Eberron WhispersOfTheVampireBlade

This wiki is for my 5E D&D Eberron game, The game starts in Sharn, the City of Towers.
Character Creation
D&D 5E Eberron game. I am using Rising From the Last War supplement for the Eberron species and Artificer class. (RFTLW). Also using the Mythic from Unearthed Arcana 32, I have the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide (SCAG), Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGTE), and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (TCTE), I am open to others but don’t have those rules. If they are found online legally I am sure I am fine with them.
Character Creation – standard PHB character creation with the following….
- Characters start at 4th level
- 27 attribute point buy
- Pick a Race/Species – any from the PHB or RFTLW are available (others might be allowed but check with me first, if there is a difference between another source and RFTLW we will default to Eberron). Racial feats from TGTE is fine. As Dragonmarks from ROTLW can affect these see how they effect the invadidual races.
- Pick a Class from PHB or the Artificer and Mythic. Most subclasses from the books I have are fine.
- Pick a Background. I don’t really have any of the sourcebooks that grant Feats or partial Feats with your backgrounds so I am very hesitant to allow them.
- Hit Points – max at 1st level and the amount in () after that.
- At 4th level Character Class you gain an Attribute boost (+1 to two attributes or +2 to one attribute). Also everyone at 4th level overall (if multi-classing for example) gains a free Feat of choice.
- Action Points from the DMG. ½ your overall level +5 (round down), These can be used after the character has rolled and sees the result. As the characters will roll their own dice they can choice then if they want to add a +1d6 to their d20 roll for Attacking, Saving Throws or Skill/Attribute rolls.
- Starting gear from Background and Class. Then you have acquired most mundane gear and can add it to your gear list but you need my approval for expensive items. Also start with a free Common magical item and one Uncommon magical item
Houserules on Races Standard Human base or Variant from the PHB. For Standard Humans also add....
- +1 skill proficiency of choice for free.
- +2 Action Points (starting at 4th level that’s 9 points)
- Change Attribute bonus to +2 to either Intelligence or Wisdom
The Heroes
Name | Played by... | Race | Class/level | AC | HP | AP | Other |
Fix | @MrPrim | Warforged | Artificer 4 | xx | x/x | 7/7 | xx |
Myrl Vult | @Donan | Gnoll | Paladin 4 | xx | x/x | 7/7 | Bite, Rampage, Darkvision, Divine Sense, Lay on Hands, Fighting Style, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Channel Divinity |
x | @Stormraven | xx | Bard | xx | x/x | 7/7 | xx |
Alin’ aashta | @Ellorin | Half Orc | Fighter 4 | 17 | 36/36 | 7/7 | Darkvision, Hunter’s Intuition, Finder’s magic, House Connections, Second Wind, Action Surge, Combat Superiority |
x | @Darth Kenobi | xx | xx | xx | x/x | 7/7 | xx |
Star | @Talisman | Shifter | Sorcerers 4 | 13/16 | 26/26 | 7/7 | Shifting, Aberrant Dragonmark, Spellcasting |