Brahnamin's Characters:Emily Leigh
Emily Leigh [she/her]
"There's songs in th' hills ne'er sung by lips o' man"
Concept and Stats
(a) Amateur (n) Photographer who (v) Abandoned the marked path
Tier | Effort | XP | Armor | Max Cyphers
Might Pool 8 Edge | Speed Pool 12 Edge | Intellect Pool 16 Edge
Skills and Special Abilities
Background: Inherited Gram's two room hut and a ghastly collection of taxidermy along with notes and anatomically accurate sketches of local animals/animal skeletons.
Chargen Notes
Using the Speaker archetype for my character type. Swapped Practiced with Light Weapons for an extra skill. (Perception) With GM permission, flavoring Speaker with Magic to swap out one Speaker Special Ability for the SA Mental Link.