Nature of the Beast: Jasper

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Appearance: in human form, Jasper is a short male, about 5’7”, with a shaved head, bushy hipster black beard, and one blue eye (the eyepatch mostly covers the scar). He tends to wear rugged clothing from the thrift store.

Equipment: Beat up but reliable pickup, guitar, old shotgun he doesn’t use, dozens of notebooks

Name: Jasper Goodfellow
Deed Name: Glass-Biter
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Galliard
Tribe: Fianna
Concept: Last Survivor

Gnosis: 1
Rage: 5
Willpower: 5
Renown: 2 Glory, 1 Wisdom
Rank: 1; Cliath


Strength 3
Dexterity 3
Stamina 2

Charisma 4 (stage presence)
Manipulation 4 (Twists your words)
Appearance 2

Perception 3
Intelligence 2
Wits 3

Talents / Skills / Knowledges

Alertness: 2
Athletics: 2
Brawl: 3
Empathy: 2
Expression: 2
Primal Urge: 1
Subterfuge: 1

SKILLS Drive: 2
Etiquette: 2
Larceny: 1
Performance: 2
Stealth: 2

KNOWLEDGES Academics: 1 (Music theory)
Investigation: 1
Medicine: 1
Rituals: 1
Survival: 1


Ancestors: 3
Fate: 3
Pure Breed: 2
Resources: 1


Persuasion: Cha+Subterfuge, drop social modifiers by 1
Mindspeak: Manipulation+Expression, 1 Willpower
Two Tongues: Willpower, allows two conversations simultaneously

Merits and Flaws

No Partial Transformation: 1 point flaw
One Eye: 2pts flaw
Language: Spanish 1


Jasper originally planned on being a rock star or at least a music teacher until he suddenly turned into a spirit-monster-wolf at a EDM warehouse rave in Boulder, Colorado. Jasper has been a warrior of Gaia for three years. In that time he has gone through three different packs, being the sole survivor each time.

Everyone knew that it wasn't his fault, but…three times? No one was thrilled to bring him into the fold. After a long meeting with the Elders, Jasper was volunteered to become a Long Scout, a messenger and runner to keep the Tribes connected all along the Front Range. He has connections but not Contacts withing multiple septs and packs from New Mexico to Canada. He is a low priority asset that they can call on to send any missives, get some bragging and renown communicated to other packs, or go and kick any wasp’s nests to see if there’s a real issue.