Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Aelfric the Cheerful WWN

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Aelfric was raised in a traditional Thorcinga village and practiced as a shipwright for several years, marrying a local Thorcin woman. One day his wife was slain accidentally by a Archontean patrol. Rather than seek vengeance, he decided to strive for understanding. Abandoning the craft he was trained in he began to wander from village to village, striving to understand the human condition, and began writing and reciting poetry to express what he learned.

  • Class L4 Mage
  • Background: Wanderer
  • Class Ability: arcane tradition - High Mage
  • Languages: Archontean (literate), Thorcin, Mithric, +3 others


  • Traits: Honorable yet Manipulative
  • Secondary Skill: Shipwright
  • Neutral, Alignment Goal: Correct an imbalance
  • Personal Goal: Find the ability to forgive others


  • XP: 12


  • Strength 7 (-1)
  • Intelligence 18 (+3)
  • Wisdom 9
  • Dexterity 9
  • Constitution 10
  • Charisma 14 (+1)


  • Magic-2
  • Connect-0
  • Survive-0
  • Know-2 (roll 3d6, keep best 2)
  • Shoot-0
  • Heal-0


  • Spirit Familiar-1: You have a minor spirit, devil, construct, magical beast, or other creature as a devoted companion. While its abilities are limited, it is absolutely loyal to you.
    • Choose a form for your familiar no smaller than a cat nor larger than a human. It may be summoned or dismissed as a Main Action, appearing within melee range of its owner. It cannot carry objects with it during its vanishment aside from the clothing natural to its shape. It has no need for food, water, or sleep. If killed, it vanishes and cannot be re-summoned for 24 hours. Once per day, it can refresh one point of Committed Effort for you.
    • AC 14, HP 4, 30' ground movement, saves as Aelfric, +0 skill modifier, no effective attack.
  • Specialist-1 (Know): Roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die for all skill checks in this skill.


  • HP: 13
  • System Strain: 10
  • AC: (Unarmored AC: )
  • Initiative Bonus: +0

Basic Attack Bonus: +0

  • Melee Attack Bonus: -1
  • Ranged Attack Bonus: +0


  • weapon, attack value, damage, notes
  • weapon2, attack value, damage, notes

Saving Throws

  • Physical: 12
  • Evasion: 9
  • Mental: 11
  • Luck: 12


  • Spells/day: 2/day
  • Effort: 6
  • Effort committed:


  • Counter Magic - Commit Effort for the day as an Instant action when a visible enemy mage casts a spell. Both of you make opposed Int/Magic or Cha/Magic skill checks; if you win, their spell fizzles and is wasted. This art only works on actual spellcasters and not creatures that merely activate magical powers. You can use this art no more than once per round.
  • Sense Magic - Commit Effort as an Instant action; while it remains committed, you can visually perceive magical energy and get a one-sentence description of the effect of any standing magics or magical items you inspect. The ambient magical energies in most areas allow you to see clearly even in conditions of perfect darkness.
  • Suppress Magic - Commit Effort for the day as an On Turn action and target a visible or known magical effect within one hundred feet. The effect is sup- pressed as if by the Extirpate Arcana spell for 1d6 rounds plus the caster’s character level. Spells cast by more powerful casters may not be successfully suppressed, as noted in the spell description. The caster can attempt to suppress an effect only once.
  • Ward Allies - Commit Effort for the day as an Instant action to omit up to six allies from the effects of an area-effect spell you cast, allowing them to avoid any damage or other negative effect that would be directly produced by the spell. This does not protect them from indirect consequences, however, such as destroying the building they are standing in.

Spells Known

  • L1:
    • Apprehending the Arcane Form - The mage opens up their mind to the presence of occult energies. For 15 minutes/level: capable of seeing active magical effects, curses, enchantments, or other dweomers as colored auras or patterns of light. They may identify magical items and get a one-sentence description of their purpose or most significant powers, and may get more sophisticated answers with successful Wis/Magic skill checks at difficulties of 8 or more depending on the subtlety of the enchantment. Mages with prepared spells are visible to the caster, though which spells the subject might have prepared is not knowable. As a side effect of this spell, the ambient thaumic currents cast enough quasi-light to allow the caster to see normally even in perfect darkness.
    • The Coruscating Coffin - A thaumic discharge is focused on a single visible creature within one hundred feet per caster level, wreathing them in a lethal mantle of crackling energy. 1d8 damage/caster level, Physical save for 1/2. Cannot be blocked by non-magical intervening barriers, provided the caster can see the target with their unaided vision.
    • Wardpact Invocation - This spell may be cast in two different forms:
      • If it targets a creature within 200 feet, the target becomes partially immune to physical weapons; any weapon hit on them requires the attacker make a successful Physical save or the hit is negated. This effect lasts for one round per two caster levels, rounded up, and can’t target the caster.
      • If it targets a visible weapon within two hundred feet, that weapon is rendered entirely harmless and unable to inflict damage for the rest of the scene, with no saving throw. The spell may only affect a given target or weapon once per scene and natural body weapons aren’t affected.
    • Wind of Final Repose - The mage designates a visible point within two hundred feet. A silent, invisible burst of soporific influence erupts from that point, targeting all living creatures within a twenty-foot radius. All such targets with 4 or fewer hit dice within that area fall unconscious instantly, and can be roused only by damage or by a Main Action used to kick them awake. If not roused, they revive at the end of the scene. Entities that do not sleep are immune to this spell.
  • L2:
    • Conjunction of the Inexorable Step - A visible target within a hundred feet is immediately teleported to any visible, solid resting point within a half-mile, provided the target point has enough room to accept them and it is not a position of imminent physical peril. Unattended objects can be translocated by the spell, but they can be no larger than a horse. Unwilling creatures targeted by this spell may make a Mental saving throw to resist; on a success, it is the caster who is transported to the intended destination instead.
    • Decree of Lithic Dissolution - Stone, earth, sod, sand, or other largely mineral material is reduced to a faint spray of fine dust by this sorcery, though metal and enchanted objects are unaffected. The caster nominates up to one contiguous 10-foot cube per caster level in a visible area within one hundred feet per caster level, causing all such stone or mineral material within the cubes to disappear. Such rapid destruction may well cause larger structures to collapse as well. If used against rock-based monsters, the spell does 1d10 damage per caster level, with a Physical save for half.
    • Mantle of Disjecting Dissection - A visible willing creature within thirty feet is surrounded by a whirl of razor-sharp energy shards. Anyone who attempts to touch the target or make a melee attack against them must make an Evasion saving throw or suffer 1d6 damage plus the caster’s level before resolving their attack. The field of blades is indiscriminate and will affect even allies trying to touch the target. The blades remain as long as the target gives up a Move Action each round in order to avoid disrupting them from within, up to a maximum of one scene.
    • Resounding Temporal Echo - The caster imbues one visible ally/caster level with a burst of tremendous speed as their localized time begins to flow more rapidly. For 1d4+1 rounds, all subjects get an extra Main Action during their turn. This Main Action may not be used to cast spells or use arts. This spell severely taxes those who take advantage of it, adding 1 System Strain for each round in which the recipient takes the bonus action.




  • X
  • Y


  • A
  • B


  • Q
  • R

Stashed (where):

  • V
  • W


  • Coinpurse:
  • Factor (which factor):

Hired Help


  • X


  • Y


  • Z
