Rivers in the Barrens:Amber

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Revision as of 06:11, 17 October 2022 by Squidheadjax (talk | contribs)
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Street Name: Amber

Name: Heidi Dahl

Movement: 10/25, Swim: 6

Karma: 0

Street Cred: 0

Notoriety: 1

Public Awareness: 0

Elf F

Composure: 12

Judge Intentions: 11

Lift/Carry: 4 (15 kg/10 kg)

Memory: 7

Nuyen: 0


BOD: 3

AGI: 2

REA: 3

STR: 1

CHA: 7

INT: 4

LOG: 2

WIL: 5

EDG: 1

MAG: 5

Derived Attributes[edit]

Essence: 6

Initiative: 7

IP: 1

Astral Initiative: 8

Astral IP: 3

Matrix Initiative: 8

Matrix IP: 1

Physical Damage Track: 10

Stun Damage Track: 11

Active Skills[edit]

Animal Handling  : 0 Pool: 3

Animal Training  : 0 Pool: 3

Arcana  : 2 Pool: 4

Arcana, Artificing  : 2 Pool: 7

Arcana, Metamagic  : 2 Pool: 6

Archery  : 0 Pool: 1

Armorer  : 0 Pool: 1

Artisan  : 0 Pool: 3

Assensing  : 3 Pool: 7

Automatics  : 0 Pool: 1

Blades  : 0 Pool: 1

Clubs  : 0 Pool: 1

Computer  : 0 Pool: 1

Con  : 3 Pool: 13

Counterspelling  : 4 Pool: 9

Cybercombat  : 0 Pool: 1

Data Search  : 0 Pool: 1

Demolitions  : 0 Pool: 1

Disguise  : 0 Pool: 3

Diving  : 0 Pool: 2

Dodge  : 0 Pool: 2

Escape Artist  : 0 Pool: 1

Etiquette  : 3 Pool: 13

First Aid  : 0 Pool: 1

Forgery  : 0 Pool: 1

Gunnery  : 0 Pool: 1

Gymnastics  : 0 Pool: 1

Hacking  : 0 Pool: 1

Heavy Weapons  : 0 Pool: 1

Infiltration  : 2 [Urban] Pool: 4 (6)

Instruction  : 0 Pool: 6

Intimidation  : 1 Pool: 11

Leadership  : 3 Pool: 13

Leadership, Command  : 3 Pool: 8

Leadership, Direct Fire  : 3 Pool: 10

Locksmith  : 0 Pool: 1

Longarms  : 0 Pool: 1

Navigation  : 0 Pool: 3

Negotiation  : 3 Pool: 13

Palming  : 0 Pool: 1

Parachuting  : 0 Pool: 2

Perception  : 1 Pool: 5

Pilot Ground Craft  : 0 Pool: 2

Pilot Watercraft  : 0 Pool: 2

Pistols  : 0 Pool: 1

Riding  : 0 Pool: 2

Shadowing  : 0 Pool: 3

Spellcasting  : 6 Pool: 11

Summoning  : 4 Pool: 9

Survival  : 0 Pool: 4

Throwing Weapons  : 0 Pool: 1

Tracking  : 0 Pool: 3

Unarmed Combat  : 0 Pool: 1

Knowledge Skills[edit]

Area Knowledge: Seattle  : 2 Pool: 6

Bars and Clubs  : 1 Pool: 5

English  : N Pool: 0

Gangs  : 1 [Anti-Metahuman] Pool: 5 (7)

Icelandic  : 1 [Speak] Pool: 5 (7)

Japanese  : 3 [Speak] Pool: 7 (9)

Magical Threats  : 2 Pool: 4

Russian  : 2 [Speak] Pool: 6 (8)

Sperethiel  : 1 [Speak] Pool: 5 (7)


Crazy Ivan (4, 4)

 Serves as Amber's fixer. On sincerely friendly terms.

HNN Investigative Reporter Gillian Higurashi (4, 1)

 Probably actually a corporate spy, but useful for high-level tidbits of info.

Kenna Dahl, Bartender (2, 5)

 Heidi's older sister.

Talismonger Karli Svensdottir (2, 1)

 More than a bit amoral; sells to Humanis- and Nazi-aligned Odinists as readily as everyone else.  Craftsmanship is trustworthy, but that's about it.


Geas (Sacrifice)

Low-Light Vision


Mentor Spirit (Dark Goddess)

Sensitive System

Spirit Bane (Plant)


(Tradition: Norse, Resist Drain with WIL + CHA (12))

Detect Life, Extended DV: (F÷2)+2

Heal DV: (Damage Value)-2

Improved Invisibility DV: (F÷2)+1

Increase Reflexes DV: (F÷2)+2

Magic Fingers DV: (F÷2)+1

Mind Probe DV: (F÷2)+2

Powerbolt DV: (F÷2)+1

Stunball DV: (F÷2)+1


'Hel House' (Basement apartment in an old Ashbarrow brownstone) 1 months

  Comforts:      Low
  Entertainment: Middle
  Necessities:   Low
  Neighborhood:  Street
  Security:      Middle
  Qualities:     Concerned Neighbors [2LP] 
                 Haunted [-4LP] 


Form-Fitting Half-Body Suit4/1

Vashon Island: Aces High Jacket Line3/3

  +Chemical Protection 1
  +Insulation 1

Zoé: Moonsilver Cocktail Dress3/1

Zoé: Moonsilver Scarf 1/0


Unarmed Attack

  Pool: 1   DV: 3S   AP: -   RC: 0


Hermes Ikon (4, 3, 3, 3)

  +Empathy Software Rating 3
  +Iris Orb
  +AR Gloves
  +MCT Bloodhound Rating 3


Binoculars, Optical

  +Vision Magnification

Contact Lenses Rating 3

  +Image Link
  +Flare Compensation
  +Vision Enhancement Rating 1

Earbuds Rating 3

  +Select Sound Filter Rating 2

Fake SIN (TBD) Rating 3

Magical Lodge Materials Rating 4

Stimulant Patch Rating 6 x4

Sustaining Focus (Health) (Bonded Foci) Rating 3


Her casual/running look, in her Aces High jacket.
Dressing up for a classy meet or similar.


  • Heidi grew up in Ashbarrow rather than Tarislar as her father Austri, a Night One mechanic, was never particularly accepted in the insular community of mainstream elves, and basically kicked out when he hooked up with Maria, a human courier. Both were Shadowrunners, but withdrew from that life to raise their children.

Austri and Maria were killed by a band of Night Hunters while buying time for their daughters and other neighbors on their block to escape; Heidi was raised mainly by her older sister Kenna after.

  • Kenna scraped by on odd jobs until settling in at the Working Class. Heidi spends most of her social time at the Wall at least partly to avoid feeling like Kenna is judging her as she drinks and flirts. The two proprietors might sometimes use the sisters as a backchannel for communicating when their relations are most strained.
  • Heidi started showing her magical talent young. Kenna, knew there was no way they could afford a proper education (at least not without effectively indenturing Heidi to a corp), but was able to track down one of their parents' old associates, an elderly orc (by orc standards), "Goði Tormund", who left what he would repeatedly describe as 'comfortable retirement in Touristville, surrounded by doting Valkyries' to take Heidi on as an apprentice. In the tradition of wise mentors everywhere and in accordance with his faith, the cantankerous old coot went out in a blaze of glory fending off a Halloweener foray, leaving Heidi the basement apartment he'd moved into. Said apartment has a sordid history, the stuff of slasher films, and Tormund had only barely finished cleaning out the background count before his death. It's still a magnet for ghosts and malicious spirits that Amber has to shoo off.
  • Heidi's not entirely sure why plant spirits have it out for her; she's never managed to keep even the hardiest of garden plants alive, but it's not clear if that's a cause or symptom. Tormond shrugged and suggested that maybe Loki had it out for her (referring to Loki killing Baldr with a sprig of mistletoe, as the only thing he was vulnerable to), but without any sense of certainty.
  • She was drawn particularly to Freya - glamorous and more than a little ruthless, always gathering more skill and power and unafraid to use her femininity to get there - and her 'runner name "Amber" reflects that.
  • Her commlink is a gift from her sister, loaded with the IC to try and make it at least a little harder for people to take advantage of her extremely basic technical knowledge. She doesn't fiddle with technology much in general - even trodes start to get real uncomfortable after a while, which street docs tell her are a sign that even if she weren't magical she probably should stay away from 'ware.


Ásatrú magic practitioner and summoner; support-focused magician.