Street Name: Ushitara Name: Jamie Butler Movement: 15/35, Swim: 7 Karma: 0 Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 Public Awareness: 0 Troll Female Age 38 Height 8'2 Weight 490 lbs Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 4 Lift/Carry: 17 (135 kg/90 kg) Memory: 8 Nuyen: 0
BOD: 8 AGI: 4 REA: 4 (8) STR: 8 (9) CHA: 1 INT: 3 LOG: 3 WIL: 5 EDG: 1
Derived Attributes
Essence: 0.20 Initiative: 7 (11) IP: 1 (3) Matrix Initiative: 5 Matrix IP: 1 Physical Damage Track: 12 Stun Damage Track: 11
Active Skills
Archery : 0 Pool: 3 Armorer : 0 Pool: 2 Artisan : 0 Pool: 2 Automatics : 0 Pool: 3 Automotive Mechanic : 3 [Wheeled] Pool: 6 (8) Blades : 0 Pool: 3 Climbing : 1 Pool: 12 Clubs : 0 Pool: 3 Computer : 0 Pool: 2 Cybercombat : 0 Pool: 2 Data Search : 0 Pool: 2 Demolitions : 0 Pool: 2 Disguise : 0 Pool: 2 Diving : 0 Pool: 7 Dodge : 3 Pool: 12 Escape Artist : 0 Pool: 3 Etiquette : 1 Pool: 2 First Aid : 0 Pool: 2 Flight : 0 Pool: 8 Forgery : 0 Pool: 3 Gunnery : 0 Pool: 3 Gymnastics : 2 Pool: 6 Hacking : 0 Pool: 2 Heavy Weapons : 0 Pool: 3 Infiltration : 1 [Urban] Pool: 5 (7) Locksmith : 0 Pool: 3 Longarms : 0 Pool: 3 Navigation : 0 Pool: 2 Palming : 0 Pool: 3 Parachuting : 0 Pool: 7 Perception : 2 Pool: 5 Pilot Ground Craft : 1 [Wheeled] Pool: 9 (11) Pilot Watercraft : 0 Pool: 7 Pistols : 1 Pool: 5 Running : 2 [Urban] Pool: 11 (13) Shadowing : 0 Pool: 2 Survival : 0 Pool: 4 Swimming : 1 Pool: 10 Throwing Weapons : 3 Pool: 7 Tracking : 0 Pool: 2 Unarmed Combat : 6 [Subdual Combat] Pool: 10 (12)
Knowledge Skills
Archetecture : 3 Pool: 6 English : N Pool: 0 Fishing : 2 Pool: 5 Japanese : 4 Pool: 7 Or'zet : 1 Pool: 4 Security Systems : 3 Pool: 6 Syndicates : 5 Pool: 8
"Crazy Ivan", Ex Black Star Fixer (4, 4) A dwarf, and not at all Russian, but he does speak the language and put on the accent, because "you would not be buyink Kalashnikov from Canadian, da?"
Victor Nguyen, "Fisherman". (2, 2) Vic actually does fish, but he's *also* a smuggler and small-time coastal pirate, of the strictly inglorious variety. He's usually full of tales from friends in low places, even when the catch of the day isn't a net full of grenades.
Distinctive Style (10 pts) Pacifist (Minor) Restricted Gear (Rating 1) Thermographic Vision Weak Immune System
Low 1 months
Bone Lacing (Aluminum) Chemical Gland: Exhalation Spray Datajack Flare Compensation Internal Air Tank Move-by-Wire System Rating 2 Muscle Replacement Rating 1 Platelet Factories Protective Covers Retractable Climbing Claws Skin Pigmentation + Biotattoos
Armor Jacket 8/6 +Nonconductivity 6 +Shock Frills Clothing 0/0 Form-Fitting Full-Body Suit 6/2 Helmet 1/2 Lined Coat 6/4
Aluminum Bone Lacing
Pool: 10 DV: 7P AP: - RC: 0
Colt America L36 +Laser Sight +Spare Clips
Pool: 5 DV: 4P AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Esprit Petite Brume
Pool: 7 DV: 5m Radius AP: - RC: 0
Grenade: Smoke (Aerodynamic)
Pool: 7 DV: (10m Radius) AP: - RC: 0
Retractable Climbing Claws
Pool: 3 DV: 5P AP: - RC: 0
Shock Glove
Pool: 10 DV: 5S(e) AP: -half RC: 0
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 10 DV: 5S AP: - RC: 0
Martial Arts
Wrestling ++1 DV when inflicting damage to a subdued opponent Clinch Sweep
Sony Emperor (2, 0, 0, 3)
Ammo: Stick-n-Shock (Light Pistols) x30 Chisel DocWagon Contract: Basic Fake SIN (Asuka Nadeshiko) Rating 4 Grapple Gun Grenade: Esprit Petite Brume Grenade: Smoke (Aerodynamic) x5 Micro-Transceiver Rating 1 Miniwelder Monocle Rating 1 +Image Link Pepper Punch x100 Standard Rope (100 m) Stimulant Patch Rating 2 Tool Kit (Automotive) Trauma Patch Wire Clippers
GAZ P-179 (Pickup Truck) +Armor, Concealed Rating 2 +GridLink Override +Metahuman Adjustment, Troll +Morphing License Plate +Multifuel Engine +Run Flat Tires Rating 1 +Spoof Chip +Vehicle Sensor
A cybertroll even by cybertroll standards - a massive, hulking woman looking every bit like an oni out of myth, an image she takes great pains to spoil with dainty earrings and bright pink bands around her horns She habitually walks at a hunch to look most of metahumanity in the eye, when she's not going out of her way to be intimidating.
Jamie was born a troll, and was swiftly on track to inherit her mother's mechanic business the moment she finished out her education. Unfortunately for her, graduation night was a string of extremely poor decisions culminating in a bar crawl throughout most of the Barrens, which ended with her being shoved into a van and "recruited" into an underground bloodsport ring. She survived, mostly through sheer luck, long enough to become "favored" with increasingly heavy modifications.
The skilwires helped, but over the next five years, she needed them less and less. By the end, she had a fearsome reputation for breaking limbs as a matter of course, but this was more an indication of conscience than cruelty - how else do you end a deathmatch without death?
By this point she was occasionally used as a particularly intimidating bodyguard by her Yakuza "sponsor", and on the way from one of many meetings, their vehicle came under fire - first from rivals, then from an anarch cell that'd apparently been waiting for just such an opportunity to grab whatever heavy thing she laid in the trunk.
Forcibly unemployed twice, she's an old troll now. She had a SIN once, but Jamie Butler has long since been declared legally dead. She owes what she has left to the merry band of anarchists she's fallen in with, lending her hideous strength to them in thanks. She can often be seen with her arms crossed, staring into middle distance at Crazy Ivan's bar, The Wall.
Ex-mechanic, Ex-fighter, current hammer in need of a nail.