Souls of The Magaambya

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Izaek Gulone (zer0zer0)
Hachi (Silvercat Moonpaw)
Jakanda (Stormraven)
Firas Al-Ghani (Naxhuul)
Chomesse (sizzle)
An anadi wizard (Naphthalim)


Character Options

Every book is allowed, but rarity will still set some limits. Some (not comprehensive) specifics:

  • Uncommon ancestries, gunslinger, inventor and any AP specific option is allowed
  • Rare ancestries from Lost Omens: Mwangi Expanse are allowed, but rare backgrounds are 100% banned.

Otherwise, ask for GM permission. My criteria tends to be: uncommon should normally be allowed, rare shouldn't unless specially appropiate, unique never.


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