Shadowwalkers: Trait Sets and Mods

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Prime Trait Sets

Secondary Trait Sets

Secondary traits represent character abilities that may apply to a role or may not and can be added to a pool as appropriate.


Knacks are specific specialties under a given role that the Urchin is just a natural at. Starting knacks are worth an extra to the roll it applies to but can be stepped up during chargen or advancement as outlined below.

Each player gets to assign two free knacks at to their Character's role.

Each player gets to assign one free knack at to each of their Character's roles.

Each player gets to assign two additional knacks at to any role rated or higher or step up an existing knack (or two) at a one-for-one exchange rate.

Knacks cannot be assigned to a character's role.

No knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the role it is assigned to.

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