Fate of the Serpentine
Campaign Overview
Daring deeds of derring-do in the exquisitely evanescent empery of Eversink!
Helpful Resources
- In Character Thread
- Out of Character Thread
- Recruitment Thread
- Fall of DELTA GREEN 1960s French theatre weapons types
- FoDG Combat Options Summary
- Organisation Claude
Important Places
Please note: While we're using real place names, the game takes place in an ahistorical past. Any resemblance is coincidental and/or for convenience.
(Btw the hi-res version of the map is here: https://rocbo.lautre.net/Paris14e/plans.html)
Metropolitan Paris in the early Fifth Republic, a period of political convulsion, national renewal, and vibrant intellectual and cultural creativity. Also a symbolic battleground for the ideologies of the Cold War.
Paris Metro
Important People
- Mr. Green, your ice-cold and so far utterly mysterious DELTA GREEN handler
- Pascal Carbone, Unione Corse capo and sometime ally