Fish Story: Vernon Weatherby

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Vernon Weatherby[edit]

Short description:[edit]

Vernon Weatherby has always grown up on the water. His father and grandfather both were town constables which gave Vernon free run of the town, within reason. He quickly learned the ins and outs of the dirt roads, marshes, ponds, and tributaries all over the Cape riding along with his father to different calls that came up all over town. Whether it was another drunkard passed out in his boat or Miss Mary's chickens running amok, Vernon was interested in preserving his way of of life. Groomed for his position following in his paternal footsteps, Weatherby always has been exacting: i's dotted and t's crossed. Now that he is grown, he likes to keep things in a line and the town tidy.

Idea behind the character: A straight and narrow police officer who follows the letter of the law to protect his town. A natural skeptic, he has to see it to believe it.


   Investigator Name: Vernon Weatherby 
   Occupation: Town Constable 
   Colleges, Degrees: High School Diploma, Massachusetts State Police academy
   Birthplace: Eastham, Ma 
   Mental Disorders:
   Sex: Male f Age: 46 
   Family & Friends:
   Wounds & Injuries: 
   Marks & Scars:


   STR: 15 
   CON: 16 
   SIZ: 12 
   INT: 11 
   POW: 12 
   DEX: 14 
   APP: 12 
   EDU: 14 
   HP: 14 
   Damage bonus: +1d4
   Idea: 55% 
   Know: 70% 
   Luck: 60% 
   SAN: 60; Current= 50


   Accounting 10%
   Anthropology 01%
   Archaeology 01%
   Astronomy 01%
   Bargain 60%
   Biology 01%
   Chemistry 01%
   Climb 01%
   Conceal 25%
   Credit Rating 15%
   Cthulhu Mythos 05%
   Disguise 20%
   Drive Auto 30%
   Electrical Repair 01%
   Fast Talk 55%
   First Aid 30%
   Geology 01%
   Hide 40%
   History 15%
   Jump 25%
   Law 55%
   Library Use 20%
   Listen 25%
   Locksmith 35%
   Mechanical Repair 20%
   Medicine 05%
   Melee Weapon 28%
   Natural History 10%
   Navigate 20%
   Occult 05%
   Operate Hvy. Machine 01%
   Other Language xx%
   Other Language xx%
   Persuade 35%
   Pharmacy 01%
   Photography 40%
   Physics 01%
   Pilot (Boat) 35%
   Pilot xx%
   Psychoanalysis 01%
   Psychology 40%
   Ride 05%
   Sneak 40%
   Spot Hidden 25%
   Swim 25%
   Throw xx%
   Track 10% 
   Fist/Punch 60%
   Head Butt xx%
   Kick xx%
   Grapple xx%
   Martial Arts xx%
   Dodge 28% 
   Shotgun 30%
   Rifle 25%


== Colt Police .38 Special; Colt M1911 .45ACP; Remington Model 17 12ga; Browning BAR 30.06 ==


Police uniform: Uniform blouse, trousers, leather boots, cap, leather gloves, (Winter uniform: wool Pea Coat and winter gloves)


Background and Notes[edit]