After The Storm: Second Wave InactiveCharacters

Background and Description[edit]
“Well, if it isn’t Marshal Monsoon! No, no… I got it… it’s Deputy Downpour!” – One of the CounterSup Marshals that Gav worked with before gaining powers during the Second Storm.
Gavriil Bolt is the child of the Winter Witch, Sasha Zima, and LT Derek Bolt. Sasha is a full member of the Coven and Bolt became one of the Coven's chief enforcers after Ironsight was destroyed. Bolt is actually running operations for the Coven while the main members are away supporting other cities in the wake of the Second Storm.
Gav is under no illusions that the world is a kind place. He understands that his parents and the Coven are something of a force for good, even if he doesn't like their methods. More specifically, he worries he's a little too much like his parents, that he'd be too willing to take matters into his own hands. He's a little worried that he won't know where the 'line' is and won't be able to stop himself from crossing it.
Part of joining the Marshals and working to join the CounterSup unit was to get an external code of rules and moral structure to keep him in check, but still allow him to help the city.
As a Bolt, his father ensured Gav was trained in combat from a young age.
He has a younger sister, Oksana (Sana) who is 14. Gav and Sana were close growing up, but this last year with Gav going through Marshal training and CounterSup training, they have grown apart. As far as Gav knows, Sana doesn't have any abilities, but she has been spending more and more time with their mother, at least until she left with the rest of the Coven.
Gav has medium brown hair, gray eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a muscular build honed through extensive martial arts training.
Motivation: Justice. Seeing the guilty punished and the innocent protected. He doesn't trust himself to keep his anger in check, so he joined the Marhals.
Secret Identify: But he gained (or activated) his powers during the Second Storm, in the middle of a CounterSup training event.
Responsibility/Relationship: Oksana (Sana) Bolt. Gav's 14 year old sister. Once close, they grew apart over the last year. SHe was once close with Diana Voloshyn, but their parents have been limiting their interaction for the last couple of years.
As far as Gav knows, Sana does not have any powers.
Relationship: LT Derek Bolt, Gav's father. Bolt was a child of the Ironsight Foster home and formerly an enforcer for Ironsight. He went to work with the coven and eventually married the Winter Witch. Bolt has risen high within the organization and now oversees operations in New York while the Coven members are off supporting other cities.
Relationship: Sasha Zima, the Winter Witch and Gav's mother. She has been labeled both a hero and a villain but doesn't really care what people call her, focusing more on her goals.
Gav feels like he has her single-minded focus, but not her ability to 'not care' what others think of him. He desperately wants to curb his impulses and be a hero.
Rivalry: Mercury, AKA "Merc" is a young hero that went to basic training with Cloudburst. He can turn his body into liquid metal, making him all but immune to physical attacks. He can also harden parts of it for short periods to use as tools or weapons.
He is the son and protege of Bonespike and the Man and has been trained by both of them. This makes him a little arrogant, in a "I've been trained by the very best!" sense. Especially when that gets combined with near invulnerability to physical damage. And Jie is not the kind of mother who would discourage that kind of sentiment. "Oh, he is just confident, and that is a good thing."
Temper: The thing that Gav worries about and the reason he joined the Marshals?
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 2
- Stamina 4
- Agility 4
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 0
- Intellect 0
- Awareness 2
- Presence 0
- Dodge (Agility) 4+ (9) = 13
- Parry (Fighting) 0+(13) = 13
- Fortitude (Stamina) 4 + (6) = 10
- Toughness (Stamina) 4+3+(0) = 7
- Will (Awareness) 2 + (8) = 10
- Fighting (Staff) +10 6 ranks
- RC: Pistols +10 4 ranks
- Acrobatics +10 6 ranks
- Stealth +10 6 ranks
- Perception +10 8 ranks
- Persuasion +10 10 ranks
- Equipment 1
- Close Combat 4
- Luck 3
- Set Up 2
- Teamwork 1
- All Out Attack 1
- Power Attack 1
- Move by action 1
- Initiative: +4
- Attacks:
- Staff: +10
- Other Melee: +4
- Ranged: +4
- Cloud Form (21 points)
- Insubstantial 2 ranks (Immune to physical damage, flow-through openings) (10 points)
- Precise (Flat 1)
- Reaction (2 points)
- Flight 4 (8 points)
- Cloud Senses (4 points)
- Senses: Tactile, Ranged 1, Rapid 1, Extended 1, Acute 1, Penetrate concealment 4 (naturally accurate and radius) Limited (within clouds/steam/mist/fog/vapor/etc…)
- Cloud Cover (9 points)
- Environment 2 ranks (60 ft radius) 9 points
- Extreme Cold/Total Concealment, Selective 5 points per rank noticeable -1 flat
- Electrified Nano-Weapon 25 points
- Affliction 10, Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated) Resisted by fortitude, Cumulative 20 points
- Staff: Damage 8, Multiattack 8, 16 points(Linked)
- Alt: Spear - Damage 8, Penetrating 8 1 point
- Alt: Whip – Affliction 10 Extra condition, (Dodge) (Hindered/Vulnerable, Defenseless/Immobilized) limited to 2 conditions (resisted by Damage or Sleigh tof Hand) Concentration, Elongation 2 30ft 1 point
- Feature: quick change 1 point
- Easily removable -14
- Costume (5 points)
- Protection 3, (3 points, Impervious 3) 6 points
- Removable (-1 points)
- -Headgear - Comlink (free), GPS (1 equipment point)
- -Belt: Power Knuckles, Restraints, Mini Tracker (3 equipment points)
- -Lining: Cold Insulation (1 equipment point)
Carlos "Cosmos" Metzieres[edit]

Background and Description[edit]
After the birth of Conrad, his mother Coral decided to walk the straight and narrow. She turned her powers into a job as a repair person for satellites and an assistant on space missions. Many were happy to pay her insane rates rather than pay to launch astronauts which would cost even more money. She met Carlos' father soon after,
By the age of thirteen, Carlos began to show powers, which was when Coraline shared her villainous past, including the family secrets they had never spoken about before. "Born into his boos" as Conrad would say, Carlos couldn't imagine his mother as anything but the stable influence she had become. His interest with space grew with his powers, till he was eventually doing research on foreign planets, going so far as to escort satellites out of the solar system and farther into space than had ever been previously explored. It was this time of his life, he spent working closely with NASA, getting to know many within the government and assisting them whenever he could.
When the second storm arrived, Carlos wasn't on Earth. He was sent to investigate it, in attempt to help the scientific community understand it. Not only did the equipment he was sent with not survive, but it pushed his interstellar flight harder than he thought was possible, sending him completely out of the universe, and into the pocket universe that is Continuum. Luckily Continuum was able to return Carlos to his planet of origin.
Upon his return, the heroes that protected his home were gone, and Carlos couldn't help but take up the mantle in their absence.
Description: Carlos is a young man. He has a thin build under his mother's broad shoulders. His limbs are much thinner than hers, but he has the same dark complexion. At a glance one might assume he's a swimmer. His eyes are large and expressive, often betraying his thoughts or feelings in most situations. His hair grows thick and curly but he keeps it impeccably styled, typically leaning towards natural afro hairstyles.
Costume: Cosmos wears a skin tight blue outfit with a black chest and belt. At a glance the chest appears to be covered in white dots, but any closer inspection would recognize it as how space appears from earth in the Northern hemisphere. His gloves and boots are solid black.
Motivation: Patriotism
Quirk: Open Book*
Temper: Mother's history#
- Carlos may try, but no one believes his lies, and he's too emotional to hide his feelings.
- Carlos knows a very different Coraline than most. He's protective, and easily angered by those who only see her as a villain.
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 0
- Stamina 0
- Agility 0
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 0
- Intellect 7 (14)
- Awareness 4 (8)
- Presence 0
- Dodge: 10
- Parry: 10
- Fortitude: 10
- Toughness: 10
- Will: 6
- Expertise: Science - 10 (5)
- Ranged Combat - 10 (5)
- Investigation - 10 (5)
- Perception - 10 (5)
- Insight - 10 (5)
- Jack of all trades (1)
- Benefits: Security Clearance (1)
- Flight. 8 (16)
- Immunity 2 [suffocation effects] (2)
- Immunity [vacuum] 1 (1)
- Immunity [heat] 1 (1)
- Immunity [cold] 1 (1)
- Immunity [radiation] 1 (1)
- Immunity [high pressure] 1 (1)
- Movement. Space travel 3 (6)
- Movement. Permeate 3 (6)
- Damage Ranged 10 (20) - Cosmic Energy
Powers Description: Cosmos crackles with cosmic energy. It appears as blue static electricity that snaps about his skin. It's easily concealed by loose fitting clothes, but not by his costume (though anyone talking to him for any length of time will notice it around his face). When Using his powers, this effect crackles brighter and more seemingly (though there's no actual effect - other than his ranged damage effect) more violently. When flying, he leaves a blue streak behind him that fades in a moment. When walking through objects, there's a momentary blue echo of his form left behind as well. If all of his powers were cancelled, the cosmic energy would stop crackling as it's a distinct visual representation of his immunities.
Background and Description[edit]
Matroskin's 'real name' is Robert Blake, named for one of the first PoC serving in America to receive the Medal of Honor in a naval engagement.
His Dad is William "Wild Bill" Blake, who met Robert's Mum, a white tiger by the name of
снегопад* via the Witches. She's an ex Vegas resident, offspring of a now defunct magic act white tiger.
Snow was brought as a cub to New York and escaped from captivity after First Storm and some rather strange powers manifesting for the first time, including becoming way smarter than the average tiger, and like Bill, an animal with the power of human-like speech.
She is a cryo-kinetic, can cause small localized hail and snowstorms, manipulate air currents and chill the area around her enough to cause ice to form on nearby surfaces, and ice coat herself for improvised armour. Her ability to fly is more like Frozone's (From The Incredibles movies) Ice Surfing ability in that she needs to be able to build an ice sheet under her as she goes to do so.
Snow is also amazingly chill for a tigress, but particularly unforgiving of those humans who kill animals for sport.
- 'Snowfall' in Russian, usually known simply as 'Snow' because I'm lousy at rendering Russian script into English pronunciation.
Matroskin is like his mother in that he has Telekinesis with the sort of fine control that would allow manipulating air currents as well as small and delicate technical components, and prefers to use finesse rather than force where possible.
Like Bill, he shares a fascination with technology and the uses of it, a love of fictional media and an eagerness to explore the strange new world of Post Storm America. He may have also picked up his dad's sometimes disturbing sense of humor, but is more of a jester than a Joker or a Comedian.
He has close ties with Ms Elsewhere's family, particularly her not so small now cousin Zoe, and with Swanncorp's joint CEOs.
I would expect he'd also know a lot of The Farm's ex-inhabitants, and The Odds as well, and may have connestions to the Witches via Snow.
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 6 (2 innate + 4 from growth)
- Stamina 4 (0 innate +4 from growth)
- Agility 4
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 4
- Intellect 4
- Awareness 3
- Presence 1
- Dodge: 8 (Agi 4 + 8 bonus -2 growth)
- Parry: 8 (ftg 4 + 8 bonus -2 growth)
- Fortitude: 10 (sta 4 +6 bonus)
- Toughness: 12 (sta 4 + 5 tiger hide + 3 to shields)
- Will: 10 (Awe 3 + 7 bonus)
- Acrobatics +6
- Athletics +8
- Close combat (unarmed) +10 (for 14 total)
- Expertise (science) +10
- Intimidation +8 (11 total +1 pre +2 growth)
- Investigation +4
- Perception +6
- Persuasion +8
- Range combat (to thrown) +10
- Stealth +10 (10 total + 4 Agi -4 growth)
- Technology +6
- Inventor (make new pieces of technology)
- Move by action
- Tracking
- Animal empathy
- Improvised tools
- Equipment 1
- Tiger hide: protection 5: innate +1: 6
- Tiger leap: leaping 2: innate+1, requires acrobatics -1/r: 2
- Tiger senses: Sense 2 (acute smell, low light vision): 2
- Tiger Size: growing 4: permanent +0, innate +1: 11
- Tk shields: protection 3: sustained +0: 3
- TK: move object 10: precise+1, concentration -1/r: 11
- Alt:Tk Flight: flight 5:: 1
Background and Description[edit]
Father, Alan Cooperton/Firehand.
Mother, Fiona Hanrahan.
Uncle, Dominic Cooperton, Alan's brother. Married.
Aunt, Mabel Cooperton, Alan's sister, who is also the hero Corona. Mabel is married to Sallali, who also works for/with the Cooperton family.
(Both spouses have shares in the business)
Peter manifested power recently, maybe a year or two before the Second Wave. Before that he worked at home, in the business established by his grandparents.
ETA Fiona found work as a staff member at Riker's Island not long after the change of management due to the Protector's raid.
Mabel had ocassion to visit Riker's: she and Fiona hit it off, and later Mabel introduced her to Alan. They hit it of and soon Fiona was a regular visitor to the Cooperton home.
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 0
- Stamina 2
- Agility 3
- Dexterity 6
- Fighting 3
- Intellect 1
- Awareness 3
- Presence 2
- Dodge: 5 (agl 3 +5 bonus =8)
- Parry: 5 (fgt 3 + 5 bonus = 8)
- Fortitude: 8 (sta 2 + 8 bonus = 10)
- Toughness: 0 (sta 2 +0 bonus+10 force field = 12)
- Will: 7 (awe 3 + 7 bonus = 10)
- Technology 2
- Insight 4
- Intimate 4
- Perception 4
- Persuasion 4
- Kinetic Forcefield
- Protection 5: sustained +0, impervious +1/r:10
- Protection 5: sustained +0: 5Damage 3: reaction +1/r: 6
- Immunity 5: direct kinetic energy:5
- Auto kinetic control
- Flight 7: aquatic+1, distracting-1/r, subtle+1:9
- (aquatic because moving through water should be as easy as air, subtle because I assume there is no obvious effect with your flight, distracting because I needed to drop the cost and mentally moving your self like a rag doll would be distracting)
- Kinetic control
- Damage 14: ranged:28Move object 7: subtle, perception: (1/28)
- Quick change
- Feature::1
Background and Description[edit]
Fame: Even outside of their superheroic identity, they are known are a foremost expert in both science and magic.
Motivation: Discovery: With all that has happened in the world since the Storm, Luminary is driven to understanding the origins of the Storm and the strange effects it has had on the Earth and the creatures that live there.
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 0
- Stamina 0
- Agility 0
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 0
- Intellect 8
- Awareness 0
- Presence 0
- Dodge: 8
- Parry: 8
- Fortitude: 12
- Toughness: 12
- Will: 8
- Expertise: Magic 10 (+18)
- Expertise: Science 10 (+18)
- Investigation 4 (+12)
- Ranged Combat: The Living Light 8 (+8)
- Technology 10 (+18)
- Treatment 4 (+12)
- Artificer
- Contacts
- Eidetic Memory
- Interpose
- Inventor
- Power Attack
- Ritualist
Initiative +0
- Affliction: Affliction 10, +0 (DC Fort 20)
- Grab, +0 (DC Spec 10)
- Light Blast: Damage 12, +8 (DC 27)
- Throw, +0 (DC 15)
- Unarmed, +0 (DC 15)
- Glowing Aura: Protection 12 (+12 Toughness; Impervious, Sustained)
- Light Flight: Flight 8 (Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)
- Quick Change: Feature 1
- The Living Light
- Affliction: Affliction 10 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 20; Limited: Vision Only)
- Healing Light: Healing 12
- Light Blast: Damage 12 (DC 27; Increased Range: ranged)
- Light Constructs: Create 10 (Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20)
Arcanist - William Martinez and Koryyk[edit]
Background and Description[edit]
Age: 17 and N/A
Archetype: Magical bruiser/tank with some hellish flair
Appearance: Mostly will looks like a regular, if tall and gangly, teenager. Dresses in clothes that hang loosely from him in a (failing) attempt to hide his lack of sports star muscles. Once a fight starts though Koryyk brings the supernatural to the fore, manifesting longer arms and fingers with additional joints, a gaping razor toothed jaw and unfathomably sharp razor talons.
Backstory: William's home and birth family was caught up in some natural disaster or superpowered mayhem leaving only him, at age 9, alive and in a devastated city alone for several weeks until he was rescued by the relief operation. He was adopted by the Martinez family in New York and became close to them as another part of their family.
While rummaging through some old bits at a second hand shop he found a book. An iron bound book. He took it home and spent many hours reading, furiously scribbling notes and stapling them together, sticking post it notes to it and trying to make some of the magic it spoke of work. And he had, some, minor, success. Until he flipped to the back of the book after a particularly frustrating day and drew a symbol he...probably...should not have. A voice of smokeless fire spoke to him and begged him for help. It was a creature from distant planes, it's home shattered by something unknowable and it fled in terror, knowing its death was approaching. William could not abandon it to such an end and helped it through where it came to rest inside his mind. Or soul. He's yet to work out which or if there even is a distinction.
This is no demonic possession however. This is a willing bond that comes with many benefits and more than likely some unforseen drawbacks...
Demonic refugee: magical senses, arcane warding and those attuned to such things will detect the presence of Koryyk in William
Everything's new to someone: William is young and has had a demon inside him for all of a month, he's never kissed a girl, never fought a super villain and sure as hell hasn't decided what to do with his life. If someone is going to make a naive mistake it'll be Will...or Koryyk who only learned what a human was a month ago...
Character Sheet[edit]
- Strength 10 (20)
- Stamina 12 (24)
- Agility 4 (8)
- Dexterity 0
- Fighting 0
- Intellect 4 (8)
- Awareness 0
- Presence 0
- Dodge: 4
- Parry: 8
- Fortitude: 12
- Toughness: 12
- Will: 8
- Expertise: Magic 10 (5)
- Acrobatics 4 (2)
- Athletics 10 (5)
- Insight 10 (5)
- Intimidation 6 (3)
- Perception 4 (2)
- All Out Attack 1
- Accurate Attack 1
- Defensive Attack 1
- Diehard 1
- Improved Critical 4
- Great Endurance 1
- Interpose 1
- Luck 1
- Power Attack 1
- Ritualist 1
- Second Chance: mind control 1 (my thinking for these three is that there are actually two minds in one body so both have to be controlled for it to work)
- Second Chance: emotional control 1
- Second Chance: perception alteration 1
- Takedown 2
- Close Attack 10
- Demonic Manifestations 15
- Regeneration 10
- Claws and Teeth 5pts
- Strength Damage +0, Close Attack Advantage +0
- Affects Insubstantial +2
- Incurable +1
- Penetrating +2
- William’s spell book 5pts
- Array of 3 effects +2
- Flight 3, concentration +3
- Environment Control: Light 3 +3
- Senses 3 (Detect Magic 2, Extended 1)