Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Aelfric the Cheerful WWN
Aelfric was raised in a traditional Thorcinga village and practiced as a shipwright for several years, marrying a local Thorcin woman. One day his wife was slain accidentally by a Archontean patrol. Rather than seek vengeance, he decided to strive for understanding. Abandoning the craft he was trained in he began to wander from village to village, striving to understand the human condition, and began writing and reciting poetry to express what he learned.
- Class L4 Mage
- Background: Wanderer
- Class Ability: arcane tradition - High Mage
- Languages: Archontean (literate), Thorcin, Mithric, +3 others
- Traits: Honorable yet Manipulative
- Secondary Skill: Shipwright
- Neutral, Alignment Goal: Correct an imbalance
- Personal Goal: Find the ability to forgive others
- XP: 12
- Strength 7 (-1)
- Intelligence 18 (+3)
- Wisdom 9
- Dexterity 9
- Constitution 10
- Charisma 14 (+1)
- Magic-2
- Connect-0
- Survive-0
- Know-2
- Shoot-0
- Heal-0
- Spirit Familiar-1: You have a minor spirit, devil, construct, magical beast, or other creature as a devoted companion. While its abilities are limited, it is absolutely loyal to you.
- Choose a form for your familiar no smaller than a cat nor larger than a human. It may be summoned or dismissed as a Main Action, appearing within melee range of its owner. It cannot carry objects with it during its vanishment aside from the clothing natural to its shape. It has no need for food, water, or sleep. If killed, it vanishes and cannot be re-summoned for 24 hours. Once per day, it can refresh one point of Committed Effort for you.
- AC 14, HP 4, 30' ground movement, saves as Aelfric, +0 skill modifier, no effective attack.
- Specialist-1 (Know): Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.
- HP: 13
- System Strain: 10
- AC: (Unarmored AC: )
- Initiative Bonus:
- Bonus to reaction rolls:
Basic Attack Bonus: +0
- Melee Attack Bonus: -1
- Ranged Attack Bonus:
- weapon, attack value, damage, notes
- weapon2, attack value, damage, notes
Saving Throws
- Physical:
- Evasion:
- Mental:
- Luck:
- Spells/day: L1 X/X | L2 Y/Y | L3 Z/Z
- Effort:
- Effort committed:
Spells memorized
- L1:
- L2:
- L3:
Spells Known:
- L1:
- L2:
- L3:
- X
- Y
- A
- B
- Q
- R
Stashed (where):
- V
- W
- Coinpurse:
- Factor (which factor):
Hired Help
- X
- Y
- Z