Scrap or Scapper
back to Savage Shadowrun PBP [1]
AKA: Scrapper (for his tendency to get into fights and for the piece of shit car he had when he first came to the neighborhood)
Race: Human (Ork Poser)
Iconic Framework: Bounty Hunter
- Agility d6 I
- Smarts d6 B
- Spirit d8 II
- Strength d8 S I
- Vigor d8 I B
- English d8
- City Speak d6
- Or’zet d6
- Japanese d6
Skills 16/16
- Athletics (Agi) d4 *
- Common Knowledge (Sma) d4 *
- Driving (Agi) d4 I
- Fighting (Agi) d8 IIII
- Healing (Sma) d4 I
- Intimidation (Spi) d6 II
- Notice d6 (Spi) * I
- Persuasion (Spi) d4 *
- Repair (Sma) d4 I
- Research (Sma) d6 (Bounty Hunter)
- Shooting (Agi) d6 II
- Stealth (Agi) d6 * I
- Taunt (Sma) d6 II
- Thievery (Agi) d4
- Brawny (Human)
- Bounty Hunter: Metahumans (Bounty Hunter)
- Streetwise (Bounty Hunter)
- Upgrade (??)
- Outsider: (minor) Since he looks like an Ork, he suffers a -1 to Persuasion with non-Orks and Trolls.
- Secret: (minor)
- Enemy: (major)
Cyberware Strain Cost
- Titanium Bonelacing 3 9K
- Betaware Smartlink 0.5 4K
- Betaware Enhanced Lowlight Cyber-eyes 0.25 6K
3.75 19K
- Street clothes x1 25
- Armor Jacket 4* (torso,arms) 750
- Concealed Holster 50
- Ares Predator 1,100
- Fake ID (d6) Free
- Ceramic Knife 75
- Comlink 50
- Trauma patch x1 50
- Plasteel Handguff restraints x1 300
- Coveralls x1 25
- Web gear ??
- Ingram Smartgun X 1,200
- Stick and show ammo x3 150
- Flash Bang 80
- First aid kit 100
- Trauma Patch x1 50
- Plastic Handcuff Restraints x2 150
- Glue Sprayer +1 refill 150
- Narcoject x2 500
- RFID tag x1 5
- Wire cutters 25
Cash on Hand 625
Lifestyle Low (3 months)
- Arms Dealer (Indifferent, mid-level)
- Chop Doc (indifferent, mid-level) Street Doc running an illegal body shop, specializing in cybernetic implants.
- Decker (Indifferent, mid-level)