Scrap or Scapper

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back to Savage Shadowrun PBP [1]


AKA: Scrapper (for his tendency to get into fights and for the piece of shit car he had when he first came to the neighborhood)

Race: Human (Ork Poser)

Iconic Framework: Bounty Hunter


Agility d6 I
Smarts d6 B
Spirit d8 II
Strength d8 S I
Vigor d8 I B


English d8
City Speak d6
Or’zet d6
Japanese d6

Skills 16/16

Athletics (Agi) d4 *
Common Knowledge (Sma) d4 *
Driving (Agi) d4 I
Fighting (Agi) d8 IIII
Healing (Sma) d4 I
Intimidation (Spi) d6 II
Notice d6 (Spi) * I
Persuasion (Spi) d4 *
Repair (Sma) d4 I
Research (Sma) d6 (Bounty Hunter)
Shooting (Agi) d6 II
Stealth (Agi) d6 * I
Taunt (Sma) d6 II
Thievery (Agi) d4


Brawny (Human)
Bounty Hunter: Metahumans (Bounty Hunter)
Streetwise (Bounty Hunter)
Upgrade (??)


Outsider: (minor) Since he looks like an Ork, he suffers a -1 to Persuasion with non-Orks and Trolls.
Secret: (minor)
Enemy: (major)

Cyberware Strain Cost

Titanium Bonelacing 3 9K
Betaware Smartlink 0.5 4K
Betaware Enhanced Lowlight Cyber-eyes 0.25 6K

3.75 19K


Street clothes x1 25
Armor Jacket 4* (torso,arms) 750
Concealed Holster 50
Ares Predator 1,100
Fake ID (d6) Free
Ceramic Knife 75
Comlink 50
Trauma patch x1 50
Plasteel Handguff restraints x1 300
Coveralls x1 25
Web gear ??
Ingram Smartgun X 1,200
Stick and show ammo x3 150
Flash Bang 80
First aid kit 100
Trauma Patch x1 50
Plastic Handcuff Restraints x2 150
Glue Sprayer +1 refill 150
Narcoject x2 500
RFID tag x1 5
Wire cutters 25


Cash on Hand 625

Lifestyle Low (3 months)


Arms Dealer (Indifferent, mid-level)
Chop Doc (indifferent, mid-level) Street Doc running an illegal body shop, specializing in cybernetic implants.
Decker (Indifferent, mid-level)