usage die of d6.
Using Willpower
Willpower can be automatically downgrade a die size (no roll) to reduce an Ability roll by the result of the Willpower roll. E.g. a character has to roll less than their Dexterity of 11 to avoid being shot. The player rolls a 13, a failure. They decide to use Willpower, roll their d6 (their current Willpower level) and get a 3 - this reduces their roll to 10, a success (just!). Their Willpower die is reduced to a d4.
Willpower is risked in the following situations. If the Willpower roll is a 1 or 2, the die size reduces as a result.
- Perform two of the same actions in a combat turn. Normally characters can take two actions per turn (move and attack, draw a weapon and attack, etc.). However a character can choose the same action twice (move twice, attack twice, etc.) but Willpower is risked.
- Perform a special effect as part of an attack - you roll Willpower and the result must be higher than 2 to get the effect. These are:
- Butcher: add the Willpower result to your damage
- Disarm: opponent is disarmed
- Whirlwind: inflict damage to everyone close to you, friend or foe.
- Rolling a critical failure (a natural 20)
- Failing a Guts roll when encountering a fearsome creature or disturbing sight and choosing to stand regardless.
- Casting a spell - note, after the first spell cast per day the Willpower roll is with disadvantage, and HP can be spent to increase the score and prevent Willpower degrading
Running out of Willpower
- If Willpower degrades to 0 (i.e. a roll of 1 or 2 on a d4), then the character Panics and rolls a d6 on the Panic table.
- Willpower then resets to d4
- If Willpower hits 0 while casting a spell, the caster also rolls on the Chaos Revenge table for a spell mishap.