Brahnamin's Characters: Mama

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Mama Nguyen | Variant Human | Warlock | L5

"Difference 'tween gods and devils is a matter of perspective, mostly."

[Actual] People: Acalani | Gender: Female | Ht: 5' 3" | Wt: 90 lb | Age: 40 Hair: Black | Skin: Fair to Tan | Eyes: Green | Markings: None

  • This section indicates Nguyen's natural appearance when totally free of her Mask of Many Faces incantation [rare].

[Apparent] People: Acalani | Gender: Female | Ht: 5' 3" | Wt: 90 lb | Age: 75+ Hair: White | Skin: Weathered and deeply lined | Eyes: Amber | Markings: Facial "Tattoo"

  • This section indicates the guise the world regularly sees because it is her default use of Mask of Many Faces incantation.

Background: Guild Merchant Caravanserai: Where the Merchant Guild travels, you can claim passage for yourself and your companions, be it in a caravan or on a river barge or a seafaring vessel. Because this is a favor, you have no say in available schedules and the like and you and those with you are expected to pitch in along the way.

Personality Trait: I always want to know how people think and what makes them tick.

Ideal: I am loyal to friends and companions more than to any dogma or principle.

Bond: I once cheated the exact wrong person in a trade and must work to ensure this individual never crosses paths with me or those I care about.

Flaw: When trading with someone in a position of power or influence, I can't resist trying to get the better of them . . . honestly or otherwwise.

Attributes STR: 8 [-1] DEX: 15 [+2] CON: 10 [+0] INT: 12 [+1] *WIS: 13 [+1] *CHA: 17 [+3] Proficiency Bonus: +3 | Saves: Charisma [+6] Wisdom [+5]

Skills/Languages/Feats Deception [+6] | | Insight [+4] | Intimidation [+6] Perception [+5] | Persuasion [+6] | Stealth [+5]

Common | Sindarean | Taratan | Yrycish

Artificer Initiate | Eldritch Adept x2

Combat Proficient: Lt Armor | Proficient: Simple Weapons AC: 15 | HP: 28 | +2 ranged/finesse attacks | [+7] melee attacks [+4 dmg]

Magic/Warlock Features Spell DC 14 | Spell Att +6 | Spell Slots 2 [L3]

Spells Known: Eldritch Blast [C] | Light [C] | Mage Hand [C] | Prestidigitation [C] | Arms of Hadar [1] | Feather Fall [1] | Darkness [2] | Mirror Image [2] | Misty Step [2] | Spider Climb [2] | Gaseous Form [3]

Incantations: Armor of Shadows | Devil Sight | Mask of Many Faces } Voice of the Chain Master | Gift of the Depths

Features: Great Old One Patron | Pact of the Chain | Awakened Mind | Familiar [Imp: usually in Raven form]: "Caw"

Gear/Magic Items/Wealth Steel Spear +1 to hit/damage Daggers [3] Merchant's Pack

  • Sealing wax [Merchant Guild's Signet]
  • Guild letter of Introduction and Rank
  • Flint and tinder
  • Ink/Quills
  • Parchment
  • Mess Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Bedroll

50' Silk rope

Gauntlets of Ogre Power (uncommon) Healing Potion [2] 2d4+2 (common)


Backstory Nguyen is a woman of middle age, but she goes about in the guise of a frail old lady more often than any other face she might wear. Hailing from Acalon, the "palm' of the Sheltered Hand, she spent much of her formative years as a journeywoman of the Merchant's Guile, a member in good standing, and a mistress of languages.

At least, that was her life until her caravan camped beneath the Eldar Tree on the plains of An'la on a trade mission to the Anlat. She learned later from the nomads of the plains that no such tree was known in their land, but that day it had been real; and that night only she, of the entire caravan, had seen the tree limned in silver under a moonless sky. Its branches reached and grasped like tentacles, and a thousand eyes blinked along the trunk and another thousand on every twig and branch.

Its unspeakable name was seared into the front of her brain like the unseen glyph in a golem's brow that bound it to service and could undo it if marred or removed.

Nguyen served.

Some days as Lady Nguyen. Some - few - in her natural form of Journeyman Nguyen. Some days she played the faceless urchin child. Some days a bearded artisan or guard. Some days she was an exotic Sindanre or a stout and taciturn Tarat or a grizzled Yryc.

But most days she wore the weathered ancient face of Mama Nguyen, wandering elder and so called wise woman of the Sheltered Hand.