Fate of the Serpentine: Nick Buonastella

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Nick "Lucky Bastard" Buonastella

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Nick served as a swordsman in the Grey-Guard and got a reputation for good luck. Everything changed the day his squad was sent out on the Dead Plateau and they were forced to take shelter in a ruined temple from a storm. His luck paid off then, too well -- they broke through into a hidden chamber while looking for something to burn, and found treasure. They promptly deserted, but that night, Nick was visited in his dreams by the nameless god of that place, who told him that he was now the avatar of Mad Luck and it was his destiny to remake Eversink in his own image. Now every night the god whispers secrets and lore and shows him terrifying visions of the future, which he mostly forgets because he went to bed drunk.


HC: Mercenary turned Reluctant Sorcerer

Trouble: Cursed by Wild Luck

Other Aspects:

Devil's Own Luck

The Gray-Guard Never Forgets

Trouble Always Finds Me


Drunken Master: +2 to Fight when he's been drinking




+4 Athletics

+3 Provoke, Lore

+2 Rapport, Notice, Fight

+1 Contacts, Physique, Deceive, Investigation


Statue of the luck-god with suspicious stains on it

Set of Gray-Guard armor with the unit patches carefully ripped off

Half a bottle of strong-wine for emergencies

Bad Dreams