Temple of flame
Imagine what it would be like if you were someone like Indiana Jones, or Conan the Barbarian, or Luke Skywalker. Rather than merely sitting back and watching the adventures of these heroes, you could actually experience the thrill and danger at first hand. All that stood between you and certain death would be your own skill and daring, and the decisions you made. In Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks, you ARE the hero. You are a skilled adventurer who has roamed over much of the known world. In your yearning for constant challenge and the excitement of battle you have fought goblins, giants, trolls, ogres, dragons, evil wizards and many other strange and terrifying opponents. And you have always won. The years of adventure have honed your reflexes and fighting skill so that few men could stand against you in single combat. To determine just how good an adventurer you are, you must use the dice: Roll two dice. Add 20 to this number and enter the total in the VIGOUR box on your Character Sheet. This score represents your strength, fitness and general will to survive. Any wounds you take on your quest are subtracted from your VIGOUR score - if it ever reaches zero you are dead. Roll one die. Add 3 to the number rolled and enter the total in the PSI box on your Character Sheet. The higher this score, the better you are at resisting spells cast at you and the more sensitive you are to psychic impressions. Roll one die, add 3 and enter the total in the AGILITY box. This score reflects how nimble you are. You will need a high AGILITY to scale walls, leap across chasms, and so forth.
Try to personalize your adventuring persona by thinking of a heroic name. You might call yourself Lucas Starkiller or Sir Bergan the Bold, Lady Angela Centauri or Li Chun the Black Dragon, or any other name you can think of. Imagine what sort of adventurer you are first - a noble knight, a crafty rogue, a dashing swordsman or a rugged Viking, perhaps - and then choose a name to reflect that. Try looking at the BACKGROUND to the adventure first; it may give you some ideas.
Your VIGOUR will change constantly during the adventure - every time you are wounded, in fact. You may find healing potions in the Temple of Katak. These will resore some of the VIGOUR points you have lost owing to wounds - but unless you are told otherwise, your VIGOUR score must never exceed its original value. This is your normal VIGOUR score, and you must keep a careful note of it. Your AGILITY and PSI are less likely to change, although this is possible. Spraining your ankle, for example, might reduce your AGILITY by 1 point. A magic helmet might increase your PSI. But, as with VIGOUR, your AGILITY and PSI must never exceed their normal scores unless you are specifically told otherwise.Fill in the character sheet in pencil sothat you can rub it out for future adventures. You may prefer to copy the character sheet on to a separate piece of paper.