Shadowwalkers: Cortex Prime by Night - C7

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=Name : Hermann Bell: Power Set= Revenant

Character Quote

Attributes d6

Physical Attributes



Mental Attributes



Social Attributes



Roles and Knacks d4


Knack d6= Mechanical Maintenance


Knack d8= Shoulder to Cry On- Getting people to open up about their problems, fears, past, etc.
Knack d6= Bullshitter- Boasting, bragging, exaggerating. It's not quite lying, I really did catch a fish.


Knack d6


Knack d6


Knack d8= Hell on Wheels- Conflicts in, around, and between vehicles.

Distinctions/SFX d8

Echo:Revenant d8

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.
Words of Eternal Peace: You share comforting messages from those that have passed. Spend a PP to step down a complication representing fear, anger, psychic trauma, or mental distress on yourself or others.
active SFX ?

Profession: Cab Driver d8

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.
Ghost Cab: Hermann's cab has been affected by the same strangeness as Hermann and functions with his Out of Phase power and has mysteriously kept running for decades.
active SFX ?

Wildcard: Perfect Sense of Direction d8

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a to represent your distinction.

Power Set

Speaker for the Dead d8 Having fought their way back from Death's own realm, Revenants can bring the truth of the dead to the living, speaking horrible secrets from beyond the veil - secrets that sear and rot the psyche of all who hear them.

Out of Phase d10 Since returning from Death's demesne, the Revenant is no longer bound to physical reality in the way of mortals and can becone almost entirely incorporeal as they wish, able to slip through the smallest of openings like a mist on the wind. While in this state, the Revenant does not take physical stress from mundane sources.

Ghost Fares d8 Like the lucky baseball card, ghosts have left little echoes of themselves behind in the cab over the years. These ghostly mementos disappear when someone isn't focused on them, but can be manifested again by finding them in a pocket or other location hidden from sight. These are small mundane items that had some meaning to one of the hundred of ghosts that Hermann has guided over the decades: A lighter, a teddy bear, a baseball cap, a watch, a pen knife, a silver dollar, etc.

SFX: Spend a pp to perform a single power in a high stakes action without needing to roll the dice.

Limit: [Conscious Activation] If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down the Revenant Power Set. Restore Revenant Power Set when you awake.

Limit: [Not Today] Your Willpower is legendary. When you would take stress, shut down a Revenant power to ignore that stress. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.

Limit: [Despair] Shut down any Revenant power to gain a pp. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.

Stress Tracks

Mortal Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||

Psychic Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||

Spiritual Stress

d4 ||| d6 ||| d8 ||| d10 ||| d12 ||| TAKEN OUT |||


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