Brahnamin's Characters: Lucy
Lucy de la Croix
Never startle a time-rabbit. It won't end well.
First Bouncer of Baton Rouge
Lucy bounces at the Red, the most popular bar in Baton Rouge, and one of the toughest. She picked up something of a reputation at it to the point that she now spends half of her nights training bouncers at other clubs.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.
Read the People Lucy is amazing at reading people, their mood, their demeanor, their intentions. It's what makes her such a great bouncer. When you confront a difficult or unruly person, use your intuition to create a
asset involving your understanding of their state of mind.
Absolutely Fascinated with Cryptid-Aracnus
In her free time, when she is not bouncing the clubs, Lucy can be found off the beaten track searching for zoocryptids. And not just any zoocryptids, but cryptid-arcanus, secretive creatures touched by magic that avoid all contact with people.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.
Lay of the Land Lucy's hunts have led her through many types of terrain, so much so that she has become adept at sussing out conditions that might not be obvious to others. Spend a plot point to reveal a fact about the natural world you’re standing on—environmental conditions, weather, or animal life—as a
Erased Fleetwood Tull from Existance
It was that damned time rabbit. She knew better than to give chace once it bolted. She really knew better than to grab it. But grab it she did, and pop they skipped back decades emerging not in a meadow but at a major cross street in the heart of Baton Rouge. The city bus didn't hit her and she didn't drop the damned rabbit, even when it bit her. Pop she was back in the meadow in the proper time and dropped the damed thing. She still didn't know what had changed in those brief seconds, but the band's brilliant and extensive catalog now lived only in her head and the Fleetwood Tull tee she had worn that day was their only existing merch. Sometimes their remembered songs give her hope and inspiration. Sometimes waves of crushing guilt.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.