Future Imperfect-specific Rules

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Brain Hacking[edit]

Just as the networking of computers in the late 20th century gave rise to the computer hacker, so has the networking of human minds given rise to the brain hacker. Now that our neurons can be translated into ones and zeroes, they are just as vulnerable to manipulation and predation as our mainframes. While legitimate uses of brain hacking technology exist (medical and psychological procedures and, in some countries, police and military interrogations being the most common), the majority of brain intrusions are illegal.

The easiest way to prevent brain hacking is simply to not have a neural interface. If one is not connected, one cannot be hacked. However, such people are increasingly rare in today’s society, and so other methods must be devised. The best method that is currently available is the “personality barrier.” Personality barriers wrap the mind in one or more digitially-created, fake personalities which confound and misdirect attempts to access the true mind of the subject. Exceptionally potent military-grade personality barriers have even been known to trap or back-hack intruders in order to neutralize them.

Game Mechanics

Mechanically, there are three types of brain hacking in Future Imperfect, each of which serves a slightly different purpose. They are:

  1. The Misdirection Hack
  2. The Quick-and-Dirty Control Hack
  3. The Full-Intrustion Hack

The Misdirection Hack is used to confound and confuse its victims by inserting false sensory information into their heads. This is done using the Illusion power (EM pg. 51) with the required Restrictions “Requires active Neural Interface” (-1BP) and “Affected by Personality Barrier” (-1BP).

The Quick-and-Dirty Control Hack allows the hacker to take direct, temporary control of the person who is being hacked. The basis for this the Mind Control power (EM pg. 56) with the required Restrictions “Requires active Neural Interface” (-1BP).

The Full-Intrustion Hack is a complete invasion of the victim’s psyche, allowing for varied and long-term effects. Outcomes similar to those caused by the Misdirection and Quick-and-Dirty hacks can be achieved with Full-Intrustion, but it generally takes much longer to accomplish. For Full-Intrustion hacking, use the Telepathy power (EM pg. 67) with the required Restrictions “Requires active Neural Interface” (-1BP). The actual act of Full-Intrusion hacking someone’s brain is conducted using the rules for Mind Combat (EM pg. 100).

Normally, the first two forms of Brain Hacking are limited to maximum Area and Range PMVs of 100 meters via wireless connection, while the Full-Intrusion hack is limited to Area and Range values of 10 meters, due to the complexity and amount of information transfer involved. The possibility of special exceptions to these limits for PCs should be discussed with the GM.

Personality Barriers use the Mind Shield power (EM pg. 56), often with the "Permanent" Restriction at -1BP.

Future Imperfect