Shadowwalkers: Leylines

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What are Leylines?[edit]

Leylines are globe spanning rivers of raw earthpower radiating up to the surface in key locations. Three such lines intersect New Trinadad. Where two or more leylinnes cross one another, they create Nexi. Where three or more Nexi are grouped around one another in close proximity, the area within is known as a Nexux.

If leylines represent power lines, Nexi represent transformers, and a Nexus is a massive bank of batteries storing copious reserves of excess energy.

How do Leylines Affect Mortals and Supernaturals?[edit]

Leylines have many different effects that mostly depend on what kind of energy is interacting with their field.


Mortals are only rarely affected directly by leyline energy, though they might be peripherally affected if they are near when supernaturals interact with a leyline. It is theorized - but not tested - that certain mundne power sources can interact with leylines.


Supernaturals using powers within the field of a leyline can be directly affected by the energy there. Some can deliberately or unconsciously tap into, ignore, or otherwise affect leylines.

  • Wild Magic d10 - The first and most common way characters might be affected by leylines is through the d10 complication Wild Magic whenever they use a power within a leyline's field of influence.
When facing off against another supernatural using their power within the same field, this complication can also be used as an asset by the player.
  • Tap the Line - Some supernaturals who are adept at ritual magic can tap into the power of a leyline from within its field of influence, stabilizing the outflowing power and negating the Wild Magic d10 complication for themselves. This cannot be used to extend the stabilization to other characters.
Tap the Line can be used on the fly for the above effect. It can also be used as part of larger, more complex rituals completed over time in a controlled environment with the proper tools and components. In this instance, add 1-3 d6 to the roll keeping the same number of additional effect dice to calculate the magnitude of the roll.
  • Revenants and Leylines - Leylines do not affect Revenants.
  • Nulls and Leylines - Nulls naturally damage leylines just by coming into contact with them, and the lines will bend several blocks to avoid prolonged contact with a Null.
  • Unfettered and Leylines - The Unfettered are able to intentionally wreak havock with leylines. The Wild Magic d10 complication does not apply to an Unfettered directly manipulataing a leyline.
  • Touched and Leylines - Fae powers are based in wild magic, so the Wild Magic d10 complication instead becomes an asset for the Touched when using their own powers and can still be added as an asset vs other supernaturals as outline above.
Additionally, players cannot use Wild Magic as an asset against Touched or Fae beings.
  • Gates and Leylines - Those characters able to open gates to other realms do not need to roll to do so if the gate in question intersects a leyline.

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