Using Willpower

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Town of the Damned (a Fleaux Adventure) - main page

Every character has a Willpower usage die of d6.

Using Willpower

Willpower can be automatically downgrade a die size (no roll) to reduce an Ability roll by the result of the Willpower roll. E.g. a character has to roll less than their Dexterity of 11 to avoid being shot. The player rolls a 13, a failure. They decide to use Willpower, roll their d6 (their current Willpower level) and get a 3 - this reduces their roll to 10, a success (just!). Their Willpower die is reduced to a d4.

Willpower is risked in the following situations. If the Willpower roll is a 1 or 2, the die size reduces as a result.

  • Perform two of the same actions in a combat turn. Normally characters can take two actions per turn (move and attack, draw a weapon and attack, etc.). However a character can choose the same action twice (move twice, attack twice, etc.) but Willpower is risked.
  • Perform a special effect as part of an attack - you roll Willpower and the result must be higher than 2 to get the effect. These are:
    • Butcher: add the Willpower result to your damage
    • Disarm: opponent is disarmed
    • Whirlwind: inflict damage to everyone close to you, friend or foe.
    • Although not RAW, other effects are possible - the Black Sword Hack includes additional effects such as Vicious (inflict ongoing bleeding damage), Entangle, Pin Down, Sacrifice (do double damage but weapon breaks) which I'm happy to include as options here.
  • Rolling a critical failure (a natural 20)
  • Failing a Guts roll when encountering a fearsome creature or disturbing sight and choosing to stand regardless.
  • Casting a spell - note, after the first spell cast per day the Willpower roll is with disadvantage, and HP can be spent to increase the score and prevent Willpower degrading

Running out of Willpower

  • If Willpower degrades to 0 (i.e. a roll of 1 or 2 on a d4), then the character Panics and rolls a d6 on the Panic table.
  • Willpower then resets to d4
  • If Willpower hits 0 while casting a spell, the caster also rolls on the Chaos Revenge table for a spell mishap.

Recovering Willpower

  • Willpower returns to its full amount (d6) after a long rest of 6+ hours. Long rests cannot normally achieved in the wilderness.