Apocalypse Keys An Uncounted Tale Clotho Notes
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I must remember to:
- Struggle with the hunger
- Seek intimacy at every opportunity
- Confront the horror of a body I cannot control.
[Name] Clotho, a name given to me by the man who changed my life. The one that follows me. All the rest are affections – to be worn and discarded, devoured by the passing of time.
[Look] an unsettling grin that reveals nothing, beautiful clothing that hides what I can never show, teeth that undeniably inhuman.
[Origin] I was cursed by the first of my kind and chosen to be their beloved scion. Ahh, how exquisite the transformation! How imperfect! I took to it as well as any of us did.
[What do I feed on and what do I leave behind?] I feed on human flesh and blood – leaving behind more that hunger like me. To eat and be eaten. To eat and be eaten. To eat and be eaten. Down and down, less and less each time. The ones I touch are diminished. The ones they touch are hollowed. The ones those touch are fleeting shadows. But the Hunger is never diluted.
My Powers:
- Haunting Aura.
- Weapons of Blood and Bone.