Pstjmack's Cthulhu Eternal: Beyond the Mountains of Madness/Martin Cooper

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Revision as of 19:39, 1 October 2022 by SirMoogle (talk | contribs) (Skills: Marking for improvement.)
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Character Name: Martin Cooper
Player Name: SirMoogle
Profession: Cartographer
Nationality: American
Sex (Age): M (31)
Education: College


Score x5 What Others Notice
Strength 9 45
Constitution 13 65 Sturdy
Dexterity 15 75 Quick-footed
Intelligence 16 80 Analytical
Power 13 65
Charisma 6 30 Reticent

Derived Attributes

Current Maximum
Hit Points (HP) 9 11
Willpower (WP) 9 13
Sanity (SAN) 60 99
Breaking Point (BP) 52

Permanent At Hand/Stowed/In Storage
Resources 11 6 / 5 / 0

Resource Check Boxes


Incidents of SAN loss without going insane

Violence adapted
Helplessness adapted


Samuel Cooper (Father) 6
Starkweather 3
American Society of Cartographers 10

Motivations and Mental Disorders


Total Total Total
Administration (10%) 10% Foreign Language (Type) (0%) 0% Research (10%) 60%
Alertness (20%)* 80% Harangue (10%) 10% Ride (10%) 10%
Anthropology (0%) 0% Heavy Machinery (10%) 10% Science (Cartography) (0%)^
Science (Geography) (0%)*
Appraise (10%) 10% History (10%) 10% Search (20%) 60%
Archaeology (0%) 0% Insight (10%)^ 12% Social Etiquette (10%) 10%
Art (Type) (0%) 0% Law (Land Rights) (0%) 20% Stealth (10%)* 30%
Athletics (30%)* 50% Medicine (0%) 0% Streetwise (Type) (0%) 0%
Charm (20%) 22% Melee Weapons (30%)* 52% Surgery (0%) 0%
Craft (Mapmaking) (0%) 50% Military Training (Type) (0%) 0% Survival (Tundra) (10%)
Survival (Polar)
Craft (Type) (0%) 0% Swim (20%) 20%
Disguise (10%) 10% Natural World (10%) 30% Track (10%) 10%
Dodge (30%)* 50% Navigate (10%)* 80% Unarmed Combat (20%) 20%
Drive (20%) 20% Occult (10%) 10% Unnatural (0%) 0%
Firearms (20%) 20% Persuade (20%) 20% Use Gadgets (0%) 50%
First Aid (10%)* 31% Pilot (Type) (0%) 0%
Foreign Language (Type) (0%) 0% Psychoanalyze (10%) 10%
Foreign Language (Type) (0%) 0% Regional Lore (Type) (0%) 0%

*Skills that have been boosted by a Bonus Skill Point pick.
^Skills that have been marked for improvement.
Skills that are not active yet.

Physical Injuries and Ailments

Has First Aid been attempted since your last injury? If yes, only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further

Armor and Equipment

  • Thick Coat (Armor 1)
  • Pocket Compass
  • Cartographer's Tools
  • Backpack

Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Kill Damage.


Skill % Base Range Damage Lethality Kill Damage Kill Radius Shots
Hunting Knife 50% Melee 1d4 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Personal Details, Work Performance, Special Training and Other Notes


The Great Depression affected many Americans, though some less than others. Martin Cooper is one of them. Spending part of his life in outdoors excursions, he traveled to the far north to explore the frozen parts of Canada and map them for future explorers to discover for themselves. The Depression made funding less likely for him to make multiple trips up there, but the Cartographers' Society recommended him for a voyage down to the Antarctic by Starkweather and Moore. How can he resist!