Thorya's Characters: Gabriel St Julian
Gabriel St. Julian
Come on mate, three pentagrams? That possessed toaster nearly killed me!
Minimum Wage Mage 
It's not easy being a wizard in the smog filled streets of Felport, especially in this economy. Dodging the elementals and under creatures while the populace lives in indifference. You would think having a spark of actual talent would give you a leg up, but no one actually wants to know their fortune (you'll continue to eat T.V. dinner four times a week for the next two years until the excess salt gives you kidney stones) and banishing the creatures of the night is mostly done with some neon lights, chain link fence, and a healthy dose of indifference rather than the arcane arts. So you do what you have to to get by, even if that means cooking a grilled cheese sandwich in the back of your Suick Chivalry using a hot plate powered by a spark elemental and doing a little "accounting magic" with some fake checks.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.
Back Against the Wall Gabriel is use to struggling through when things are tough and reaching deep to survive." When Gabriel has a
or higher complication, he steps up Minimum Wage Mage.
Magic Problems Require Modern Solutions 
Sure it's all well and good to purify wolfsbane in the light of three beeswax candles on the third waning moon of the new year to create the perfect potion to banish the blood beast, but modern people want their apartments free of the supernatural before their lease expires and without staining the carpet so they can get their deposit back. So a gallon of bleach and a barb wire net are just going to have to do the trick. Do you know they sell salt by the pallet now? It's worth throwing some at anything you come across to see if it works. Even if the Eldritch abomination doesn't care about crossing a barrier of salt, it probably still won't like a handful of it in all six of its eyes.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.
The Most Modern Solution- Violence: Gabriel resorts to violence when negotiation with supernatural forces fails (i.e. most of the time) and that often means using the environment to find ways to hurt supernaturally resilient creatures. Spend 1 PP to create a
an asset representing a weapon or other means of causing harm.
My Charms Aren't All Magical 
Gabriel has learned other skills to survive besides just magic. That includes an easy smile, a bit of roguish charm, some fast talk, some sleight of hand and misdirection, and completely unearned confidence. You got to earn those five pentagram reviews on WitchApp some how or you're not going to get hired for the next gig. He enjoys a crowd and socializing and can even be the life of the party when he needs to; even if that usually ends up getting him in trouble.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
to represent your distinction in a high stakes action.
ESP, the second sight, the third eye, a sixth sense; whatever you call it it is one more thing to worry about. Gabriel can perceive magic around him and get glimpses of connections or even possible futures/fates, of course detecting these mystic connections is rarely pleasant. (Mechanically I think this is somewhere between precognition and comprehension with a little detect magic thrown in)
Limit: Psychic Feedback
Ritual Magic 
With complex arcane calculations, the proper time and place, a lot of fancy runes, and the right material preparations you can bend the universe to your will. Provided he has all of that, there's almost nothing he can't do. The problem is getting all those ducks in a row. Gabriel can create rituals to banish creatures, summon things, perform divination, ward areas from harm, heal magical curses, and any number of other things, but the scale of the magic is directly linked to the complexity of the ritual's requirements.
Make-Shift Rituals Complex magical formulas can be improvised right? Vodka and grape juice is basically wine right? A substitution should be fine. I foresee no way this could co wrong. Create a D8 complication representing unintended side effects when you can't perform the ritual exactly as intended and gain a PP.
Limit: Complicated: Rituals require time, preparations, and materials in proportion to the feat being performed. This means they may not be used in combat or other fast paced situations unless prepared before hand and large rituals may have additional requirements, such as expending an asset or PP.
Ritual Magic-
Limit: Complicated, this ability is shutdown when action is fast paced and there isn't time to pull off a ritual.
SFX Make-Shift Rituals:

Clever | Charm
| Careful
| Sneaky
| Forceful
| Quick