Thoughts about the rangers and life.

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Alex sits down with her notebook she had decided to draw a bit, that usually helps her with the storm of thoughts. No image comes to mind... though alot of words. So she decides to write instead.

"Many know me as calm, happy and easy going. Except for those few with who i had trouble.

A thought plagues me since i am back in Arden again.

This time within the capacity of second Warden. Of Duncan has come no word or sighting yet. So here as Second Warden i am responsible for the going ons and the training of the Rangers. I do not perse mind i know what is expected and i know what needs to be done.

Then what plagues me.... The whole father and son thing.

Julian, at the news of Adagalasck being opened again, packed up his things and left. Leaving all of a sudden Duncan in charge. Which would have not been a problem perse if things had gone more gradually.

Alot of Rangers left. Some had their loyalties purely placed with Julian so upon his leaving they left. I see this as a fault of Julian. Loyalties should have been made clear it is to Amber and Arden, only then to the commander. Duncan seems to understand that, he asked me to train the new troops with that order of loyalty.. Now some rangers might have had their loyalties straigth but they felt betrayed by Julian. Who just dropped everything and left. Some say he did it for love... but what about duty, what about the love the Rangers felt for Julian? I have my opinion about this.

Will i ever speak it? Possibly when directly asked. But for now. On paper it has its place for now. At least my thoughts are more sorted now."